[News Wii & vWii] Nintendont MAJ > r3.353

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[News Wii & vWii] Nintendont MAJ > r3.353

Message non lupar roukxwel » 15 Déc 2014, 03:25

Suite au changement du site d'hébergement du code source de Nintendont, celui-ci sera désormais héberger sur le site
Il se peut que les révisions soient différentes en fonction des sites où vous pourriez les trouver.
En effet il se peut qu'il y ait un décalage entre les révisions que l'on peut trouver sur le code source et celui qui sera affiché dans Nintendont
Pour des raisons de lisibilité, les révisions qui seront compilées et newsées sur ce topic seront basé sur le fichier NintentontVersion.h
et non celle qui sera affichée sur le site github afin que la news corresponde à la version qui sera en téléchargement.

Nintendont est un homebrew permettant de lancer des backups de jeux GameCube sur un support USB ou une carte SD pour les consoles Wii ou pour le mode vWii de la WiiU, tous comme le fait déjà Devolution ou DIOSMIOS (exclusivement sur Wii pour ce dernier)

Note : suite aux dernière mises à jour les backups sur DVD gravé ainsi que les Multi-ISO devrait aussi fonctionner sur Wii (mais est ce que le cMIOS est nécessaire pour fonctionner)

Cet homebrew a été initialement développé par Crediar, celui-ci n’ayant plus le temps de s’occupé de ce projet a libéré le code source il y a déjà plus d’un an, pour être ensuite repris par plusieurs développeurs de la scène underground Wii que sont : Fix94, Howard, JoostinOnline, greyrogue, ou Cyan

Mais en Avril dernier le code source fut supprimer de google code.

Tuedj qui est le développeur de Devolution a demandé la suppression du code source de Nintendont, en effet ce dernier contenait un bout de code de Devolution, le code en question concernait le DSP qui permet de gérer l’audio dans les jeux.

Suite à ce geste, Crediar refit un code très peu de temps après pour le DSP, avec l’aide de Fix94 pour que le développement de l’homebrew continue sous le nom de Nintendon-t.

Aujourd’hui l’homebrew est stable et offre une très bonne compatibilité aussi bien que ces concurrents directs si ce n’est mieux.

Les News

Nintendon-t passe en révision r338 ou v3.338 les dernières mises à jour ont encore été apporté par Fix94

Pour plus de précision voir le changelog et les précédents correctifs

  • Fonctionne sur Wii et sur le mode vWii de la WiiU
  • Lecture du disque en streaming audio
  • support des disque gravé (Wii modele RLV-001 avant 2009)
  • support des Multi-ISO (gravé (Wii), sur Wode (Wii) et sur SD / USB)
  • Pleine vitesse lors du chargement sur un support USB, ou une carte SD
  • Chargement des backups au format ISO en 1: 1 (Cleanrip), des ISO compressé et des jeux extrait en format RAW ou brute (FST)
  • support des jeux Triforce
  • support de l'émulation de la carte mémoire
  • support du contrôleur Bluetooth Wii et WiiU
      - support des manettes pro ou classique (officiel et generique)
      - support des nunchuck
      - support de la manette Wii U Pro
  • Support du contrôleur HID via USB
  • Personnalisation de la configuration des boutons lors de l'utilisation d’un contrôleur HID
  • support des codes triche
  • Support WiiRD (uniquement sur ​​Wii)
  • Configuration variable de divers paramètres
  • Reset / hors tension via le bouton combo (R + Z + Start) (R + Z + B + D-Pad vers le bas)
  • patch Mode vidéo avancé , force le balayage progressif et force écran large en 16: 9
  • Chargement automatique d'un jeux
  • Support des jeux multi-disque (switch)
  • Autorise l'utilisation du microphone Nintendo GameCube
  • Support des cartes mémoire Gamecube (Wii modele RLV-001)
  • Support de l'adaptateur Gamecube pour WiiU
      - support des bongos
      - support des manettes Wavebird (à voir)

R353 par fix94.1, le 05/07/2015
  • ARStartDMA now will actively refuse to write out of its memory bounds, this fixes ultimate spiderman memory card emu problems

Précédents correctifs
Nintendon't v3 >

R352 par fix94.1, le 05/07/2015
  • added force progressive fixes for pac-man world 3 and spongebob cftkk ntsc
R351 par fix94.1, le 04 /07/2015
  • fixed accidentally removed loading of cheat files
R350 par fix94.1, le 25/06/2015
  • added a patch for Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO NTSC to work with force progressive
R349 par fix94.1, le 24/06/2015
  • corrected a small mistake on the disc read speed emulation code, it was too fast because of a missing number, this might help out certain game desync issues
  • added slow read speed settings for king kong to improve its chances of all triggers working, please note that it still has a possibility of not triggering events at times
  • made it possible to start triforce games from disc/WODE
  • added code to clear out the emulated audio ram for general safety
R348 par fix94.1, le 23/06/2015
  • added a fix for 007 from russia with love not booting
R347 par fix94.1, le 23/06/2015
R346 par fix94.1, le 23/06/2015
  • added support for the ntsc gamecube bios v1.1 and v1.2
  • changed the cheats hooks to be more stable ones, should still be highly compatible
  • added a missing timer patch which the bios used, now the ingame times should be working correctly from every bios version
  • removed the limitation of having the bios only displaying with memory card emulation, it appears to be working fine now from real memory cards too
  • added sram updating for real memory cards, so now without memory card emulation it should still set your desired language and video mode and not just ignore the settings
R345 par fix94.1, le 13/06/2015
  • Merge pull request #138 from nastys/master
  • Fix wrong library case
R344 par fix94.1, le 12/06/2015
  • Fix wrong library case
  • And also fix compilation issues on case
  • sensitive file systems such as Linux ext2/3/4 or OS X HFS+ (with case sensitive enabled).
r343 par fix94.1, le 06/06/2015
  • added some code to allow real discs on wii to actually be taken out and placed back in, should allow for things like disc switching with actual discs
R342 par fix94.1, le 03/06/2015
  • slightly adjusted the gt cube timer to work a bit more accurate
  • added patches for nintendo puzzle collection and panel de pon in order to fix its weird timer issues
R341 par fix94.1, le 02/06/2015
  • created a timer patch for gt cube which fixes all the random speedups the game still had, this should be the last game with speed problems
R340 par fix94.1, le 31/05/2015
  • updated the meta.xml to point to the new github location
R339 par fix94.1, le 26/05/2015
  • added widscreen patches for all ocarina of time and majoras mask versions from both the oot bonus disc and collectors edition
r338 par fix94.1, le 23/05/2015
  • added majoras mask alternative audio stream hook to fix missing ocarina confirmation sound and missing credits music
  • slightly changed patcher debug output
  • Create ( par fix94.1, le 17/05/2015)
r337[i] par fix94.1, le 16/05/2015
  • added a second hook for the codehandler to allow cheat support in a wider variety of games
r336 par fix94.1, le 15/05/2015
  • removed the need of kenobiwii by including a codehandler into the kernel, this codehandler has a higher compatibility with codes and can load more cheats total (gcts up to 8KB)
r335 par fix94.1, le 15/05/2015
  • added a widescreen patch for both metroid prime 1 and 2, please note that I did not test it 100% so I cant say for sure that it works perfectly at all times
r334 par fix94.1, le 12-13/05/2015
  • updated download function to allow https downloads
  • fixed a small bug in Patch31A0 which might've affected a few games

Nintendon't v3 >
google code

Nintendon't v2
r282 par fix94.1, le 25/01/2015
  • removed sonic adventure dx again from the pad exception list, that game must've been fixed with some previous change
  • added a proper f-zero ax widescreen patch, thanks CosmoCortney
  • removed a few mario kart gp2 menu timers, thanks conanac
r281 par fix94.1, le 24/01/2015
  • added PADControlMotor security check to prevent the patch from applying to a wrong place, fixes Resident Evil 0 and NFL Street 2
  • added pad state switching exception list for Call of Duty, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and Sonic Adventure DX to try to fix their control problems

r280 par fix94.1, le 23/01/2015
  • added Piglet's Big Game to the ARStartDMA exception list to fix sound issues ingame
  • added an additional DOL file security check before patching, fixes WrestleMania X8

r279 par fix94.1, le 19/01/2015
  • added missing file which makes it impossible to compile
  • corrected triforce virtua striker offset check

r278 par fix94.1, le 19/01/2015
  • slightly updated ARStartDMA code, fixed a small mistake in it and made it easier to debug
  • fixed up progressive video mode flag and added a exception to skip it on BMX XXX so the game doesnt freeze when using a component/hdmi cable added a new img patching method which gets NBA 2k2, NBA 2k3, NCAA College Football 2K3 as well as NCAA College Basketball 2K3 fully working
  • added ARStartDMA exceptions for NBA 2k2, Army Men Sarges War, ESPN MLS Extra Time 2002, Monster 4x4: Masters Of Metal and SD Gundam Gashapon Wars to fix various issues with these games
  • skipping the GC BIOS if one of the 4 working triforce games gets detected
  • slightly increased our kernel memory

