MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

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MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

Message non lupar Maxime Claudel » 09 Déc 2015, 12:52

Quels sont les changements à l'horizon ?

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Re: MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

Message non lupar goth34 » 09 Déc 2015, 13:36

D'après certains sur le forum iOS de Jv.troll, l'autonomie du 6s est moins bonne (mais ils ont pas tester sur plusieurs jours juste sur quelques heure)
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Re: MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

Message non lupar screamX » 09 Déc 2015, 14:03

Le watch os a été mis à jour aussi en version 2.1 il me semble.
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Re: MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

Message non lupar MDProz » 09 Déc 2015, 14:38


Le Change Log complet de cette MAJ iOS 9.2 (en anglais :D):
- Apple Music improvements
You can now create a new playlist when adding a song to a playlist
Your most recently changed playlist is now listed at the top when adding songs to playlists
Download albums or playlists from your iCloud Music Library by tapping the iCloud download button
See which songs have been downloaded with the new download indicator next to each song in My Music and Playlists
See works, composers, and performers while browsing Classical music in the Apple Music catalog
- A new Top Stories section in News so you can stay up to date with the most important news of the day (available in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia)
- Mail Drop in Mail for sending large attachments
- iBooks now supports 3D Touch to peek and pop pages from the table of contents, your notes and bookmarks, or from search results inside a book
- iBooks now supports listening to an audiobook while you browse your library, read other books, or explore the iBooks Store
- iPhone support for the USB Camera Adapter to import photos and videos
- Improved stability of Safari
- Improved stability of Podcasts
- Fixing an issue that caused mail attachments to be inaccessible for some users with POP email accounts
- Resolving an issue for some users that caused attachments to overlap text in mail
- Fixing an issue where Live Photos could have turned off after restoring from a previous iCloud backup
- Addressing an issue that could cause search in Contacts to display no results
- Resolving an issue that could have prevented Calendar from displaying all seven days in week view
- Fixing an issue where Camera screen on iPad could be black when attempting to capture video
- Addressing an issue that could cause instability in the Activity app when viewing the day of Daylight Savings Time transition
- Fixing an issue that could prevent data from appearing in Health
- Fixing an issue that could prevent Wallet updates and Lock screen alerts from displaying
- Addressing an issue where updating iOS could prevent an alarm from going off
- Fixing an issue where some users were unable to login to Find my iPhone
- Fixing an issue that prevented some manual iCloud Backups from completing
- Addressing an issue where using the iPad keyboard could unintentionally trigger text selection mode
- Improved keyboard responsiveness when using Quick Reply
- Improved punctuation input on the 10-key Chinese (Pinyin & Stroke) keyboards with new expanded view of punctuation symbols and better predictions
- Fixing an issue on Cyrillic keyboards where caps lock would be enabled when typing in URL or email fields
- Accessibility improvements
Fixing issues with VoiceOver when using Camera face detection
Adding support for VoiceOver to wake up the screen
Adding support for VoiceOver to invoke app switcher with 3D Touch gesture
Fixing an issue with Guided Access when trying to end phone calls
Improved functionality for Switch Control users when using 3D Touch
Fixing an issue with speech rate of Speak Screen
- Siri support for Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates)

Si le cœur dit à quelqu'un de traduire, ne pas hésiter :)

screamX Wrote:Le watch os a été mis à jour aussi en version 2.1 il me semble.

Oui exact!

goth34 Wrote:D'après certains sur le forum iOS de Jv.troll, l'autonomie du 6s est moins bonne (mais ils ont pas tester sur plusieurs jours juste sur quelques heure)

J'ai un doute mais cette version améliore la consommation. La bêta 4 l'indiquait déjà un peu sauf erreur.
Dans tous les cas, si consommation importante il y a, les News ne tarderont pas à fuser sur la Toile :D

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Re: MISE A JOUR - iOS 9.2 disponible pour tous

Message non lupar jessica68160 » 11 Jan 2016, 00:27

bonjour esque kelkun peut m'aider enfaite jai acheter un iphone 5s d'occasion et il y a toujour le compte icloud de l'ancien proprietaire et moi jai essailler de le metre a zero ben mtn jui bloquer sur lactivation du iphone et je ne sais pas comment faire pour l'activer vu ke je nest pas le mot de passe et il ne ma pas donner la facture :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: mercie a se qui pouron m'aider :D :D :D :D :D et bonne fin de soirer
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