[PS3] - IRISMAN v3.11 : MAMBA payload et patch OFW 4.60
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[PS3] - IRISMAN v3.11 : MAMBA payload et patch OFW 4.60
Le développeur Aldostools sort une nouvelle mise à jour de son gestionnaire de backup IRISMAN en v3.10 d'abord puis v3.11 dans la foulée, cette mise à jour est basé sur le travail effectué par Habib sur Iris Manager v2.93(3).
Une nouveauté inclu le support payload des versions de CFW 4.21/4.40/4.41 et 4.46 DEX, ainsi que l'extension de MAMBA payload sur tout les CFW supporté par ce manager.
Autre changement, le plus important de ses derniers jours (cf News sur le patch 4.60 OFW), est l'ajout du patch réalisé par Habib pour les CFW 4.60 ainsi que l'ajout du patch pour webMAN qui fixe les erreurs suivantes :
Les derniers changement apporté par cette mise à jour vous sont décrites dans le Changelog.
Dorénavant, les ISOs PS3 peuvent être lancé sur les CFW CEX suivants : 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41/4.46/4.50/4.53/4.55 and 4.60 sans que cela ne nécessite le support Cobra dans le CFW.
Et les CFW DEX suivants ont le support du MAMBA payload : 4.46/4.50 et 4.55.
Note aux utilisateurs de IRISMAN :
Changelog :
Source : Aldostools via PSX-Scene
Une nouveauté inclu le support payload des versions de CFW 4.21/4.40/4.41 et 4.46 DEX, ainsi que l'extension de MAMBA payload sur tout les CFW supporté par ce manager.
Autre changement, le plus important de ses derniers jours (cf News sur le patch 4.60 OFW), est l'ajout du patch réalisé par Habib pour les CFW 4.60 ainsi que l'ajout du patch pour webMAN qui fixe les erreurs suivantes :
- 80010017 : erreur suite au lancement d'un ISO en ayant un disque dans le lecteur
- 8001002b : erreur suite à la mise à jour d'un ISO en ayant un disque dans le lecteur
- 8001003C, 8001003D et 8001003E : erreurs fixés par le patch de webMAN
Les derniers changement apporté par cette mise à jour vous sont décrites dans le Changelog.
Dorénavant, les ISOs PS3 peuvent être lancé sur les CFW CEX suivants : 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41/4.46/4.50/4.53/4.55 and 4.60 sans que cela ne nécessite le support Cobra dans le CFW.
Et les CFW DEX suivants ont le support du MAMBA payload : 4.46/4.50 et 4.55.
Note aux utilisateurs de IRISMAN :
Please note that mamba support for several CFW versions has been added recently and they have not been tested extensively. If you find any recurrent issues, please report them on the developement forums.
Changelog :
This is an "unofficial" version of Iris Manager 2.93 by Estwald/D-Skywalk. This version includes all the new Cobra/Mamba payload and ISO features added by Estwald. The changes that I made are mainly related to the user interface (buttons layout are more XMB-like, quick access to File Manager, progress bar when game list is scanned or file permissions are applied, colors, 16 gui modes, etc.). It also includes the Payloads for 4.41DEX/4.46DEX/4.50DEX/4.53CEX/ 4.55CEX/4.55DEX/4.60CEX from Rancid-O's PS3ITA Manager and Habib. The most notable feature is that unlike the official version, it scans GAMES/GAMEZ on the external drives.
New mamba payloads for 3.55/4.21/4.30/4.40/4.41/4.46D/4.50/4.60 ported by Joonie, aldostools, EvilNat & Orion90 with help from Habib. Now PS3 ISOs are playable on these CFW without need of Cobra support.
IMPORTANT: If you use webMAN on Cobra CFW, unmount any mounted game before launch IRISMAN.
Changelog 3.11: (Jul 10/2014)
Merged mamba with updates by Joonie for 4.46DEX (Rebug).
Added fix ATTRIBUTE for games with PS3_EXTRA.
Fixed bug in prxloader.self.
Changelog 3.10: (Jul 10/2014)
Fixed a regression in 3.09 in the BD Emu function (aka BD Mirror).
Changelog 3.09: (Jul 9/2014)
Merged mamba 1.34 by Joonie.
(This version adds mamba support for 4.21CEX/4.40CEX/4.41CEX)
Fixed issue listing NTFS games only.
Fixed issue in FTP listing NTFS devices.
Added Habib’s fixes for errors 80010017 and 8001002b when running ISO with updates with disc inside.
Added the patches for errors 8001003C, 8001003D, 8001003E from webMAN (by DeanK).
Added option to avoid load mamba payload (adding InstallMamba = 0 to the settings.ini)
Changelog 3.08: (Jul 7/2014)
Added mamba support for 4.50 & 4.60 by Joonie.
(Thanks to Habib, EvilNat, Orion90 for their contributions)
Added mamba support for 3.55 & 4.30 by aldostools.
Added detection of buttons layout and auto-swap buttons if it’s an asian console (O=Enter).
