[Ctf] Bleach 6 [5.50]

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[Ctf] Bleach 6 [5.50]

Message non lupar diabuluz » 17 Jan 2010, 12:00


hi all I'm Mexican and I modified several themes to my taste and I hope to this well they like since it's my modified version . the V6 ^^ . thank for creating the v2 the theme Eugeneslz16 ,

Menu XMB

Menu , MusiC

Gameboot in [HD]

Thx For Creator ^^

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Gamer du Dimanche
Messages: 10
Inscription: 03 Juil 2009, 01:00
Localisation: Tijuana B.c Mexico

Re: [Ctf] Bleach 6 [5.50]

Message non lupar bob » 17 Jan 2010, 15:52

i like
Testeur de iOS avant la sortie officiel pour tous ^^
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