r277 par fix94.1, le 13/01/2015
  • wrote up a small pal gc ipl patch to try prevent its startup crashing
  • make sure that the timer memory info is always set to the correct values

r276 par fix94.1, le 12/01/2015
  • added gamecube bios support, please note that this is still very early in testing so it might not fully work, to let a game start using the original gamecube bios place iplusa.bin, ipljap.bin and/or iplpal.bin onto your device root, if nintendont finds the bios fitting to the game region it tries to start it, as of right now this feature has no use whatsoever and only exists for pure demonstration purposes

r275 par fix94.1, le 09/01/2015
  • hopefully improved the audio streaming code to not crash certain games on the end of the audio file
  • added triforce video mode patches so all 4 triforce games can be patched to runwith force progressive

r274 par fix94.1, le 09/01/2015
  • added a proper audio streaming resample check so games with too fast audio should now sound correct
  • moved the Street Racing Syndicate exception to hopefully fix the game

r273 par Howard, le 08/01/2015
  • Added new boot status message "Cheat path is empty" when cheats are on and cheat path is on and the cheat path isn't set
  • Changed boot status messages "Initing devices..." to "Initing storage devices..."
  • improved gamecube adapter for wii u bongo support

r272 par fix94.1, le 07/01/2015
  • commented out some debug patches for ax which should let it start if OSReport is not enabled
  • forgot to actually use a updated function, made sure its used now

r271 par fix94.1, le 05/01/2015
  • changed out some buffers in jvsio and changed some flushing code in order to help out triforce random crashes, missing controls and problems
  • changed the default triforce ingame coin count to 9 so just in case it doesnt automatically refresh the coins you dont run out directly and may get lucky on the next coin update to get new coins
  • commented out some possibly problematic debug code which might crash games on bootup
  • added ARStartDMA exceptions for both Multi-Game Demo Disc 18 and Street Racing

r270 par fix94.1, le 03/01/2015
  • added proper memory flush security as well as proper ARStartDMA data copying if the data to be copied is not properly aligned already, fixes various games such as happy feet, legends of wrestling and gun

r269 par fix94.1, le 02/01/2015
  • fixed up gc disc reading of multi-iso discs created with very old tools
  • more security updates to try to fix return to loader freezing

r268 par Howard, le 02/01/2015
  • cleaned up some patching, triforce games now have a bit less patching in order to run
  • added a bit of security when reading data

r267 par fix94.1, le 31/12/2014
  • Added Trio Linker Plus II controller.ini (Thanks gillhaj02)

r266 par Howard, le 31/12/2014
  • fixed up the triforce game virtua striker 4 so it should boot and also added basic controls code for it
  • small changes and bugfixes

r265 par Howard, le 24/12/2014
  • Added Support for some generic Classic controllers (Thanks Abz)

r264 par fix94.1, le 24/12/2014
  • if nintendont gets loaded with the wrong IOS it will try to load IOS58 by itself
  • added code which makes sure we have permission to use the disc drive
  • added a missing redraw when you change settings

r263 par fix94.1, le 23/12/2014
  • added multi-iso disc support, it has been verified to work from burned discs, wode and as direct iso on sd/usb
  • slightly adjusted the loader game selection, the controls should be a bit better now

r262 par Howard, le 22/12/2014
  • Added Nunchuck support

r261 par fix94.1, le 21/12/2014
  • fixed a little bug in disc reading which now fixes reading burned gc discs on old wiis

r260 par fix94.1, le 20/12/2014
  • cleaned up disc support for original wiis, for developers: to tell nintendont to load a disc just set the game path to "di"
  • fixed a small mistake in PatchFuncInterface, that will fix various bugs such as games not booting or enemies are not killable in prince of persia warrior within

r259 par fix94.1, le 19/12/2014
  • resetting wiiu widescreen setting after the game finished to make sure we are on the right one
  • added some basic disc reading on wii which supports the most basic features, its the very first "game" for wii users and supports pretty much everything which is supported from normal sd and usb reading, its not quite finished yet
  • updated all registers needed to not use the original disc drive registers anymore

r258 par fix94.1, le 18/12/2014
  • added option for wiiu widescreen, if its off your wiiu will resize the picture to be 4:3 and if its on it'll stretch the picture to fullscreen

r257 par fix94.1, le 16/12/2014
  • made the constantly refreshed HID messages part of the nintendont kernel memory instead of always newly allocating it to try help out stability

r256 par fix94.1, le 14/12/2014
  • allow the DSP patch to get applied multiple times for games which have multiple DSP ROMs, this should fix broken audio in the remaining games with audio problems

r255 par fix94.1, le 14/12/2014
  • -missed .h file.

r254 par fix94.1, le 14/12/2014
  • added some code which will create pre-formatted memory cards for the memcard emu on file creation, that means you dont need to format it manually in game anymore.

r253 par fix94.1, le 14/12/2014
  • added proper memory syncing in the jvsio code which might lower the chances of triforce games not having any coins or having other issues.

r252 par fix94.1, le 13/12/2014
  • added a patch for f-zero ax which replaces the motor init screen directly with the controller setup in order to greatly reduce the initial loading time
  • made triforce game patching a bit more dynamic
  • removed unused triforce code.

r251 par greyrogue, le 12/12/2014
  • Do not recenter axes when using Bongos with the WiiU Gamecube Adapter.
  • Make Datel timer patching use a pattern instead of hard-coded offsets..

r250 par greyrogue, le 10/12/2014
  • Fix Datel AGP to use the simpler DVD patching in r249..

r249 par fix94.1, le 09/12/2014
  • removed most DVD patches except __DVDInterruptHandler and GCAMSendCommand and replaced it with a full register search, this update might break games, it needs quite some testing to be sure.

r248 par fix94.1, le 08/12/2014
  • further refined DVD function check in order to properly patch games, should fix things like disc switching again.

r247 par Howard, le 07/12/2014
  • Added Donkey Kong Bongo support to the gamecube adapter for wii u.

r246 par greyrogue, le 07/12/2014
  • Hack for 007 Nightfire for cache invalidation. Needs further investigation.

r245 par fix94.1, le 07/12/2014
  • added security check to PatchFunc, should fix frogger ancient shadow.

r244 par greyrogue, le 07/12/2014
  • Skip Datel patches for non-Datel games.

r243 par fix94.1, le 07/12/2014
  • added security checks for DVD patches and added DVDLowSeek patch instead of using DVDSeekAbsAsyncPrio patch.

r242 par greyrogue, le 07/12/2014
  • Remove second PSO memcard emu hack. This was also made unnecessary by r227.
  • Add support for Datel AGP disc. This disc does not use the Nintendo SDK, so many functions are done in different ways are have different patterns. Currently only supports Native SI and MemcardEmu off. The actual hardware reading is not yet functional..

r241 par fix94.1, le 07/12/2014
  • cleaned up and optimized audio streaming code, that made it possible to remove the AIInitDMA patch completely
  • removed DVDInquiryAsync patch and replaced it with a proper low level one, this lets mario kart gp2 boot
  • optimized triforce EXI interrupt code, helps mario kart gp2 to get a bit more stable, please note that it still freezes pretty often on the camera screen.

r240 par fix94.1, le 06/12/2014
  • reworked audio stream base to go through the actual disc interface code insteadof a hacked one, that way starfox adventures should have enough time to properly enable its subtitles
  • use the same fatfs settings as we did in the past
  • minor cache sync corrections.

r239 par JoostinOnline, le 06/12/2014
  • Reworked part of how the update system works
  • HID files are now saved to the drive with games, not the drive that Nintendont was launched from.
  • You are now given a choice to redownload the latest version in case someone forgets to update NintendontVersion.h
  • Changed the update menu to be scrollable.
  • Menus use an actual arrow now instead of a greater/lesser than symbol.
  • Got rid of the loader.h/loader.c files since they haven't been necessary for I don't know how long
  • A little minor cleanup..

r238 par fix94.1, le 05/12/2014
  • added a libfat version to the nintendont loader which supports ustealth and updated the kernel fatfs version to the latest 0.10c.

r237 par fix94.1, le 03/12/2014
  • added proper luigis mansion widescreen patch for all regions to solve random crashes with the default one.

r236 par fix94.1, le 02/12/2014
  • changed up HID reading to not rely on a timer anymore, this way it should run more precise.

r235 par Howard, le 02/12/2014
  • Fixed lack of responsiveness on HID controllers. This fixes the problem several of you were having trying to dash dance with the gamecube adapter for wii u.

r234 par fix94.1, le 30/11/2014
  • some general cleanup, changed the kernel build mode which makes it run a bit smoother overall.

r233 par fix94.1, le 29/11/2014
  • merged SD and USB kernel into a single one
  • fixed a very small bug in both DI and SD code, probably a very few people will have a benefit from that
  • removed loader.elf and boot.dol since everything only takes the loader.dol anyways, lets not waste any space
  • general code cleanup.

r232 par fix94.1, le 29/11/2014
  • corrected iso reading and cache syncing to properly work with games which read a lot of data with one call like luigis mansion.

r231 par fix94.1, le 29/11/2014
  • added timeouts to both USB and HID detection, this way init errors should be greatly reduced.

