[PS3] - CFW 4.60 ARCH RC1 CEX

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[PS3] - CFW 4.60 ARCH RC1 CEX

Message non lupar Snookyyyy » 21 Oct 2014, 19:27


Depuis le 16 Août 2014, le développeur Arachetous a publié son nouveau CFW 4.60, estampillé CFW 4.60 ARCH RC1 CEX. Ce CFW est construit sur la base de l'OFW 4.60. Voici le changelog des modifications apportés par le développeur.

Log :

CFW ARCH CEX 4.60 version no-spoof build RC1

Features build RC1 :

Made out of 4.60 ofw
Option install_package_file and app_home and are in a stealth folder named PlayStation®3
Patch reactpsn ( use lastest version )
Support InGame XMB ScreenShot Feature
Supports Remote Play
Patch Alphabetical
Patch lv0 to disable coreos ecdsa checking
Patch lv2 to add peek & poke support
Patch lv1 to disable lv2 protection
It can run games signed with keys 4.60 ( original backup game )
Can be updated over any cfw 4.x or 3.x or Officiel 3.55 max.
Patch no bt & bd
Rsod bypass
This CFW is stable
Patch compatibility PSP/PS2/PS1 remaster or Mini
Qa flag enabled by default if ps3 was qa on 3.55
Possibility of downgrade with CFW downgrader
Compatible with any model PS3 (fat or slim)

Note : it is better to install the CFW from recovery mode
MD5 : C48EF5806B6FA8757D84F1DBCBEA0765

A noter que le développeur préconise l'installation via le recovery mode pour ce CFW.

Custom Firmware 4.60 ARCH RC1 CEX

Source : PSX-Scene
Snookyyyy Ancien
Messages: 1758
Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
Prénom: Nicolas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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