[GAMEBOOTS] par Arii2 [3.71/.../5.00M33] MAJ 29/04/09
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Avant de poster votre sujet lié au jailbreak de votre console. Merci de consulter l'univers undeground PSP.
Cette section reste soumise aux règles du forum, aucun contenu warez, illégal et dangereux n'est toléré.
Avant de poster votre sujet lié au jailbreak de votre console. Merci de consulter l'univers undeground PSP.
Cette section reste soumise aux règles du forum, aucun contenu warez, illégal et dangereux n'est toléré.
[GAMEBOOTS] par Arii2 [3.71/.../5.00M33] MAJ 29/04/09
salut à tous, désolé d'avoir lâché l'affaire mais j'avais d'autres obligations.
alors au programme une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle.
la vais arrêter les gameboots sur ce forum.
la suis en train de faire un blog dédié uniquement à ça.
au début, je ressortirai mes anciens gameboots de mes cartons (apparement pas mal de lien sont morts).
au fil du temps, je rajouterai de nouveaux gameboots.
donc patience... pour mon blog c'est ICI
Merci de laisser vos commentaires.
Je ne serai pas responsable si vous brickez votre psp.
Dans votre flash0, écrasez le fichier gameboot.pmf du dossier vsh/resource par celui que vous avez télécharger.
Playstation Freedom NEW
psp gameboot - playstation_freedom by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Napster NEW
psp gameboot - napster by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - napster_loading by arii2.rar - 0.36MB
Hibis NEW
psp gameboot - hibis by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
Tekken 6 NEW
psp gameboot - tekken_6 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - tekken_6_jin by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Playstation Syndrome NEW
psp gameboot - playstation by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_4 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.28MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
Project Gotham Racing 4
psp gameboot - project_gotham_racing_4 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Bleach "Bankai"
psp gameboot - bankai by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Ce gameboot existait déjà mais n'arrivant pas à mettre la main dessus, j'en ai fait un aussi.
Sega Rally
psp gameboot - sega_rally by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
EA Games
psp gameboot - ea_games by arii2.rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - starlight by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - mystic by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Resident Evil
psp gameboot - resident evil by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Umbrella Corp
psp gameboot - umbrella corp by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
Road On Fire
psp gameboot - road on fire by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - saturn by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
7 Dragons
psp gameboot - 7 dragons by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - phenix by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - pentacle by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - samurai by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - renaissance by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
psp gameboot - trinity by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - matriculé by arii2 .rar - 0.29MB
psp gameboot - gems_blue by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - gems_orange by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - osiris by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - Twisted by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - sunrise by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Daft Punk
psp gameboot - daft punk_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - evanescence by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
Mär Merci à harioule pour les vidéos.
psp gameboot - mar by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
psp gameboot - mar_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - soulcalibur by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Dance Crew
psp gameboot - dance crew by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Star Wars
psp gameboot - star wars_6 by arii2 .rar - 0.38MB
psp gameboot - star wars_7 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - star wars_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - star wars_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - star wars_5 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Ghost Rider
psp gameboot - ghost rider_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - ghost rider_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Kill Bill
psp gameboot - kill bill_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - kill bill_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - flamme by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - 300_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - 300_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - 300_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Hot Import Nights
psp gameboot - hin by arii2 .rar - 0.27MB
Initial D
psp gameboot - initial d by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Japan Flag
psp gameboot - japan by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Need For Speed - Pro Street
psp gameboot - nfs1 by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - nfs2 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
Dragon Ball Z
psp gameboot - dbz6 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - dbz2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - dbz3 by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - dbz4 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - dbz1 by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
God Of War
psp gameboot - god of war by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
Iron Man
psp gameboot - ironman1 by arii2 .rar - 0.48MB
psp gameboot - ironman2 by arii2.rar - 0.52MB
M.V.P / Roc Ya Body
psp gameboot - mvp1 by arii2 .rar - 0.44MB
psp gameboot - mvp2 by arii2 .rar - 0.53MB
psp gameboot - mvp3 by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - mvp4 by arii2 .rar - 0.44MB
psp gameboot - mvp5 by arii2 .rar - 0.28MB
psp gameboot - mvp6 by arii2 .rar - 0.41MB
psp gameboot - mvp7 by arii2.rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - mvp8 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
Garage Babes
psp gameboot - gb1 by arii2 .rar - 0.63MB
psp gameboot - gb2 by arii2 .rar - 0.61MB
psp gameboot - gb3 by arii2 .rar - 0.61MB
psp gameboot - gb4 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - gb5 by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
Saint Seiya
psp gameboot - saint seiya1 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya2 by arii2 .rar - 0.45MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya3 by arii2 .rar - 0.38MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya4 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
E N J O Y 8) 8)
Hébergeurs utilisés: Imageshack et Z-Share
alors au programme une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle.
la vais arrêter les gameboots sur ce forum.
la suis en train de faire un blog dédié uniquement à ça.
au début, je ressortirai mes anciens gameboots de mes cartons (apparement pas mal de lien sont morts).
au fil du temps, je rajouterai de nouveaux gameboots.
donc patience... pour mon blog c'est ICI
Merci de laisser vos commentaires.