r230 par fix94.1, le 28/11/2014
  • reworked HID and USB drivers to fully use IOS58, thanks to all the original writers of usb.c and usbstorage.c, this version might completely changed compatibility and loading times and allow HID controllers to be used in the front ports on the wiiu
  • made the HID readings use the main thread to gain stability
  • added more delays between reads so the new HID and USB drivers have enough time to complete their jobs, this might lead to some audio clicks on some occasions.

r229 par Howard, le 26/11/2014
  • Fixed gamecube adapter for wii u wavebird support with gray cable unplugged
  • Disabled rumble on gamecube adapter for wii u wavebird when the gray cable is unplugged
  • Fixed boot status error message display
  • Increased boot status error message display time before reboot
  • Added boot status error "Gamecube adapter for Wii u init error"
  • Added boot status message "Init HID devices... Using ONLY NATIVE Gamecube Ports".

r228 par fix94.1, le 26/11/2014
  • added init code and rumble support for the wiiu gc adapter, thank you ToadKing for providing the magic numbers and GreyRogue for testing everything out.

r227 par greyrogue, le 25/11/2014
  • Fix Entry load cache invalidation.
  • This was causing PSO 1&2P/III EXIImm issue, so removed the patch for that.
  • Commented out 31A0 patch until we know of a case where it's needed.

r226 par fix94.1, le 23/11/2014
  • optimized ISO reading and caching code, might be a bit faster in certain situations
  • removed cache.txt support because in most cases its slower anyways
  • added super smash bros melee widescreen patch

r225 par Howard, le 23/11/2014
  • Added support for Nintendo Wii U GameCube Controller Adapter (Thanks Adeka,Khar00f, Sakitoshi, joefz2) You currently need to enable the adapter in a game that supports it. Exit that game. Then start Nintendont without powering off for it to work.
  • Added MultiIn=3 for multiple controllers from the same adapter all using the same message. When MultiIn=3 MultiInValue= needs to be set to how many bytes are for each controller.
  • Added error message for missing kenobiwii.bin when it is required
  • When cheats and cheat path are on. Booth are now turned off when you change games. (cheats were being applied to the wrong games)
  • Added error message for missing file specified in cheat path when cheat path is used.
  • Added error message for file specified in cheat path being to big when cheat path is used.

r224 par fix94.1, le 23/11/2014
  • made nintendont compilable with the latest devkitARM r43

r223 par fix94.1, le 22/11/2014
  • made it more simple to modify the memcard emu timings, added timing exceptions for starfox assault and luigis mansion in a simple way
  • when you selected a device to load your games from nintendont will display a small loading message to confirm that it is loading the game list, this should hopefully help to avoid confusion if nintendont actually regonized the button press

r222 par fix94.1, le 21/11/2014
  • further worked on the per-game widescreen patches, now also animal crossing and all mario party games have proper patches
  • added code to hopefully help recent blackscreens with memcard emu enabled

r221 par JoostinOnline, le 21/11/2014
  • Fixed previous status messages disappearing if there is an error
  • Fixed the menu info appearing one frame after the games/options
  • 251 blocks is now listed as recommended in the "Memcard Blocks" option
  • Set the groundwork for a timeout if the drive doesn't respond.This doesn't work yet, and I can't finish it until I receive a drive that doesn't work (it's coming)
  • Moved the options up 13 pixels for people who had the bottom cut off
  • A few minor cleanups.

r220 par fix94.1, le 17/11/2014
  • did some more work on the game specific widescreen hacks, making at least 7 different games (mkdd, super mario sunshine, crash bandicoot, nfs hp2, windwaker, twilight princess, paper mario) in all their regions get widescreen patched properly.

r219 par fix94.1, le 16/11/2014
  • make sure that for extremly slow hdds the bluetooth controller stays updated when reading a random sector every 10 seconds
  • changed up the widescreen patches C_MTXPerspective and C_MTXLightPerspective, should fix weird patch bugs in games like pokemon xd and colosseum
  • added a few selected game specific widescreen patches, credits for those go to Ralf from gc-forever for making the original ocarina codes.

r218 par JoostinOnline, le 16/11/2014
  • Fixed update menu and "Return to Loader" not always showing.

r217 par JoostinOnline, le 15/11/2014
  • Reapplied the new UI with a truetype font
  • Increased the number of games shown on one screen
  • Increased the number of characters shown per-title
  • Slowed down scrolling up/down and sped up left/right
  • Fixed Nintendont not running without an SD card inserted
  • Fixed a warning in Patch.c if DEBUG_PATCH was disabled.
NOTE: Don't bother asking for a full GUI, coverflow, or anything else graphics related. This is as good as it's going to get. Use another loader if you want something nicer. The purpose was to make the text easier to read on small screens, and to add flexibility for the devs by making font size customizable.

r216 par fix94.1, le 11/11/2014
  • make sure that SetInterruptMask from the debug sdk cant write to EXI Channel 2 when memcard emu is disabled (fixes batman vengeance from real memory card).

r215 par fix94.1, le 11/11/2014
  • cut memcard emu access time in half since after testing it doesnt seem to cause any problems
  • when playing from usb, let the drive read a random sector every 10 seconds to stay alive.

r214 par Howard, le 11/11/2014
  • Fixed Logitech RumblePad 2 and Rumble Gamepad F510 controller.ini Triggers
  • Fixed Auto video mode for region I & removed region G (Thanks Cyan).

r213 par Cyan, le 10/11/2014
  • Fix game region detection when video mode set to Auto or None.

r212 par JoostinOnline, le 09/11/2014
  • Great, now PAL games don't work. I'm reverting the UI until I can order a PAL game and test it out.

r211 par JoostinOnline, le 09/11/2014
  • Gave Nintendont a nice polished interface. It now has a background and a truetype font (no more jaggies)
  • You can now see more of the game title.
  • Fixed a warning if DEBUG_PATCH is disabled.
Thanks to ccfman2004, VinsCool, and Shiranui-san for the valuable input they've provided on this release.

r210 par fix94.1, le 08/11/2014
    (binary please).

r209 par fix94.1, le 08/11/2014
  • added __CARDUnlock patch to fix original nintendo memory card support, thanks tueidj for pointing at it
  • only set a progressive video mode on game boot if force progressive is enabled, should fix some PAL games to start normally on wiiu
  • removed old include which doesnt exist anymore to fix compiling errors.

r208 par Howard, le 06/11/2014
  • Fixed loaders inability to set video modes introduced in 2.204 The first time you start this version If you are starting it from the homebrew channel set the video mode. This should fix black screens people were seeing in 2.204 - 2.207 that didn't occur in 2.03.

r207 par JoostinOnline, le 03/11/2014
  • can now be downloaded and extracted in-app.

r206 par fix94.1, le 03/11/2014
  • changed up game loading in order to make the loader dol size much more expandable.

r205 par Howard, le 02/11/2014
  • Added Nvidia Shield controller.ini.

r204 par fix94.1, le 02/11/2014
  • correct force video mode setting in the loader menu, it should now navigate properly
  • added a security patch reset when the game is about to reset itself, fixes sonic cd exit
  • added a better GXInit search, should fix virtua striker 3
  • added disney hide and sneak ARStartDMA exception.

r203 par fix94.1, le 01/11/2014
  • heavly optimized patching system, depending on the game the bootup time can be more than twice as fast now.

r202 par JoostinOnline, le 01/11/2014
  • Fixed the update system (still don't know why it wasn't working for some people)
  • Updated

r201 par greyrogue, le 01/11/2014
  • Two PSO MemCardEmu hacks. Both of these work, but need more investigation:
    -If Emulating MemCards, one of the calls to EXIImm is not working correctly. The hack copies the patch for EXIImm to the 0x80001800 patch scratch area and calls it from there. This should be identical behavior to skipping this hack, but it only works from the scratch area. This needs further investigation.
    -Immediately before the PSO fake entry patch, a function call that looks like its doing Initialization stuff (DSP, SI, etc.) is called. For emulated MemCards, this causes a hang-up. Further investigation is needed rather than just skipping the whole thing like this hack does..

r200 par fix94.1, le 31/10/2014
  • -added an option to enable/disable video deflicker when using force video mode, basically disabling deflickering will make a sharper image but might not work properly on your tv and enabling deflickering will be a bit more blurry but should be smooth on all tvs.

r199 par Howard, le 30/10/2014
  • Added CronusMax Xbox360 Adapter controller.ini (Thanks Khar00f)
  • Added Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2 Joystick controller.ini.

r198 par fix94.1, le 29/10/2014
  • added a different approach to fix ARStartDMA issues for certain games, check the Patch.c diff to see which games are affected.

r197 par JoostinOnline, le 27/10/2014
  • Most of the update system has been rewritten. On the surface, the only change is that you can now download titles.txt in-app.

r196 par greyrogue, le 27/10/2014
  • Add hack for PacMan World 2 to force the SiInit true..

r195 par greyrogue, le 26/10/2014
  • Made PSO hacks more generic (work for PSO III).Added new PatchBuffer code for PSO III..