The swap can be forced adding “SwapButtons = 1″ to the settings.ini
Changelog 3.07: (Jul 2/2014)
PS3 ISOs display ICON0 again when covers are disabled.
Re-added the "Event ID" option on non-Cobra CFW in Global Menu (press SELECT on Tools)
Game config now can read/update the game settings from multMAN.
Now game config settings are auto-saved on exit from menu.
Addressed an issue updating the game list.
- Code: Select All Code
Changelog 3.06: (Jul 1/2014)
Fixed regression launching retro games (broken in 3.04-3.05)
Added scan of roms in alternate path (multiMAN default path for roms)
Addressed a flickering issue in the game list.
Added support to list /net0/VIDEO & /net1/VIDEO on the Coverflow/Grid
Fixed the overlapped labels (regression from 3.05)
Restore default PSID & console id don't ask to save. It's not necessary as they are the default values.
Changelog 3.05: (Jun 30/2014)
Fixed bug in "Test & Fix Game" when the game (folder format) don't have an update. It caused a black screen on games that require a higher firmware.
Added shortcut to save and turn off the PS3 (R2+O)
Now SELECT+START will open the File Manager in the folder of the selected game/ISO
Current version of CFW is now displayed on Global menu
Changelog 3.04: (Jun 28/2014)
Added support for 4.60 CEX (Thanks to smhabib for the payloads + fix + source code)
Added mamba for 4.50 DEX (Thanks to Rancid-O for port & files)
Added offset for PSID/IDPS on 4.60 CEX (Thanks to Orion90 for offsets & ErMaK86 for the LV2 dump)
Improved the speed and provide more feedback of progress on Build ISO function
Added support to launch additional homebrews (PRXLoader, CDGPlayer, GamePad Test, multiMAN, etc.)
PRX-Loader now can be auto-launched when the manager is closed.
(The option may need to enabled in settings.ini. It is launched only if /dev_hdd0/boot_plugins.txt exists and running on a non-Cobra CFW 4.21 to 4.55)
Fixed freeze issue when the Game Options was accessed for PS1 games stored on /PSXGAMES folder.
Changed behavior of L1/R1 in "XMB-like" GUI to jump 10 games forward/backward.
Fixed some issues listing games with Game List filters.
Limited use of background on large grids (8x5 and above)
Replaced grid 6x6 with grid 7x6
Restructured & optimized the source code in several parts.
Added back & up/down buttons to the Select Disc Order menu where a PS1 multi-disc is selected to launch.
- Available: a new Discless Addon-PKG with libs_patched.sprx and patched explore_plugins for 3.41, 3.55 and 4.21 to 4.60. Required to play games in disc-less mode on non-Cobra CFW.
Changelog 3.03: (Jun 24/2014)
Added Mamba payloads for 4.55DEX PS3ITA
Added offset for spoofing psid/idps on 4.55DEX
Added spoof to 4.60 when spoof version is enabled in settings.ini (tested only on 4.46 CEX Cobra 7.0)
Display of covers in File Manager for files that start with a content id (pkg, rap, edat, etc.)
Changelog 3.02: (Jun 21/2014)
New XMB-Like GUI (it's a clean GUI where you can appreciate better the background image of the game)
webMAN integration for display of network games on IRISMAN (there is a combo that also let display all webMAN games on IRISMAN, but that's just for fun as IRISMAN can handle the other file types)
Added several game list filters (Retro only, PS1+PS2+PSP only, dev_hdd0 only, ntfs + PS3 only, Homebrews, all games, etc.)
Mount shared network folders (net0/ or net0/PKG) to browse the remote path with the File Manager
Added file count/total size, folder count to File Manager statistics
Edit PARAM.SFO directly from File Manager (no need hex editor)
Fixed some broken functions in Hex Editor due new buttons mapping.
Launch LUA scripts stored on any folder directly from File Manager
And many other improvements (internal in the code, bug fixes, improved functions, more combos , etc.)
Changelog 3.00: (Apr 20/2014)
- Read/write access to NTFS devices from FTP server
- Support to customize ftp port (default: 21) – Changing the port (e.g. 2121) you can use IRISMAN and webMAN’s ftp servers concurrently.
- Added SITE RESET command for soft reboot
- Audio/Videos can be launched and played directly (This feature uses deank’s version of SHOWTIME.SELF)
- Supported Audio/Video file extensions are customizable in the settings.ini
- Added support to several audio/video file extensions
- Videos now can be deleted directly from the Game List (Grid/Coverflow)
- Added support to launch ROMs (Requieres RetroArch
- ROM paths and supported file extension are customizable in the settings.ini
- Cores settings can be customized individually
- ROMs now can be deleted directly from the Game List (Grid/Coverflow)
File Manager
- Copy of file/folders on internal hdd now use shadow copy instead of regular copy (This change speeds up the copy function and save hdd space)
- Launch videos/audio files and ROMs directly from File Manager
- Fixed issue related to the display of game version
- Fixed issue scrolling PS2/PSP game options (Triangle menu)
Source : Aldostools via PSX-Scene
- Messages: 1758
- Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
- Prénom: Nicolas
- Pays: France
- Sexe: Homme
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