Je ne serai pas responsable si vous brickez votre psp.
Dans votre flash0, écrasez le fichier gameboot.pmf du dossier vsh/resource par celui que vous avez télécharger.
Playstation Freedom NEW
psp gameboot - playstation_freedom by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Napster NEW
psp gameboot - napster by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - napster_loading by arii2.rar - 0.36MB
Hibis NEW
psp gameboot - hibis by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
Tekken 6 NEW
psp gameboot - tekken_6 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - tekken_6_jin by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Playstation Syndrome NEW
psp gameboot - playstation by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_4 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.28MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - pro_evolution_soccer_2007_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
Project Gotham Racing 4
psp gameboot - project_gotham_racing_4 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Bleach "Bankai"
psp gameboot - bankai by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Ce gameboot existait déjà mais n'arrivant pas à mettre la main dessus, j'en ai fait un aussi.
Sega Rally
psp gameboot - sega_rally by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
EA Games
psp gameboot - ea_games by arii2.rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - starlight by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - mystic by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Resident Evil
psp gameboot - resident evil by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Umbrella Corp
psp gameboot - umbrella corp by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
Road On Fire
psp gameboot - road on fire by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - saturn by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
7 Dragons
psp gameboot - 7 dragons by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - phenix by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - pentacle by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - samurai by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - renaissance by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
psp gameboot - trinity by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - matriculé by arii2 .rar - 0.29MB
psp gameboot - gems_blue by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - gems_orange by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - osiris by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - Twisted by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
psp gameboot - sunrise by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Daft Punk
psp gameboot - daft punk_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - evanescence by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
Mär Merci à harioule pour les vidéos.
psp gameboot - mar by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
psp gameboot - mar_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
psp gameboot - madagascar_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - soulcalibur by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Dance Crew
psp gameboot - dance crew by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Star Wars
psp gameboot - star wars_6 by arii2 .rar - 0.38MB
psp gameboot - star wars_7 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - star wars_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - star wars_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - star wars_5 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Ghost Rider
psp gameboot - ghost rider_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - ghost rider_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.36MB
Kill Bill
psp gameboot - kill bill_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - kill bill_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - flamme by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - 300_1 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - 300_2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - 300_3 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Hot Import Nights
psp gameboot - hin by arii2 .rar - 0.27MB
Initial D
psp gameboot - initial d by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
Japan Flag
psp gameboot - japan by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
Need For Speed - Pro Street
psp gameboot - nfs1 by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - nfs2 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
Dragon Ball Z
psp gameboot - dbz6 by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
psp gameboot - dbz2 by arii2 .rar - 0.34MB
psp gameboot - dbz3 by arii2 .rar - 0.32MB
psp gameboot - dbz4 by arii2 .rar - 0.33MB
psp gameboot - dbz1 by arii2 .rar - 0.35MB
God Of War
psp gameboot - god of war by arii2 .rar - 0.30MB
Iron Man
psp gameboot - ironman1 by arii2 .rar - 0.48MB
psp gameboot - ironman2 by arii2.rar - 0.52MB
M.V.P / Roc Ya Body
psp gameboot - mvp1 by arii2 .rar - 0.44MB
psp gameboot - mvp2 by arii2 .rar - 0.53MB
psp gameboot - mvp3 by arii2 .rar - 0.37MB
psp gameboot - mvp4 by arii2 .rar - 0.44MB
psp gameboot - mvp5 by arii2 .rar - 0.28MB
psp gameboot - mvp6 by arii2 .rar - 0.41MB
psp gameboot - mvp7 by arii2.rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - mvp8 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
Garage Babes
psp gameboot - gb1 by arii2 .rar - 0.63MB
psp gameboot - gb2 by arii2 .rar - 0.61MB
psp gameboot - gb3 by arii2 .rar - 0.61MB
psp gameboot - gb4 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
psp gameboot - gb5 by arii2 .rar - 0.40MB
Saint Seiya
psp gameboot - saint seiya1 by arii2 .rar - 0.31MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya2 by arii2 .rar - 0.45MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya3 by arii2 .rar - 0.38MB
psp gameboot - saint seiya4 by arii2 .rar - 0.39MB
E N J O Y 8) 8)
Hébergeurs utilisés: Imageshack et Z-Share
Dernière édition par hassanwak le 01 Mai 2009, 05:01, édité 38 fois.
Gamer Pro
- Messages: 156
- Inscription: 16 Nov 2008, 06:28
J'pense c'est compatible parce que depuis le debut de la customisation des gameboot sont les meme !
Slim and Lite 4.01M33-2
Gamer Pro
- Messages: 144
- Inscription: 30 Sep 2007, 00:00
- Localisation: Brest