r194 par greyrogue, le 26/10/2014
  • Fixes for PSO 1&2 Plus
    -Move access from 0x80001800 to 0x931C0000
    -Apply dol entry mod after switch.prs extraction to dol
    -Don't mod psov3.dol entry point. Used after DVD load. Patch entry hack..

r193 par Howard, le 23/04/2014
  • Added Trust Predator Gamepad controller.ini(Thanks L0r3n20).

r192 par JoostinOnline, le 23/04/2014
  • The controller files now use the VID and PID.
    Sorry, you need to redownload

r191 par JoostinOnline, le 23/04/2014
  • Your controller will now be detected and the appropriate .ini file will be selected. Extract the contents of to a folder named controllers in the root of your FAT device (so you'll have FAT:\controllers\0001.ini).
  • title database. This doesn't include ISO's that, for some weird reason, have had the title ID modified to match the 2002 version.
  • Removed "Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut (Preview) Prototype" entry because it was useless and conflicting with some custom titles.
    Note: The old controller.ini method still works, so if you only use one controller you don't have to change anything..

r190 par greyrogue, le 22/04/2014
  • Fix Native Control/PATCHSI backwards logic..

r189 par greyrogue, le 22/04/2014
  • Make PATCHSI a menu selectable option (Native Control On means PATCHSI is disabled)..

r188 par JoostinOnline, le 22/10/2014
  • Added support for special (Triforce) games in database, which were previously identified incorrectly
  • Removed some duplicates from titles.txt (you don't need to update your local copy)
  • Updated the meta.xml file just so the online version has correct credits
    Note: Thanks to Xenith and sonictopfan for testing.

r187 par fix94.1, le 21/10/2014
  • only apply Patch31A0 if the entry point is below that, fixes 007 from russia with love
  • if PADInit cant be found use SIInit instead to start reading pad inputs, fixes alien hominid controls

r186 par JoostinOnline, le 21/10/2014
  • Woops, forgot to remove a sleep command.

r185 par JoostinOnline, le 21/10/2014
  • Added database support for those unsightly game names. Copy the included titles.txt to your Nintendont directory
  • The loader now updates the meta.xml file prior to checking for AHB access, so you don't have to fix the meta.xml file manually.
    Note: To save space, the database doesn't care about region..

r184 par fix94.1, le 20/10/2014
  • searching much more detailed for PADInit so we dont miss it
  • reworked Patch31A0 to work with negative offsets too, fixes for example namco museum and midway arcade treasures 2.

r183 par fix94.1, le 20/10/2014
  • heavly changed the way games will get patched, this file will dynamically replace the game entry point to a custom loader instead of patching the game while reading it, this way games like the 007 series will no longer crash because of changing file locations
  • wait for PADInit to be called before reporting data in PADRead, fixes games like ghost recon.

r182 par fix94.1, le 19/10/2014
  • making sure to clear the current stream position after the audio stream ends, fixes xg3 stream looping.

r181 par fix94.1, le 19/10/2014
  • added 8 new patch patterns for the debug sdk
  • dynamically calulating the location of SIInterruptHandler instead of using patch patterns using SIInit, this should reduce false positive detections
  • added a way for the FIFO patch to apply to the debug sdk functions and also fixed a bug in it
  • added a hack for batman vengeance to skip old debugger code, this should fix it.

r180 par JoostinOnline, le 18/10/2014
  • Nintenont updater now shows what revision is being downloaded, and makes sure you don't already have the latest version
  • Additional minor changes to the updater.

r179 par fix94.1, le 18/10/2014
  • added safety check for GCAMIdentify patch, fixes mario kart gp1
  • other tiny optimizations.

r178 par fix94.1, le 17/10/2014
  • fixed tiny mistake in f-zero ax pad read function, messed up the dpad, also slighly reduced its pad updating to save some time.

r177 par fix94.1, le 17/10/2014
  • added a small patch security check to make sure we actually patch a game loader and not some random data, should fix games like resident evil
  • added a few more hacks from quadforce for f-zero ax to make it bootable (thanks crediar)
  • added pad read function patches for f-zero ax to make it controllable.

r176 par fix94.1, le 16/10/2014
  • moved resident evil 4 and sonic gems collection into the paper mario arstartdma exception list to fix their sound issues
  • added yet another timer check, this time for the cpu speed, might help out more games.

r175 par fix94.1, le 15/10/2014
  • added a very general game timer patcher which should cover up most games which run too fast.

r174 par JoostinOnline, le 14/10/2014
  • Added in-app updater, accessible through Settings menu.

r173 par fix94.1, le 13/10/2014
  • added micro machines to the ARStartDMA exception list to help it stabilize
  • assume on ELF loading that the header is already loaded in the buffer, fixes sonic cd.

r172 par fix94.1, le 13/10/2014
  • made the FIFO patching much more dynamic by actually using the pointer set by the game to find usage instead of hardcoded patterns
  • general patching cleanup, especially the debug messages are easier to look through now
  • split the triforce patches from the regular game patches since they will never be found in normal games anyways.

r171 par fix94.1, le 12/10/2014
  • did some more patchwork, now most of our required patches get applied dynamically, this should fix up some problems with games using the debug version of the sdk
  • commented out the multidol loader code for now, with this update all those game should work properly on their own with the corrected patches.

r170 par fix94.1, le 11/10/2014
  • added a security check for the EXIDMA callback value, this fixes billy hatcher memcard emulation waiting forever because of a wrong value
  • did some small memcard emu patch cleanup
  • added memcard patch for the japanese version of pokemon colosseum.

r169 par fix94.1, le 10/10/2014
  • added hardcoded patches for pokemon colosseum pal and ntsc which will report the memory card is always inserted with memcard emu enabled, this way you can actually save and load.

r168 par fix94.1, le 09/10/2014
  • added a bit of code to actually allow usage of a real memory card on wii when memory card emulation is turned off
  • added a small compiler option in global.h, PATCHSI, if you comment out this option and recompile nintendont it will use the original gamecube pad ports instead of emulating them, allowing accessories like gba and bongos but will remove things like hid, bluetooth and return to loader.

r167 par fix94.1, le 03/10/2014
  • added new PI_FIFO_WP patch pattern for pokemon xd and changed up ARStartDMA reading, this makes xd fully work for the first time
  • moved atv quad power racing 2 and pn03 into the paper mario ARStartDMA exception list to get them stable.

r166 par fix94.1, le 30/09/2014
  • added a new ARStartDMA patch which hooks itself into the original nintendo code instead of completely replacing it, this patch will be used by burnout 2, viewtiful joe, animal crossing and megaman x command mission.

r165 par fix94.1, le 29/09/2014
  • greatly increased controller read updates for interrupt read based games, this should help people with slow controls
  • changed up patching system a bit, made the debug prints more unified and added a safety check for EXIUnlock to make sure we write to the right function, this fixes music in both collectors edition menu and twilight princess
  • added a small debugging option which makes it possible to compile nintendont with a very small amount of patches, note that this will only help developers to understand certain problems better.

r164 par fix94.1, le 28/09/2014
  • moved most audio streaming and interrupt relevant info into unused hardware registers
  • skipping SIGetType patch for sonic adventure dx to fix its double presses
  • started adding more patterns and patches for games using the debug sdk, none of them work yet though, alot needs to be done still.

r163 par Howard, le 25/09/2014
  • Fixed HID controller analog triggers being broken since v2.158.

r162 par fix94.1, le 20/09/2014
  • sending interrupt messages through unused EXI device 2 hardware registers instead of main memory, saves some time and space
  • added starfox assault ntsc save exception and commented out baten kaitos save hack
  • made all gc relevant patches static, this might fix a bunch of games.

r161 par Howard, le 16/09/2014
  • Fixed Bluetooth TR remotes requiring an expansion controller needing to be disconnected and then reconnected to sync.
  • updated Thrustmaster Dual Analog 4 controller.ini to support ZL button (Thanks nastysdsi).

r160 par fix94.1, le 15/09/2014
  • added libwupc, now you can use the wiiu pro controller in the loader and not just ingame.

r159 par Howard, le 14/09/2014
  • Fixed wii classic controller analog triggers getting stuck slightly in when connecting using bluetooth.

r158 par Howard, le 13/09/2014
  • Added new controller.ini button LZ it adds the same functionality the bluetooth controllers have when DigitalLR=1 for half pressed AnalogR and AnalogR triggers when L or R are pressed at the same time as the LZ button.
  • Changed game selection menu Dpad Left and Right buttons to advance a screen at a time
  • Updated Logitech Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog 2 controller.ini to support the LZ button.

r157 par fix94.1, le 10/09/2014
  • calibrating the bluetooth controller analog sticks now when you sync the controller, the first value it reads will be taken as the analog stick middle, to recalibrate just reconnect the controller
  • if you press "-" on your wiimote it will enable/disable rumble
  • if you press "-" on your classic controller/wiiu pro controller, it will change the control scheme to be rotated a quarter clockwise or to the original control scheme
  • if you hold "L" on your classic controller/wiiu pro controller, your inputs on ZL/ZR will be used as half pressed L and R buttons ingame.

