[PS3] - Universal Media Serveur v4.0.0 : Version finalisé
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[PS3] - Universal Media Serveur v4.0.0 : Version finalisé
Le développeur Subjunk et sa team ont mis à jour leur très utile outil PC : Universal Media Server qui peut être utilisé avec un OFW comme avec un CFW en version 4.0.0. En effet cette version survient après les deux versions bêta et est donc la première version finalisé et fini de cet outil !
Dans cette mise à jour, de nombreuses modifications ont été apportées comme l'ajout du support des vidéos 4k, la correction du bug avec Linux, la reconnaissance des PS4 et Xbox ONE !
De nombreuses autres modifications sont à noter, et elles vous sont accessible via le log ci dessous.
Log de la mise à jour :
Changlog v4.0.0 :
- General:
Made the buffer more animated
Added web_port and web_enable settings to UMS.conf
Added support for 4k videos by automatically scaling them to a resolution that the renderer supports
Added renderer option SendDateMetadata to specify whether to send last modified date metadata to the renderer
Improved detection of which videos are automatically muxable
Fixed and improved web interface search
Fixed web interface content-type
Fixed images on web interface on Linux and OS X
Fixed documentation images on Linux
Fixed occasional error on Linux when packing debug files
Fixed external subtitles sometimes not loading
Fixed files with resolutions that are too high for the renderer streaming if they are otherwise supported
Fixed the VLC Web Video legacy engine only outputting 25fps
Fixed UMS occasionally telling renderers to expect a different video format than they get
General speed improvements
Updated several descriptions and formatted UMS.conf
- Renderers:
Added support for Sony Bravia XBR TVs
Improved support for Apple mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod)
Improved support for AirPlayer
Improved support for Android
Improved support for BlackBerry
Improved support for Cambridge Audio Blu-ray players
Improved support for Chromecast
Improved support for D-Link DSM-510
Improved support for Freebox HD
Improved support for Freecom Music Pal
Improved support for LG Smart TV Upgrader
Improved support for OPPO Blu-ray players
Improved support for Popcorn Hour
Improved support for Pioneer Kuro
Improved support for Realtek media players
Improved support for Samsung TVs, Blu-ray players and mobile devices
Improved support for Showtime
Improved support for Sony Bravia TVs, media players, Blu-ray players and Xperia devices
Improved support for Streamium
Improved support for Telstra T-Box
Improved support for VideoWeb TV
Improved support for Vizio TVs
Improved support for WDTV Live
Improved support for XBMC
Improved support for Xbox 360
Recognize Xbox One and PlayStation 4 when they connect to the web interface
- Languages:
Updated Dutch translation (thanks, leroy!)
- Code: Select All Code
Changelog v4.0.0-b1
Added option to automatically adjust the maximum bandwidth by measuring the speed of the connection to the devices
Added searching to the web interface
Added and improved documentation for more renderer options to PS3.conf (CustomFFmpegOptions, OverrideFFmpegVideoFilter and KeepAspectRatio)
Added "Random" file sorting option
Added tooltips to more options in the GUI
Added option to use PsPing on Windows to make network speed estimates more accurate (ping_path)
Added renderer option LimitFolders to specify whether the renderer has a folder limit or not
Added searching to each folder
Improved web interface display, especially on mobile devices
Improved changing settings via web interface
Removed the folder limit from the web interface
Made more strings translatable
Fixed a bug with filename prettifying
Made the renderer setting KeepAspectRatio more reliable
Renamed the renderer option OverrideVideoFilter to OverrideFFmpegVideoFilter
Fixed incorrect aspect ratios being cached
Fixed bugs with FFmpeg subtitles
Fixed a bug with adding files
Fixed ignored renderers
Fixed performing unnecessary speed checks
Fixed a bug with the Recently Played folder
Improved support for DirecTV HR
Improved support for Panasonic TVs
Improved support for Samsung TVs, Blu-ray players and mobile devices
Improved aspect ratios on Sony Bravia EX TVs
External Components:
Updated Apache commons-lang to 3.3.2, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated Logback to 1.1.2, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated Maven FindBugs Plugin to 2.5.4
Updated Maven Git Commit ID Plugin to 2.1.9
Updated MPlayer/MEncoder for Windows to SB58, which:
Improves H.265 support
Improves buffer allocation
Makes seeking more accurate
Improves support for many containers and codecs
Improves speed
Fixes bugs
Updated Netty to 3.9.1, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated slf4j to 1.7.7
Changelog v4.0.0-a1:
Added option to automatically adjust the maximum bandwidth by measuring the speed of the connection to the devices
Added searching to the web interface
Added and improved documentation for more renderer options to PS3.conf (CustomFFmpegOptions, OverrideFFmpegVideoFilter and KeepAspectRatio)
Added "Random" file sorting option
Added tooltips to more options in the GUI
Added option to use PsPing on Windows to make network speed estimates more accurate (ping_path)
Added renderer option LimitFolders to specify whether the renderer has a folder limit or not
Added searching to each folder
Improved web interface display, especially on mobile devices
Improved changing settings via web interface
Removed the folder limit from the web interface
Made more strings translatable
Fixed a bug with filename prettifying
Made the renderer setting KeepAspectRatio more reliable
Renamed the renderer option OverrideVideoFilter to OverrideFFmpegVideoFilter
Fixed incorrect aspect ratios being cached
Fixed bugs with FFmpeg subtitles
Fixed a bug with adding files
Fixed ignored renderers
Fixed performing unnecessary speed checks
Fixed a bug with the Recently Played folder
Improved support for DirecTV HR
Improved support for Panasonic TVs
Improved support for Samsung TVs, Blu-ray players and mobile devices
Improved aspect ratios on Sony Bravia EX TVs
External Components:
Updated Apache commons-lang to 3.3.2, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated Logback to 1.1.2, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated Maven FindBugs Plugin to 2.5.4
Updated Maven Git Commit ID Plugin to 2.1.9
Updated MPlayer/MEncoder for Windows to SB58, which:
Improves H.265 support
Improves buffer allocation
Makes seeking more accurate
Improves support for many containers and codecs
Improves speed
Fixes bugs
Updated Netty to 3.9.1, which:
Fixes bugs
Updated slf4j to 1.7.7
Source :
- Messages: 1758
- Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
- Prénom: Nicolas
- Pays: France
- Sexe: Homme
1 message
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