[PS3] - CFW 4.60 CEX v1.00 FERROX
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[PS3] - CFW 4.60 CEX v1.00 FERROX
Après la sortie du firmware 4.60 de Sony (OFW), nous avons constaté une ébullition de spoof et de mises à jours d'hombrews permettant un spoof 4.60, et c'est avec le plus grand des plaisirs que nous accueillons le premier CFW 4.60 v1.00 CEX de FERROX.
C'est un CFW Standard mais cependant le premier d'une grande série !
Ce CFW peut être installé à partir d'un CFW ou d'un OFW 3.55 ou inférieur.
Log :
Source : OpenModding
C'est un CFW Standard mais cependant le premier d'une grande série !
Ce CFW peut être installé à partir d'un CFW ou d'un OFW 3.55 ou inférieur.
Log :
CFW 4.60 FERROX BD EDITION 1:00 By Alexander!
Alexander releases CFW 4.60 FERROX to version 1.00. This is the version BD EDITION, then be installed on the console with BD DRIVE functioning. In the coming days Verrano released the BD EDITION NO and Version DualBoot..
Built on an OFW 4.60
Disabled the coreOs and control ECDSA
LV1: patched to remove the protection LV2
LV1: patched coreOs Hash Check (prevents the brick consoles downgradate not dehashed)
LV1: Peek & Poke
LV2: Peek & Poke
Compatibility PS2 Games
Compatibility PSP Games Remastered
Compatibility Games PSP Minis
Key 4.60 (start games with keys 4.xx EBOOT / sprx)
PSN / SEN Enabled.
RSOD Screen Bypass for consoles suffering from RSOD
PS3 BT Remote Patch
PS3 BluRay DISC patch
Compatibility with the latest version of the REACTPSN
App_home/PS3_GAME *
Install Package Files *
Ability to Downgrade from OFW 3:55 with QA enabled.
Upgradeable from any CFW's
Support InGame XMB ScreenShot Feature
Supports Remote Play Feature
Stability as nell'OFW 4.60
Ability to downgrade from any custom firmware with QA enabled.
ONLY BUG: Report the error 80010017 when starting the Backup Originals. This, however, should not compromise the start of the new Babkup Bootable Backup Manager updated with the payload 4.60. We will try to resolve as soon as possible, just figured out where the problem lies.
TESTED Console:
CECH 2004A - Via XMB with System Update Debug ON - From 4:55 HABIB CFW / COBRA without SPOOF.
CECHG04 - Tested and Working.
The FW is very similar to the 4:55 then there have been no tests on all models of the PS3. I did the test on my console and it was fine, clean installation, and all Feature running. However do yourself a backup of the NOR and NAND, for safety.
Unfortunately there are still Backup Manager updated, so you'll have to wait a little.
Additional Test:
atreyu187 - Tested & Brick-free on these models
Source : OpenModding
- Messages: 1758
- Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
- Prénom: Nicolas
- Pays: France
- Sexe: Homme
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