r156 par Howard, le 09/09/2014
  • Enhanced Internal game menu to default to the most recently selected game
  • Increased internal game menus ability to handle up to 500 games
  • Added new boot status messages for what controllers are enabled
  • Enhanced to allow gamecube and hid controllers to be turned off at the same time
  • Fixed Multiplayer using MultiIn=2 again. (bluetooth changes keep breaking it).

r155 par fix94.1, le 08/09/2014
  • changed up interrupt message reading a bit, fixes startup of luigis mansion
  • changed SI error message when no controller is connected, fixes burnout 2 and pandora tomorrow
  • added army men and cel damage to the multidol exception list, cel damage still doesnt work though, state of that game is unknown
  • increased rumble of the wiiu pro controller
  • improved the calculation accuracy of the wiiu pro controller analog sticks.

r154 par Howard, le 07/09/2014
  • Added shutdown combination (B,Z,R,PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) to bluetooth controllers
  • Fixed Multi controller adapters using MultiIn=2 working in conjunction with blutooth controllers
  • Added Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SA controller.ini (Thanks galneon).

r153 par fix94.1, le 05/09/2014
  • added bluetooth support, so far you can use the wiiu pro controller, classic controller and classic controller pro, the controllers need to be synced with the system menu to work just like it is with other homebrew applications, credits to the original author of lwBT, the people behind the libogc port, the creators of the wiimote wiki entry on and to TeHaxor69 for the wiiu pro controller documentation
  • added raw rumble data support to controller.ini files, so far controller_ps2.ini and controller_Genreic_USB_Gamepad_PID=0079_VID=0006.ini have rumble support
    IMPORTANT: The bluetooth code is very long so it is highly possible that they are new bugs coming with this version, dont be surprised when you encounter new problems.

r152 par Howard, le 02/09/2014
  • Fixed auto boot from some loaders when maxpads is set to 0
  • Fixed PS4 controller.ini digital triggers
  • Fixed JPN and non JPN saves trying to use the same multi save file. If you were saving JPN saves in a multi save file you need to rename ninmem.raw to ninmemj.raw when upgrading to this version..

r151 par Howard, le 28/08/2014
  • Added Multi player support for the following usb adapters (Thanks Coreyw)
    - Mayflash CCPro USB Adapter - PC045
    - MayFlash Wii CC USB Adapter - PC052
    - Mayflash WiiU Pro Controller Adapter - W009
    To enable it in the controller.ini change MultiIn=1 to MultiIn=2 It wont work for anything that doesn't use the MultiIn command. Special notes when using it on a wii It is incompatible with a wavebird being plugged in. If you have gamecube controllers plugged in once you have an empty gamecube connector the next port must also be empty for the cc and cc pro adapters. the wiiu pro adapter can not have any gamecube ports used after the first empty one. some users reported setting maxpads to the number of actual gamecube controllers plugged in gave better results
  • Added Support for Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick
  • Fixed joystick sensitivity in the controller.ini for Mayflash CCPro USB Adapter - PC045.

r150 par fix94.1, le 28/08/2014
  • fixed a small problem with audio streaming, this should remove most clicks and pops in the decoded audio
  • small asm and multidol loader changes, nothing really worth pointing out
  • added a patch for PADControlAllMotors, this should get rumble working for most games which didnt have rumble yet
  • changed up the patching system to have critical patches always loaded up at the same place, this should fix bootup of the 007 games
  • heavly modified the video patching system to now work without complete video modes, this should allow games to be patched which were not changeable before
  • added a new FIFO and a new __CARDStat patch, didnt have any effect though on pokemon xd, the problem of this game is still unknown
  • added a timer fix for the japanese majoras mask version.

r149 par Howard, le 24/08/2014
  • Added support for Mayflash Classic controller Pro USB Adapter - PC045 This requires updating nintendont and the controller.ini (THANKS CoreyW)
  • Fixed Dpad=1 not allowing the dpad and some other control to be used at the same time (Thanks CoreyW)
  • Fixed MayFlash Wii CC USB Adapter - PC052 controller.ini triggers.

r148 par fix94.1, le 19/08/2014
  • if language is set to auto, actually set the language according to the system config (fixes games like batman begins).

r147 par Howard, le 18/08/2014
  • Fixed ps3 controller in Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion and any other games that use a combination of analog triggers and digital trigger buttons.(REQUIRES booth boot.dol and controller.ini be upgraded)
  • Added a new controller.ini setting to DigitalLR DigitalLR=2 for controllers that have analog triggers with no button to indicate when they are fully pressed. Set
    L=<offset>,<trigger value>
    R=<offset>,<trigger value>
    <offset> is the location of the analog trigger
    <trigger value> is set so that when the value pointed at by <offset> are >=
    <trigger value> the digital trigger button is considered pressed.

r146 par fix94.1, le 18/08/2014
  • slightly optimized the asm behind audio streaming, also added updater for the current offset, games like crazy taxi will always play the same song otherwise
  • added audio streaming support for FST games
  • crash bandicoot timer fix.

r145 par fix94.1, le 17/08/2014
  • added audio streaming, works well in most games, updated nintendonts major version to v2
  • fixed xg3 running too fast
  • general patcher optimizations.

Nintendon't V1

r144 par Howard, le 17/08/2014
  • Fixed when reading a version 2 nincfg.bin the version number is updated as well otherwise any changes to the config result in an unusable file on subsequent boots.

r143 par Howard, le 15/08/2014
  • Added Support for Thrustmaster Dual Analog 4 (Thanks nastysdsi)
  • Fixed reading old version 2 of nincfg.bin so loaders that havent been upgraded will still work..

r142 par fix94.1, le 11/08/2014
  • added new patches to emulate the wii reset button by pressing the buttons R+Z+Start on your controller.

r141 par fix94.1, le 09/08/2014
  • rewrote the mechanics of the multidol loader, now it can load everything from zelda collectors edition including the nes games and the movies
  • slighly changed the code behind the patching system, shouldnt make any difference
  • returning ORed bitmap of pads which can rumble as the official nintendo function does, this might fix games having no rumble.

r140 par fix94.1, le 08/08/2014
  • added hardcoded timer patch for majoras mask pal and ntscu.

r139 par fix94.1, le 07/08/2014
  • removed disc read limit
  • pre-reading data when no cache is specified and the game wants to load something with the same data size, this highly reduces the time of animal crossing bootup for example
  • added a proper patch for RADTimerRead, with the help of this patch games using Bink Video will play back videos properly (for example megaman collection and scaler)
  • removed some unneeded code for the SI interrupt
  • using a general ISO reading function which makes sure we dont seek unneeded, this increases general reading for slow HDDs
  • slightly increased the sectors you can read from the HDD at once, this helps further to increase reading speed from HDD.

r138 par greyrogue, le 07/08/2014
  • Undo unnecessary complicated memorycard memory processing and just avoid overwriting kernel memory..

r137 par greyrogue, le 06/08/2014
    Move the DI_Buffer back to 0x11200000.
  • Seems to cause crashes if not located here.
  • This is in the middle of Memcard memory. This makes memory card processing much more complicated..

r136 par greyrogue, le 06/08/2014
    No log message.

r135 par greyrogue, le 05/08/2014
  • Add support for multiple saves in a single memory card file.
  • Add support for selecting memcard size.
  • Prevent disc reads beyond the end of the buffer.
  • Check for controller.ini.ini if can't find correct file..

r134 par fix94.1, le 04/08/2014
    No log message.

r133 par fix94.1, le 04/08/2014
  • 32-bit aligning the addresses of ARStartDMA, this will fix the background music in megaman collection
  • added a hardcoded fix for the too fast videos in megaman collection
  • cleaned up FakeInterrupt.

r132 par fix94.1, le 01/08/2014
  • added 16 missing patches for billy hatcher, now it at least boots, you need to disable memory card emulation though for it to actually get into gameplay
  • added avatar and P.N.03 onto the ARStartDMA exception list
  • further optimized the emulated dk bongo values to be more precise.

r131 par fix94.1, le 30/07/2014
  • added a new function patch, "PADIsBarrel", this function is used to determine if bongos in donkey konga are connected
  • heavly modified the pad read function in order to try to emulate the bongos if they are connected, this is not accurate and only works if you start the game and then reconnect the bongos
  • slighly optimized some assembly functions.

r130 par greyrogue, le 26/07/2014
    Add SIInterruptHandler C. Thanks sabykos
  • Fixes The Simpsons Road Rage and Peach's castle Tech demo.

r129 par fix94.1, le 23/07/2014
  • made the ARStartDMA crash solution more complex for need for speed hot pursuit 2 to hopefully get it more stable
  • fixed a bug in ARStartDMA which used the wrong memory address base, that should fix some games like tony hawk pro skater
  • increased HID controller reading, it now reads about 60 times a second
  • added chronicles of narnia to the ARQPostRequest exception list.

r128 par fix94.1, le 14/07/2014
  • added custom ARStartDMA crash solutions for paper mario, mario superstar baseball, need for speed hot pursuit 2, viewtiful joe, mega man x command mission and animal crossing.

