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[PS3] - GameSonic Manager v3.11 : MAMBA payload CFW DEX

Message non luPosté: 23 Juil 2014, 12:35
par Snookyyyy

GameSonic Manager revient sur le devant de la scène avec une nouvelle version estampillé v3.11, avec l'ajout du MAMBA payload pour les CFW 3.55, 4.41 et 4.46 DEX ainsi que la correction du bug du spoof remover.

GameSonic Manager v3.11 Changelog:
Added payload mamba 3:55 DEX, 4:41 and 4:46 DEX DEX thanks Joonie.
Fixed a bug in the spoof remover.

GameSonic Manager v3.10 Changelog:
Auto-rename files explore_plugin.sprx depending on the CFW in use (if the CFW is 4:46 explore_plugin_446.sprx renames the manager, even if the update or downgrade the fw manager will rename all automatically), so the manager does not comes in a excess weight and you do not need a discless addon.
Fixed various bugs in the file manager. (Lv1 Lv2-dump, and other small bugs)
Added last payload mamba 4.46DEX by Joonie.
Added spoof Installer / Remover to 4.60 for CFW 4:46 to 4:55 CEX (including cobras).
Added to the plugin installer Webman mod.
Cleaned Advanced Tools menu.
Now in the Advanced Tools menu vissualizzerete the payload that is using the manager.
If spoofing Gamesonic Manager is the active manager will detect it and display it in the global menu option.
Gui Manager reconstructed from 0 and made faster and more efficient.
Added protection in the spoof Installer / remover to avoid the semi-brick (if the manager will detect spoof already installed will show the remove option and not a full installation)
Added scan of the cover of the folder Multiman, if the manager will find there the cover will apply automatically (Install the cover pack to get all the cover).
Updated source code for the version of Singstar Replacament and cleaned from unnecessary strings.
Code: Select All Code
Changelog 3.08:
-Fixed a bug that prevented the start of the backups on Custom Firmware 4.60.
-Added the latest patch WebMan (Thanks Aldo Vargas and Deank).
-Updated Plugin Installer with the latest version of WebMan for Custom Firmware 4.60.

Changelog 3.07:
-Added protections anti-ode by Habib
-Now the manager show the current version on the global menu option
-Updated detection CFW for new payload Mamba.
-Added payload Mamba 4:46 DEX by Orion & Joonie.
-Added payload mamba poer CFW 4.21-4.40-4.41 by Joonie

Changelog 3.05:
- Fixed bug with the Payload mamba 3.55
- Added payload Mamba 4.50 by Joonie
- Added payload Mamba 4.60 by Joonie, Aldo Vargas, Orion90, Evilnat

Changelog 3.04:
- Fixed bug on CFW 4.60 in change console id.
- Updated File Manager.
- Reintegrated background images.
- Added payload Mamba for CFW 3.55 to 4.30.

Changelog 3.03:
- Fixed bug BDEMU CFW 4.60
- Changed APPID in GMANAGER9

Changelog 3.02:
- Added fix black screen a bit modified to make it compatible with this fork (Thanks Aldo Vargas)
- Added compatibility patch "0x80010009" for CFW 4.60 (Thanks PS3ITA team for this patch)
- Now in the global menu options will be detected and shown the version of Gamesonic manager running

Changelog 3.00:
- Automatic detection of CFW in the Global menu (Version, Kernel Mode (CEX / DEX), Patch Cobra, Mamba Payload)
- Added payload 4.60 (Thanks Habib)
- Added payload to change console id of 4.60
- Added payload mamba for CFW 4.50DEX (Thanks to Rancid-O)
- Updated French language
- Capturing console id from file IDPs [BETA FUNCTION]
- Fix errors with the app psn for cfw 4.60 cex and 4:55 dex
- Added discless file for CFW 4.60

GameSonic Manager v3.11

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