[PS3] - CFW 4.75 Playerkp420 v1.01 : Un nouveau CFW

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[PS3] - CFW 4.75 Playerkp420 v1.01 : Un nouveau CFW

Message non lupar Snookyyyy » 01 Oct 2015, 01:21

Un nouveau CFW fait son apparition sur la toile ! Il s'agit du CFW 4.75 Playerkp420 en v1.01 !
Ce CFW est construit à partir de l'OFW 4.75 via l'utilitaire MFW Builder. Ce CFW est un Standard CEX.
Voir les détails dans le log ci dessous.

Log :

4.75 Playerkp420 cfw (v1.01)

I am happy to share my 4.75 v1.01 CFW. Unlike my v1.00, this was not made with MFW Builder. I started by extracting OFW 4.75, and making all the necessary patches with HxD and Notepad++. More info on how to do this yourself, will be in a guide I am still working on. That new guide will also include how to add Cobra 7.10 to yours or anyone's CFW or MFW.

A few files I did use that were already patched. Those were the Cinavia patched files from Habib's 4.75 v1.00. Also, I used the category_game.xml from one of my MFW Builds.

My CFW has been tested with both NOR models and a couple NAND models (Thanks @bubbadog1 and @atreyu187 for testing on CECHA01 and CECHB01 models.)(NOR models tested by me - CECHH01, CECHK01, CECHL01, CECH-2001A, CECH-2001B, CECH-2101B, CECH-2501A, CECH-2501B).

Latest multiMAN and Webman mod work great, after installing mamba prx loader. (watch the video below to see how)

All seems fine and stable, but as usual with any CFW : Use it at your own Risk.

This CFW can be installed fine like a normal System Update from XMB over OFW 3.55 and lower, or any CFW version. (Always make sure to remove any disc from the drive and/or unmount any game first, so you don't accidentally update to OFW.)
HDD can be swapped/changed and the CFW will re-install without any problem.
Patch LV0 LDRS & SPU to disable ECDSA checks
Patched LV1 to disable LV2 Protection.
Patched LV1 & LV2 to add peek/poke support.
Patched LV1 Core OS Hash Check (to prevent Bricking on non-dehashed downgraded consoles)
QA Flag can be enabled by usings Habib's standalone qa pkg. Even if never been enabled on 3.55. If already enabled, qa extra options will appear with button combo. (After enabling the qa token on a PS3 that was not enabled on 3.55, you may need to reboot the PS3 before downgrading from XMB. Otherwise might get an error code.)
RSOD screen bypass patch for RSOD machines (it won't fix the RSOD but allows the PS3 to boot fine into XMB)
PSN/SEN access is available but it's not recommended, without using PSNPatch correctly.
It can run games signed with Keys up to version 4.75 without any Eboot/Sprx patching needed.
Added XMB InGame ScreenShot Feature.
Patch VSH to allow running of unsigned applications
Patch VSH to implement ReactPSN v2.0
Cinavia Disabled for HDD, BDMV, & BDVD content Thanks @Habib.
The CFW can be used for Downgrading with Hardware flashers, by either noFSM Method or FSM Method.
Patch to disable (not just replace), the warning screen that is show on boot since FW 4.00, no longer delays the VSH boot process.
Changed coldboot logo to Playerkp420 logo.
Changed default "Air Paint" theme to IronMan theme .
Changed XMB Waves to Purple to Green v2, from @zapptheman guide here.

CFW 4.75 Playerkp420 v1.01

Source :
Snookyyyy Ancien
Messages: 1758
Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
Prénom: Nicolas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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