r127 par fix94.1, le 10/07/2014
  • heavly increased sd buffer from 2kb to 64kb which makes playing from slow sd cards actually enjoyable
  • fixed two possible small patch bugs.

r126 par fix94.1, le 08/07/2014
  • set DI interrupts onto a timer just like the EXI, seems to be safer
  • added DIOS-MIOS patches to disable audio streaming just to have those games work at all
  • Nintendont loader will now also display size when loading games from sd, also the size is displayed more exact in general
  • added code for games like collectors edition to properly react when pressing the reset button, they should now properly return to the main menu
  • added all needed patterns for pokemon colosseum but they are still unpatched so saving will still not work.

r125 par fix94.1, le 06/07/2014
  • added new SIInit patch pattern for games like animal crossing ntscu
  • added animal crossing ntscu to the list of ARQPostRequest exceptions to get it boot up.

r124 par greyrogue, le 05/07/2014
  • Minor Dsp fix.

r123 par fix94.1, le 05/07/2014
  • corrected a mistake in the dsp patch, thanks sabykos for pointing it out
  • ignore the title case when sorting alphabetically to get correct resultsd
  • display ID6 to the right of the title, that makes it easier to identify games.

r122 par Crediar, le 05/07/2014
  • Updated revision.

r121 par Crediar, le 05/07/2014
  • Fixed a bug that non Triforce games were reading from Triforce hardware areas(Thanks to sabykos for finding the bug).
    This should fix any game broken by r72 (i.e. Mario Party 7 EUR, Mario Power Tennis EUR, Harry Potter POA EUR, ... ).

r120 par fix94.1, le 04/07/2014
  • loader game list is now sorted alphabetically
  • you can control the loader now by holding down the dpad/stick, you dont need to constantly press, if you press left/right you move even faster
  • the classic controller analog stick now works in the loader
  • the current position in the game list wont get reset anymore after entering the options.

r119 par fix94.1, le 04/07/2014
  • completely removed the device ipl rom code, it will now be directly taken from the console.

r118 par fix94.1, le 04/07/2014
  • the power button should now shutdown on wii and reset to menu on wiiu at all times instantly.

r117 par fix94.1, le 03/07/2014
  • further optimized and cleaned up the multidol tgc loader code.

r116 par greyrogue, le 03/07/2014
  • Add Dspv14 Dspv15.
    Attempt to speed up Dsp searching code.

r115 par greyrogue, le 02/07/2014
  • Add exceptions to ARStartDMA
    -Mario Baseball
    -Viewtiful Joe
  • Combine common shutdown code in PADReadGC.S
  • Add Dspv13..

r114 par fix94.1, le 02/07/2014
  • check for valid tgc header before copying in our own apploader (fixes sonic gems collection)
  • added animal crossing to the arstartdma exception list, lets animal crossing pal boot without any modifications for the first time via the new tgc apploader.

r113 par Crediar, le 01/07/2014
  • Added shut down via power button.

r112 par fix94.1, le 01/07/2014
  • how about we upload the loader files as well svn.

r111 par fix94.1, le 01/07/2014
  • added a very simple multi-dol loader for games like zelda collectors edition.

r110 par greyrogue, le 01/07/2014
  • Fix swapped widescreen/progressive options.

r109 par greyrogue, le 30/06/2014
  • More code cleanup.
    -Menu code
    -FuncPattern Groups
  • Added another PI_FIFO_WP function.
  • Added log to the config settings.

r108 par fix94.1, le 30/06/2014
  • still use length 0 for most games in ARStartDMA
  • only use count skip in megaman command mission and paper mario for now (we need to add exceptions over time)
  • moved our kernel into the cache region and reduced the cache size so in the future we can easly set the kernel to every size now
  • fixed a potential bug with the stack overwriting data from various things
  • changed up the HID code a bit in the hopes to help PS3 controllers, untested.

r107 par greyrogue, le 29/06/2014
  • Skip GC pad read on Wii U.

r106 par greyrogue, le 29/06/2014
    Code cleanup
  • Combine GC and HID Pad functions
  • Use enum for 0xdead function patterns.
  • Minor ARStartDMA rearranging..

r105 par greyrogue, le 29/06/2014
    In ARStartDMA, round down to zero for low value counts. Use the requested counts for larger values.
  • Currently cut-off is set to 0x400. This might need to be adjusted.
  • This might make the ARQPostRequest patch unnecessary.
  • Fixes Paper Mario battles.
    Added more PI_FIFO_WP functions..

r104 par fix94.1, le 28/06/2014
  • explicitly saying gnu make that we are on windows when we use the Build.bat, otherwise it tries to execute the linux bin2h file.

r103 par fix94.1, le 28/06/2014
  • (hopefully) added all needed files and edited include paths to make nintendont compile properly on linux, just make sure you defined the variables DEVKITPRO, DEVKITPPC and DEVKITARM.

r102 par fix94.1, le 27/06/2014
  • some kernel cleanup to reduce the overall size.

r101 par fix94.1, le 27/06/2014
  • added the fatfs fastseek feature for ISO files which basically removes in game loading times.

r100 par greyrogue, le 26/06/2014
    PI_FIFO_WP bit fix.
  • Fixes F-Zero GX
  • Minor Zelda DSP clean up.
  • Disable _fwrite D patch. Doesn't appear to be the right function to patch.
  • Speed up hexdump.
  • Perform 1 file write per line of text with a buffer instead of 35 without..

r99 par fix94.1, le 24/06/2014
  • sorry, the previous revision will always clear the config because I messed up a simple value, fixed.

r98 par fix94.1, le 24/06/2014
  • nintendont now accepts args to autoboot games, other usb loader devs can look at wiiflow on howto implement it
  • added ios 58.25.32 onto the supported wii ios list as suggested by the gbatemp member realromhunter.

r97 par fix94.1, le 23/06/2014
  • moved some more disc read code into the disc read thread, this should not change game behavior or compatibility.

r96 par Howard, le 20/06/2014
  • Fixed reference to old website (Thanks Naxil).

r95 par greyrogue, le 19/06/2014
  • Add Dsp v12 (Pikmin PAL).
  • Cleaned up Zelda Dsp patching code.

r94 par Howard, le 18/06/2014
  • Fixed HUGE omission in the meta file.
    It doesn't affect compatibility so no new dol..

r93 par greyrogue, le 18/06/2014
  • Corrected name for SIEnablePollingInterrupt (was SIReadHandler).
  • Fixed SIEnablePollingInterrupt.
  • Mistakenly thought a patch was needed for an interrupt bit. It was actually the mask bit.
  • Fixes Pokemon Colosseum..

r92 par fix94.1, le 18/06/2014
  • some minor changes, logs now get closed and devices get properly unmounted.

r91 par fix94.1, le 18/06/2014
  • fixed the issue that after playing a japanese gc game with a console from a different region the other games get started as japanese games if you used the return to feature
  • fixed the issue that non-japanese games on japanese consoles always get started like japanese games.

r90 par greyrogue, le 17/06/2014
  • Add SIInit C patch for SSBM.
  • Add new function patch.
  • Unsure of the name, but the function performs SIHandleRead for SSBM..

r89 par greyrogue, le 17/06/2014
  • [No log message].

r88 par greyrogue, le 16/06/2014
  • Clear SI interrupt in SIInterruptHandler, not FakeInterrupt. Same for EXI.
  • Might require finding more versions of SIInterruptHandler.
  • Send additional PPC interrupt if cleared without handling the requested SI or EXI interrupt.
  • Clean up some interrupt code.

r87 par greyrogue, le 16/06/2014
  • Change method to protect interrupt variables by separating interfaces to different locations..

r86 par greyrogue, le 15/06/2014
  • Protect Fake Interrupt values.
  • Don't overwrite 0x80000014 if in use
  • DI doesn't use Fake Interrupt. Remove reference.
  • Turn off log in official build.
  • It can slow down games during launch which causes errors. Moved specific patches from Mario Strikers to generic method.
  • Probably need to find more variants. Found some for Luigi's Mansion Minor SI tweaks..

r85 par greyrogue, le 14/06/2014
  • Clean up changes to SI.

r84 par greyrogue, le 14/06/2014
    Improved SI interface.
  • It's still not quite right. We shouldn't need to false report errors and the polling bits are never enabled.
    Found a few more function patches for AI/SI.
  • lwzu and stwu (already did lwz and stw)
    Found a few functions related to SI in Mario Strikers that should be generalized. They currently aren't needed, but if we improve the SI interface further they will be. They're related to using memory instead of interrupts. We need to write 0s to clear memory, not 1s. For now only apply to Strikers..

r83 par greyrogue, le 07/06/2014
  • Fix ARStartDMA mem1 addressing.
  • Fixes Star Wars Rogue Squadron.

r82 par greyrogue, le 07/06/2014
    Move patch_fwrite_GC to a .S file.
    Combine patch_fwrite_Log/B into one S file and clean up.
    Load config from memory in kernel if available.
    Only write nincfg.bin in loader if settings were displayed.
  • nincfg.bin is now optional.
  • Still need a command line parser to use with loaders
    Fix heap scope issue with DI queue..

