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Problème après un jailbreak! (Résolu)

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Problème après un jailbreak! (Résolu)

Message non lupar arthur1982 » 19 Juil 2012, 21:10

Bonsoir !
J'ai récemment faire l'acquisition d'un iPod Touch V4 dont l'IOS 4.3 (8F190). Après un jailbreak, Cydia ne démarrait pas (crash). J'ai déjà tenté de le restaurer de toutes les façons, même avec un CFW fait avec Sn0wbreeze. La restauration via iTunes m'affiche un message d'erreur (l'iPod "iPod" n'a pas pu être restaure. Une erreur inconnu s'est produite "3194"). Alors j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un paurrait m'apporter de l'aide ! Merci!

J'ai trouvé une solution parallèle avec le tuto : ... 732-2.html
Une fois le DFU atteint, le processus de jailbreak se lancera et votre appareil devrait redémarrer avec Cydia installé, synonyme de réussite. Au premier démarrage Cydia s'affiche sous forme d'icône blanche mais qui devrait fonctionner. Si ce n'est pas le cas, relancez la procédure en sélectionnant « Extras / Just Boot ».
Dernière édition par Campione le 20 Juil 2012, 15:20, édité 1 fois.
arthur1982 Gamer du Dimanche
Gamer du Dimanche
Messages: 31
Inscription: 26 Déc 2011, 20:49
Prénom: Arthur Martial
Pays: Cameroun
Sexe: Homme

Re: Problème après un jailbreak!

Message non lupar bob » 20 Juil 2012, 13:35

Normal que tu est l'erreur car il faut savoir que la version 5.1.1 est sorti depuis un bout de temps déja ;) Donc Apple arrete de la signé. Deux solution s'offre a toi :

Soit tu as le shsh du 4.1 est c'est bon
Soit tu restaure en 5.1.1 et tu peut le jailbreak de façon permanent ;)
Testeur de iOS avant la sortie officiel pour tous ^^
Avatar de l’utilisateur bob Gamer Platine
Gamer Platine
Messages: 11798
Inscription: 03 Oct 2010, 13:41
Pays: France

Re: Problème après un jailbreak!

Message non lupar cabo » 20 Juil 2012, 13:47

l erreur 3194 c ton fichier host qui est modifier
donc va suprimer ses ligne dans ton fichier host

iphone 5 16giga
iOS 6.1.4
jailbreaker avec p0sixspwn
cabo Gamer Bronze
Gamer Bronze
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Inscription: 29 Mai 2012, 13:15
Localisation: epernay
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Re: Problème après un jailbreak!

Message non lupar bob » 20 Juil 2012, 13:52

@ cabo
Oui certe c'est une solution , mais sans le shsh du 4.1 il peut pas restauré en cette version ;) Du plus il n'est plus signé par Apple
Testeur de iOS avant la sortie officiel pour tous ^^
Avatar de l’utilisateur bob Gamer Platine
Gamer Platine
Messages: 11798
Inscription: 03 Oct 2010, 13:41
Pays: France

Re: Problème après un jailbreak!

Message non lupar cabo » 20 Juil 2012, 14:01

apres serieu je voie a quoi sa serre de rester a une version des annee lumiere alor que la 5.1.1 est untethered :excl :excl
et oui sans shsh aucune restauration possible quand le firmware est plus signer
iphone 5 16giga
iOS 6.1.4
jailbreaker avec p0sixspwn
cabo Gamer Bronze
Gamer Bronze
Messages: 1025
Inscription: 29 Mai 2012, 13:15
Localisation: epernay
Prénom: geoffrey
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: Problème après un jailbreak!

Message non lupar arthur1982 » 20 Juil 2012, 14:37

Je suis encore en 4.3 tout simplement parce que mon iPod je l'ai acquis il y a mon de deux semaine déjà. J'ai meme essayé de sauvegader les shsh avec TinyUmbrella dans sa dernière version sans succès car il y a un message dans la rubrique log qui dit ceci "07/20/2012 13:29:43.576 Started saving SHSHs for [iPod (Arthur )] 07/20/2012 13:29:56.152 For version [iPod4G 4.3 (8F190)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:29:56.155 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3 (8F190) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:29:56.506 For version [iPod4G 4.3b3 (8F5166b)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:29:56.511 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3b3 (8F5166b) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:29:59.916 For version [iPod4G 5.0b6 (9A5302b)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:29:59.921 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b6 (9A5302b) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:00.110 For version [iPod4G 4.1 (8B117)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:00.115 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.1 (8B117) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:03.291 For version [iPod4G 5.0 (9A334)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:03.350 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0 (9A334) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:03.518 For version [iPod4G 4.2.1 (8C148)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:03.559 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.2.1 (8C148) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:06.136 For version [iPod4G 4.3.4 (8K2)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:06.208 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3.4 (8K2) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:06.619 For version [iPod4G 4.3.2 (8H7)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:06.653 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3.2 (8H7) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:09.418 For version [iPod4G 4.3.3 (8J2)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:09.447 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3.3 (8J2) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:10.789 For version [iPod4G 5.0b7 (9A5313e)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:10.794 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b7 (9A5313e) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:13.245 For version [iPod4G 4.3b1 (8F5148b)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:13.251 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3b1 (8F5148b) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:14.844 For version [iPod4G 5.0b5 (9A5288d)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:14.850 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b5 (9A5288d) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:16.711 For version [iPod4G 5.0b4 (9A5274d)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:16.802 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b4 (9A5274d) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:17.409 For version [iPod4G 4.3.5 (8L1)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:17.415 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3.5 (8L1) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:20.688 For version [iPod4G 4.2b3 (8C5115c)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:20.760 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.2b3 (8C5115c) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:21.142 For version [iPod4G 5.1 (9B176)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:21.213 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.1 (9B176) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:24.088 For version [iPod4G 4.1 (8B118)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:24.128 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.1 (8B118) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:25.304 For version [iPod4G 5.0.1 (9A405)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:25.375 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0.1 (9A405) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:28.358 For version [iPod4G 4.3.1 (8G4)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:28.365 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3.1 (8G4) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:29.225 For version [iPod4G 4.3b2 (8F5153d)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:29.297 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 4.3b2 (8F5153d) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:31.371 For version [iPod4G 5.0b2 (9A5248d)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:31.378 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b2 (9A5248d) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:32.706 For version [iPod4G 5.1b1 (9B5117b)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:32.765 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.1b1 (9B5117b) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:34.011 For version [iPod4G 5.0b3 (9A5259f)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:34.018 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b3 (9A5259f) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:36.372 For version [iPod4G 5.1b3 (9B5141a)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:36.380 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.1b3 (9B5141a) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:37.120 For version [iPod4G 5.0b1 (9A5220p)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:37.128 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.0b1 (9A5220p) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:40.125 For version [iPod4G 5.1b2 (9B5127c)] - This device isn't eligible for the requested build. 07/20/2012 13:30:40.198 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPod4G 5.1b2 (9B5127c) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 07/20/2012 13:30:40.205 Finished saving SHSHs for [iPod ( Arthur )]

Quelle solution me préconisez vous donc, passer en 5.1.1? Et sans shsh, est-ce que c'est possible? Merci !
arthur1982 Gamer du Dimanche
Gamer du Dimanche
Messages: 31
Inscription: 26 Déc 2011, 20:49
Prénom: Arthur Martial
Pays: Cameroun
Sexe: Homme


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