bug sur mise a jour vita 2.00

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bug sur mise a jour vita 2.00

Message non lupar biboune11 » 20 Nov 2012, 22:04

apres la mise a jour de ma vita tous mes jeux playstation mobile ne marche plus et indiique un code erreur (C0-14533-6)
pour info je les ais retelecharger mais rien a faire il ne marche plus

hungry girafe,rebel ,et alien breed j'espere que sony va retifie le tir
Avatar de l’utilisateur biboune11 Gamer Pro
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Re: bug sur mise a jour vita 2.00

Message non lupar biboune11 » 21 Nov 2012, 01:21

suis je un cas isolé sur ce proleme ?
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Re: bug sur mise a jour vita 2.00

Message non lupar SniperJay » 21 Nov 2012, 02:24

a priori tu n'es pas le seul. Voila ce que tu doit faire :

The PS Vita struggles with booting PlayStation Mobile games after an update to firmware 2.00 – but it’s not something that’s difficult to fix.

Essentially when you’ve updated the firmware, the next time you run a PS Mobile game it’ll force another update, this time to the PSM Runtime software, the library that actually boots the PSM games from the Vita’s home screen.

That’s only about 8 MB, and is pretty quick to install.

However, trying a game after that, like Alien Breed, and the Vita just throws up a nasty error (CO-14533-6) and exits the game. We’re not sure if that’s with every PSM game, but it’s possible.

The fix is simple: just reboot your PS Vita once both the firmware update and the PSM Runtime update are done and installed, and the games should load just fine.

SniperJay Gamer Bronze
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Re: bug sur mise a jour vita 2.00

Message non lupar biboune11 » 21 Nov 2012, 14:07

merci pour l'info ,en effet apres un reboot tout est revenu a la normale pour les jeux mobile
Avatar de l’utilisateur biboune11 Gamer Pro
Gamer Pro
Messages: 232
Inscription: 01 Juil 2012, 21:44
Pays: France


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