[PS3] - CFW 4.70.1 REX/D-REX REBUG COBRA 7.10
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[PS3] - CFW 4.70.1 REX/D-REX REBUG COBRA 7.10
Un nouveau CFW 4.70.1 Cobra fait son apparition sur la toile et ce n'est autre que celui de la Team REBUG ! En effet les développeurs evilsperm, cyberskunk, Joonie ,Habib et Abkarino ont terminés ce travail en intégrant le nouveau Cobra 7.10 ainsi que la REBUG ToolBox estampillé v02.02.04 ainsi que de nombreuses choses telles que :
Ils ont également ajouté toutes les fonctionnalités des CFW REBUG que l'on aime tant !
Je vous laisse apprécier ce Log si détaillé de la Team REBUG.

Log :
Source :
- webMAN MOD dans sa nouvelle version 1.41.38
- le patch CINAVIA dans sa version complète
Ils ont également ajouté toutes les fonctionnalités des CFW REBUG que l'on aime tant !
Je vous laisse apprécier ce Log si détaillé de la Team REBUG.

Log :
4.70 REBUG REX / D-REX (+ Cobra v7.10)
INCLUDED REBUG TOOLBOX v02.02.04 - Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility
Changelog v02.02.04:
Dump root key on more CFW builds
4.46 CEX
4.65 CEX
4.66 CEX
4.70 CEX
4.70 DEX
Toggle PS2 Emulator
Original PS2 emulator files are included to support full swapping to fix PS2 bug related.
FEATURE COBRA v7.10 Features Implemented - Disabled by default, Toolbox required to enable
FEATURE webMAN 1.41.38 MOD REBUG EDITION - Full Webman intergration supports both CEX/DEX 4.70
FEATURE REBUG Package Manager -Replacement for the standard ‘Install Package Files’ option on XMB
FEATURE Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX - Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds
FEATURE ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode - No need to install different firmware
FEATURE ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode - No need to install different firmware
FEATURE ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode - Full Support on Normal mode, Partial Support on Cobra mode
FEATURE QA Token compatibility - Toggle in REBUG Toolbox
FEATURE OtherOS++ support enabled - Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches
FEATURE Retro Emu Support - PS2/PS1/PSP Supported by various methods and procedures
FEATURE - NPDRM FSELF support - (DEX only with debug vsh), allows you to attach process on both npdrm fself and non-drm fself by disabling Kakaroto’s sig patches in VSH.
FUN FEATURE Fake Save Data Owner Use Game Saves from ANY Owner
FUN FEATURE Enhanced Remote Play with PC - This unlocks the limitation of working apps/games for remote play with PC
FUN FEATURE Lock/Unlock Trophies- Lock/Unlock Trophies
FUN FEATURE Cinavia protection fully disabled - Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted)
PATCHED LV1: Disable System Integrity Check - Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled
PATCHED LV1: Undocumented function 114 - Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled
PATCHED LV1: Skip all ACL Checks- Needed to allow booting of OtherOS
PATCHED LV1: Peek and Poke support -Unused LV1 call 182 and 183)
PATCHED LV2: Peek and Poke support- LV2 Syscall 6 and 7
PATCHED LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1- LV2 Syscall 8 and 9
PATCHED LV2: LV1 CALL System call- LV2 Syscall 10
PATCHED VSH: Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
PATCHED -VSH: Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat
Homebrew Updated for REBUG 4.70 REX
IRISMAN 3.46 ---> LINK * (SRC)
PRX loader 1.10 ---> LINK * (SRC)
Eid root key dumper 1.00 for 4.70 dex ---> LINK * (SRC)
* 4.70 DEX Supported (Apps updated by Joonie)
COBRA v7.10 Feature Overview
PRX plugins at boot time (sprx)
ISO Suppport: PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP/DVD/BluRay (Split ISO support on FAT32 drives)
Network Support: PS1/PS3 /DVD/BluRay / PKGs (guide)
Blu Ray Movie region free functionality
NTFS HDD Support (prepNTFS, or multiMAN Required to scan contents)
PS2 ISO Support for BC (HW) / non-BC (SW) Consoles **
Syscall 11 Cobra lv1 Peek
PSNPatch stealth plugin support *ISO rip is required to get 100% support, folder rip won't be supported due to its ability to disable COBRA's disc-less feature for folder JB rips*
PS3API support, allows you to attach process on both CEX/DEX via its own API app.
NPDRM FSELF support, allows you to attach process on both npdrm fself by disabling Kakaroto’s sig patches in VSH.
Backup Protection Removal, Add full PS3 Backup support on all multiMAN/webMAN,IRIS manager forks and Managunz.
Target Manager 4.20-4.70 fully supported.
***IMPROVED Stability with DEX mode, the annoying issue with hanging on boot on some old converted DEX models is fixed.
** PS2 Support on Internal HDD ONLY: dev_hdd0/PS2ISO/ **
Source :
Snookyyyy Ancien
- Messages: 1758
- Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
- Prénom: Nicolas
- Pays: France
- Sexe: Homme
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