[PS3] - CFW Rebug Cobra 4.46 v2 Officieux

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[PS3] - CFW Rebug Cobra 4.46 v2 Officieux

Message non lupar Snookyyyy » 01 Aoû 2014, 10:33


Un nouveau CFW Cobra Rebug officieux nommé Cobra Rebug REX 4.46 v2 a été publié par le développeur tpryor (plus communément haxxxen) qui suit la première version estampillé v1.
Cette. Ou elle version officieuse intègre les fonctionnalités du Cobra 7 sur le XMBs Retail et Debug.
Cependant il y'a quelques problèmes avec ce CFW qui ne fonctionne pas comme la lecture PSP à cause d'un conflit de fichiers qui n'a pour l'heure, pas encore été déterminé.
Dernière chose, il n'existe toujours pas de CFW Cobra pour la version DEX (targetID/lv2kernel) puisqu'aucunes solutions n'a été trouvé pour l'intégrer.

tpryor Wrote: Originally Posted by tpryor
As promised on hax, the new update to unofficial rex cobra.

this is just a minor improvement to the already posted one, which now works with both different xmb versions, debug or retail xmb. so no matter which mode or xmb you choose, cobra patches will work (psp isos do not work with rebug). it has now two stage2 files, cause i wasn't able to make it fully working with a single stage2. (it seemed on first view to work, but it was only the spoofer and all other functions were screwed)

though, still no cobra functions with dex targetID/lv2kernel, cause i had problems with it and haven't looked into it anymore.

This should be tested with flashers on nand PS3's first, cause i only have a nor cechl where it was tested. but tbh, i am confident that it will not do any harm, just like the first one.

Ce CFW, comme pour tout les autres, s'installe depuis une PS3 en OFW 3.55 ou inférieur, ou depuis une console en CFW.
L'utilisation de tout CFW se fait à vos risques et périls.

Log :

Unofficial COBRA - REBUG REX 4.46 CFW v2
MD5: fdc5692a414ff27bb77614391d4e6635

Unofficial Additions: (by tpryor)
FIXED (v2): Cobra patches works on both Debug & Retail XMB.
NEW FEATURE (v1): - COBRA 7 Ported

REBUG REX 4.46 Features
FEATURE - Dual LV2 Kernels CEX/DEX
(Swap your EID0/LV2 kernel using Rebug Toolbox in seconds)

FEATURE - ALL Retail functions available in CEX mode
(No need to install different firmware)

FEATURE - ALL Debug functions available in DEX mode
(No need to install different firmware)

FEATURE - ProDG Connectivity in DEX mode
FEATURE- QA Token compatibility
FEATURE - OtherOS++ support enabled
(Use Rebug Toolbox to Boot OtherOS with different LV1 patches)

FEATURE - Package Manager
(Replacement for the standard ‘Install Package Files’ option)

INCLUDED - Rebug Toolbox 02.xx.xx
(Install included Rebug Toolbox or higher for full compatibility)

PATCHED - LV1: Disable System Integrity Check
(Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions or if PS3 is not QA enabled)

PATCHED - LV1: Undocumented function 114
(Allow mapping of protected memory)

PATCHED - LV1: Skip all ACL Checks
(Needed to allow booting of OtherOS)

PATCHED - LV1: Peek and Poke support
(Unused LV1 call 182 and 183)

PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support
(LV2 Syscall 6 and 7)

PATCHED - LV2: Peek and Poke support for LV1

(LV2 Syscall 8 and 9)

PATCHED - LV2: LV1 CALL System call
(LV2 Syscall 10)

PATCHED - VSH: Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
PATCHED - VSH: Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat
FUN FEATURE – Fake Save Data Owner
(Use Game Saves from ANY Owner)

FUN FEATURE – Lock/Unlock Trophies
FUN FEATURE – Cinavia protection disabled

CFW Cobra Rebug 4.46 v2 (Non Officiel)
MD5 : fdc5692a414ff27bb77614391d4e6635

Source : tpryor via PSX-Scene
Snookyyyy Ancien
Messages: 1758
Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
Prénom: Nicolas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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