[CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
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[CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
This theme originally was made by -lilfibz- on 3.52 m33 & moded soon by me,to black version.
Now its back on 5.50 gen by Mudbone conversion(white version) & im mod again to black
Speciall thx for RcoEditor1.15c to Zinga..
and big thx for all people,whos work on this theme & make it alive on 5.50!
Download link: ... ..ctf.html
Dernière édition par caracoye le 26 Déc 2009, 15:06, édité 1 fois.
Old School Fat
- = : System Software 5.5o GEN™ : = -
- = : System Software 5.5o GEN™ : = -
- Diabelski Chojrak Gamer Débutant
- Messages: 1
- Inscription: 19 Fév 2009, 11:53
Re: [CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
Pas mal ... Mais en faudra plus pour m'arracher de mon bon vieux V1 Gentix .
PSP 1004 Fat Black 5.50 GEN-D3
COD 6 Hardcore player: ID PSN => blanchet76
COD 6 Hardcore player: ID PSN => blanchet76
Psp Gen member since 2008
Gamer Maitre
- Messages: 263
- Inscription: 07 Oct 2008, 15:59
- Localisation: Cacher dans les forêts à bouffer du bambou !
Re: [CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
+1 Panda, moi je suis a fond dans les deux WALL V1, surtou celui avec le coldboot
V1gentrix bleu^^
Ce theme est aussi tres bien mais ne supporte pas le FR
V1gentrix bleu^^
Ce theme est aussi tres bien mais ne supporte pas le FR
Gamer Pro
- Messages: 119
- Inscription: 20 Nov 2011, 10:16
- Prénom: aymeric
- Pays: France
Re: [CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
sorry for my bad english
your theme is very good
good bye
sorry for my bad english
your theme is very good
good bye
Gamer Bronze
- Messages: 1628
- Inscription: 26 Juil 2008, 11:09
- Pays: France
Re: [CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
I like the design of your creation especialy as everyone know the difficultie to realize a CTF. The idea is very original but I'me sure that you can continue to keep increasing. GOOD JOB
Gamer Pro
- Messages: 139
- Inscription: 23 Juin 2009, 13:38
Re: [CTF] Black Serenity 5.50
Your theme is realy nice, but not compatible with "French" system language...
Gamer Bronze
- Messages: 1638
- Inscription: 13 Déc 2008, 15:05
- Pays: France
- Sexe: Homme
6 messages
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