r81 par greyrogue, le 06/06/2014
    Disable SI interrupts if disabled by game.
  • Fixes 007 games.
    Reset patch found variables when loading a new elf/dol.
  • Fixes 007 games.
    Use the log for patch_fwrite instead of UsbGecko.
  • Shows OSReport strings in ndebug.log
  • Should probably make this an option for one or the other, or always do both instead..

r80 par fix94.1, le 04/06/2014
  • fixed a potential problem with ps3 controllers where the memory allocation for the rumble can interfere with the disc reading thread thanks the debug log provided by daxtsu.

r79 par fix94.1, le 04/06/2014
  • corrected cache for triforce games, now gp1 should run crashless.

r78 par fix94.1, le 03/06/2014
  • always skip SITransfer if its a normal gc game
  • skip ARQPostRequest unless we are booting super mario sunshine
  • use length 0 for ARStartDMA unless we boot mega man x command mission.

r77 par fix94.1, le 03/06/2014
  • skip SITransfer for mario strikers so it stays controllable
  • use ARStartDMA length 0 for melee and kirby air ride so it doesnt freeze.

r76 par fix94.1, le 02/06/2014
  • some more tiny changes which should let metroid prime boot again, fix controls in gp1, maybe more.

r75 par fix94.1, le 01/06/2014
    Fix disc swapping.
  • Also clears cache when swapping discs.Use corrected ARStartDMA for all games for interrupt timing. (Original attempt missed an exchange for r6/r7)..

r74 par fix94.1, le 01/06/2014
  • hanged up disc reading and other small stuff.

r73 par fix94.1, le 01/06/2014
  • added more patch exceptions to fix Dragon Drive, Odama and True Crime New York
  • fixed wrong game save timestamp
  • mario kart gp1 works now
  • finished up the triforce controls code so it now returns to hbc and works with usb controllers.

r72 par Crediar le 01/06/2014
  • Increase code size in linker script and updated related code
  • Added JVS-IO emulation
  • Added Baseboard emulation
  • Added DIMM board emulation.

r71 par Crediar, le 30/05/2014
  • Updated code to allow larger section sizes.

r70 par fix94.1, le 30/05/2014
  • worked some more on the auto-cache, also fixed a little bug in it again.

r69 par fix94.1, le 28/05/2014
  • use the original ARStartDMA code, only patch it for megaman x command mission, fixes metroid prime 1 and 2
  • fixed a small bug in the auto-cache
  • changed the disc read thread code a bit.

r68 par Howard, le 28/05/2014
  • Added Generic USB Gamepad PID=0079 VID=0006 controller.ini This controller was sold under several brands and models.
  • Fixed "flickering" problem some users were having with Genreic_USB_Gamepad_PID=0079_VID=0006.

r67 par fix94.1, le 27/05/2014
  • added alot of exceptions to fix Killer7, Cubivore, Frogger's Adventures, Two Towers, Chibi-Robo, Resident Evil 4, Hudson Selection Vol 2 and Kururin Squash
  • if you dont give a cache.txt, nintendont will automatically cache files, thats not as efficient but should help improve loading times if you get to some area a second time for example.

r66 par greyrogue, le 26/05/2014
  • Only use non-zero DMA interrupt size for Megaman X Command Mission.

r65 par greyrogue, le 26/05/2014
    Correct branch offsets in Patch31A0.
  • Fixes Pac-Man World 2..

r64 par greyrogue, le 26/05/2014
  • Dsp version does not control if ARQPostRequest is needed. Revert to lists..

r63 par greyrogue, le 26/05/2014
    Use actual DMA length in ARStartDMA instead of 0 (assumes no actual data transfer occurs. Only affects timing.
  • Fixes Mega Man X Command Mission.
    Remove ARQPostRequest from all non-Zelda uCode games (Zelda=Dspv0,1,5,8,10,11).
  • Fixes Mega Man X Command Mission.
    Skip Dvd patching for all games (not just Harvest Moon MM) that load a dol or elf file after the first with no patchable segments..

r62 par fix94.1, le 25/05/2014
  • sorry for the wiiu crash in r61, recompiled.

r61 par Fix94, le 25/05/2014
  • leave in the ARQPostRequest patch, only skip it for games which really get problems otherwise
  • made a few loader changes to try to fix some crashes on game startup.

r60 par greyrogue, le 24/05/2014
  • Fix Harvest Moon Magical Melody.

r59 par greyrogue, le 24/05/2014
  • Remove ARQPostRequest patch for all games (Fixes Mario Golf). This might break things for some games.

r58 par greyrogue, le 24/05/2014
  • Remove ARQPostRequest patch from Metroid Prime 2.

r57 par greyrogue, le 24/05/2014
  • Don't patch ARQPostRequest for Metroid Prime.

r56 par Howard, le 23/05/2014
  • Fixed reading <DeadZone> and<Radius> default values when their were "," in subsiquent commands in the controller.ini
    The only controller in the svn this would affect controller_ps4.ini.

r55 par Fix94, le 21/05/2014
  • -you can now use gc and hid controller at the same time on a wii, if hid is enabled it will still check the gc ports if you are using a normal wii.

r54 par Howard, le 20/05/2014
  • Updated the Mayflash 3 in 1 Magic Joy Box controller.ini to work with v1.53
  • Updated the memory map that I forgot to include with v1.53.

r53 par Howard, le 19/05/2014
    Added new parameters in controller.ini
    <DeadZone> is a value in hex if the controller is up to that far from center nintendont will still send that the stick is center to the game. It has a default value of 0 which is correct for most controllers.It sholud only need to be changed it the stick appears to be pulling in one direction. Prior versions had this hardcoded to 1A.
    <Radius> is a percent applied to the value coming from the stick. Prior versions had this hardcoded to 100. It has a default value of 80 which is correct for most sticks. Most sticks produce values ranging from 00 to ff, the camecube controller only produces values of only about 80% of that. It only needs to be changed if your controller dosent produce values ranging from 00 to ff.

r52 par fix94.1, le 18/05/2014
  • added some code to fix games like pal luigis mansion
  • added a new bin2h, this one should be compilable for linux etc as well.

r51 par greyrogue, le 17/05/2014
    Generate .h files from .S files.
    Generate .S files for DVDInquiryAsync and DVDSeekAbsAsyncPrio.
    Remove built files from repository.
    Simplify PadStub calling (use a global location for PadBuff)..

r50 par fix94.1, le 17/05/2014
  • changed up some things to hopefully help save crashes.

r49 par Howard, le 17/05/2014
  • Fixed reading controller.ini when lines are separated by only a <line feed>
  • Added Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 controller.ini (Thanks BravaCentauri)
  • Added PDP Afterglow AP.1 Controller for PS3 controller.ini (Thanks BravaCentauri)
  • Added Gioteck SC-1 controller.ini (Thanks Rockohoward).

r48 par fix94.1, le 16/05/2014
  • -more memory card emu tweaks, now nintendont will wait at least 3 seconds before it actually saves a file to your drive, that way it should not freeze because of too early storing, also optimized the save timing a bit to improve stability.

r47 par fix94.1, le 14/05/2014
  • added missing parts for drive led to still work.

r46 par fix94.1, le 14/05/2014
  • some more work on the pad read code, now for example final fantasy crystal chronicles works again
  • changed up some timings again to help making for example melee more stable.

r45 par Howard, le 13/05/2014
  • Added disk read activity led support
  • Fixed dump that could occur when the last line on controller.ini didn't have a carriage return linefeed
  • Added testing of file system on SD: to match testing on usb:
  • Added message to loading patched kernel 8 indicating using gamecube ports.

r44 par fix94.1, le 11/05/2014
  • changed up some thread priorities.

r43 par Howard, le 09/05/2014
  • Fixed GC analog triggers on controllers 2, 3 and 4 controlling player 1.

r42 par fix94.1, le 09/05/2014
  • took out the disc read input check of r40 again, I dont know why it would break for some people but whatever....

r41 par Howard, le 09/05/2014
  • Moved writing the version info into ndebug.log so it is always written first.

r40 par fix94.1, le 09/05/2014
  • read in fonts before staring the game (fixes a few games)
  • do not check for new disc read inputs if we are still reading a file (fixes a few games).

r39 par Howard, le 09/05/2014
  • Added configuration file for Thrustmaster T-Wireless(Thanks ALSINJAN)
  • Fixed compile error on systems where caps make a difference.

r38 par fix94.1, le 09/05/2014
  • slightly increased wait delay again to help stabilize games like melee.

r37 par JoostinOnline, le 09/05/2014
  • Optimized for space so DEBUG can stay enabled with USB kernel
  • Nintendont version is now shown in log
  • Added a few missing carriage returns.

r36 par fix94.1, le 09/05/2014
  • creating cache before we enter the game now, this way too slow devices should not cause any error anymore.

r35 par JoostinOnline, le 08/05/2014
  • Set Patch.c dbgprintf code as a separate category so it can be disabled if necessary.

r34 par greyrogue, le 08/05/2014
  • Only cache fonts section of ipl.bin. (Save 1.5MB).

r33 par fix94.1, le 08/05/2014
  • further improved the disc read thread introduced with r31
  • improved usability of the return to feature, it should be more reliable now
  • caching the font file by default now.

r32 par greyrogue, le 08/05/2014
    Add support for japanese font.
  • Use either ipl.bin or font_sjis.bin.

r31 par fix94.1, le 07/05/2014
  • made the disc read threaded, that should greatly reduce the random beeps in games if you go from one screen to another and also should improve control reaction times
  • moved up most of the memory positions to make space for the cache.

r30 par JoostinOnline, le 07/05/2014
  • Made the cache code a little easier to read
  • Added note about not enabling DEBUG and DEBUG_DI at the same time (looking into it, problem is in Patch.c).

r29 par JoostinOnline, le 06/05/2014
  • Fixed a few warnings
  • Can now be compiled with AUDIOSTREAM defined.

r28 par fix94.1, le 06/05/2014
  • used wrong devkit for r27, sorry.

r27 par fix94.1, le 06/05/2014
  • dded a new controller patching method which seems to be required for some games to be controllable, its still not fully tested so I cant promise every game is controllable now.

r26 par greyrogue, le 06/05/2014
  • Try to use font_ansi.bin if no ipl.bin file is found.

r25 par Crediar, le 06/05/2014
  • Added file caching
  • Updated EXIDMA and EXIImm to prevent register corruption
  • Updated DCInvalidateRange to handle smaller than 32 bytes reads (Triforce)
  • Removed __OSReadROM patch
  • Removed unused patches
  • Optimised some code
  • IPL reads are now done to MEM2 first and then copied to dst to prevent datacorruption
    Note: Certain games try to load the IPL font and crash or don't display any font at all when the sd:/ipl.bin or usb:/ipl.bin is missing!(i.e. FZero-GX)
    File caching: Put a file called cache.txt into the same dir as the game.iso and put any filenames you want to cache in there. There is currently a file limit of 220 entries..

r24 par JoostinOnline, le 06/05/2014
  • Made some of the init code clearer
  • Fixed some typo's
  • Removed empty Debug folders..

r23 par greyrogue, le 04/05/2014
  • Actually implement the change meant for r22 (Fix UStealth).

r22 par greyrogue, le 04/05/2014
  • Fix UStealth. - Thanks airline38.

r21 par greyrogue, le 03/05/2014
  • Fix zero length DMA behavior. Fixes Animal Crossing (others?)..

r20 par JoostinOnline, le 30/04/2014
  • Cleaned up all the #ifdef DEBUG in kernel and loader, as they are pointless
  • gprintf can be disabled like dbgprintf
  • Added carriage return \r to all log code so nl_debug.log and ndebug.log can be read properly with Windows Notepad.

r19 par JoostinOnline, le 29/04/2014
  • Added elf file for analyzing code dumps..

r18 par Howard, le 29/04/2014
  • Forgot the .dol.

r17 par Howard, le 29/04/2014
  • Fixed meta.xml not updating to the correct version.

r16 par greyrogue, le 28/04/2014
  • Revert minor DSP change from r13.

r15 par fix64.1, le 28/04/2014
  • attempted to fix crashes on autoboot, on return to homebrew channel and when using memory card emulation.

r14 par Cyan, le 27/04/2014
  • Fix black screen when using interlace with component cable..

r13 par greyrogue, le 27/04/2014
  • Attempt to fix reset hangups.Speed up memory card writes..

r12 par fix94.1, le 27/04/2014
  • added a small patch to fix up some japanese games on non-japanese consoles.

r11 par greyrogue, le 27/04/2014
  • DSP fixes for v2, v3, v4, v6, and v9..

r10 par fix94.1, le 27/04/2014
  • calculating trigger deadzones a bit better now
  • displaying the version info properly now.

r9 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
  • [No log message].

r8 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
  • Added apps folder files.

r7 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
  • Added loader.dol.

r6 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
    To prevent endless revision/version confusion nintendont will no longer use revisions but versions starting at 1.0
  • release = r89 date = 2014-4-27
      -If your loader provides a return stub, the reset combination will now use it, if no loader was used, you will return to the system menu
  • release = r88 date = 2014-4-26
      -Added Mayflash 3 in 1 Magic Joy Box support (Thanks Adeka & Fludit)
      -Added Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Analog 2 support
      -Cleared message to plug in HID controller once it is plugged in
      -Added error message for "PS3 controller init error"
      -Added display of error codes for unknown HID init errors
      -Added updates.txt
  • release = r87 date = 2014-4-26
      -Removed the DSP patches
  • release = r86 date = 2014-4-26
      -Added a dead zone to L and R triggers for both GameCube and USB controllers, should stop triggers from staying at one place
  • release = r85 date = 2014-4-25
      -Moved r85 to new SVN.

r2, r3, r4 & r5 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
  • Created wiki page through web user interface.

r1 par Crediar, le 27/04/2014
  • Initial directory structure.

Nintendont v3.353

Versions précédentes
R256 / R260 / R265 / R276 / R282 / R338
Dernière édition par roukxwel le 06 Juil 2015, 23:54, édité 5 fois.
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendon-t

Message non lupar roukxwel » 21 Déc 2014, 00:45

Mise a jour :

ChangeLog r260 ou v2.260 par fix94.1, le 20/12/2014
  • cleaned up disc support for original wiis, for developers: to tell nintendont to load a disc just set the game path to "di"
  • fixed a small mistake in PatchFuncInterface, that will fix various bugs such as games not booting or enemies are not killable in prince of persia warrior within

ChangeLog r259 ou v2.259 par fix94.1, le 19/12/2014
  • resetting wiiu widescreen setting after the game finished to make sure we are on the right one
  • added some basic disc reading on wii which supports the most basic features, its the very first "game" for wii users and supports pretty much everything which is supported from normal sd and usb reading, its not quite finished yet
  • updated all registers needed to not use the original disc drive registers anymore

ChangeLog r258 ou v2.258 par fix94.1, le 18/12/2014
  • added option for wiiu widescreen, if its off your wiiu will resize the picture to be 4:3 and if its on it'll stretch the picture to fullscreen

ChangeLog r257 ou v2.257 par fix94.1, le 16/12/2014
  • made the constantly refreshed HID messages part of the nintendont kernel memory instead of always newly allocating it to try help out stability
Dernière édition par roukxwel le 24 Mai 2015, 14:43, édité 2 fois.
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendon-t

Message non lupar roukxwel » 26 Déc 2014, 03:48

Mise a jour :

ChangeLog r265 ou v2.265 par Howard, le 24/12/2014
  • Added Support for some generic Classic controllers (Thanks Abz)

ChangeLog r264 ou v2.264 fix94.1, le 24/12/2014
  • if nintendont gets loaded with the wrong IOS it will try to load IOS58 by itself
  • added code which makes sure we have permission to use the disc drive
  • added a missing redraw when you change settings

ChangeLog r263 ou v2.263 par fix94.1, le 23/12/2014
  • added multi-iso disc support, it has been verified to work from burned discs, wode and as direct iso on sd/usb
  • slightly adjusted the loader game selection, the controls should be a bit better now

ChangeLog r262 ou v2.262 par Howard, le 22/12/2014
  • Added Nunchuck support

ChangeLog r261 ou v2.261 par fix94.1, le 21/12/2014
  • fixed a little bug in disc reading which now fixes reading burned gc discs on old wiis
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendon-t

Message non lupar roukxwel » 13 Jan 2015, 01:22

Mise a jour :
ChangeLog r276 ou v2.276 par fix94.1, le 12/01/2015
  • added gamecube bios support, please note that this is still very early in testing so it might not fully work, to let a game start using the original gamecube bios place iplusa.bin, ipljap.bin and/or iplpal.bin onto your device root, if nintendont finds the bios fitting to the game region it tries to start it, as of right now this feature has no use whatsoever and only exists for pure demonstration purposes
ChangeLog r275 ou v2.275 par fix94.1, le 09/01/2015
  • hopefully improved the audio streaming code to not crash certain games on the end of the audio file
  • added triforce video mode patches so all 4 triforce games can be patched to runwith force progressive
ChangeLog r274 ou v2.274 par fix94.1, le 09/01/2015
  • added a proper audio streaming resample check so games with too fast audio should now sound correct
  • moved the Street Racing Syndicate exception to hopefully fix the game
ChangeLog r263 ou v2.263 par fix94.1, le 23/12/2014
  • added multi-iso disc support, it has been verified to work from burned discs, wode and as direct iso on sd/usb
  • slightly adjusted the loader game selection, the controls should be a bit better now
ChangeLog r273 ou v2.273 par Howard, le 08/01/2015
  • Added new boot status message "Cheat path is empty" when cheats are on and cheat path is on and the cheat path isn't set
  • Changed boot status messages "Initing devices..." to "Initing storage devices..."
  • improved gamecube adapter for wii u bongo support
ChangeLog r272 ou v2.272 par fix94.1, le 07/01/2015
  • commented out some debug patches for ax which should let it start if OSReport is not enabled
  • forgot to actually use a updated function, made sure its used now
ChangeLog r271 ou v2.271 par fix94.1, le 05/01/2015
  • changed out some buffers in jvsio and changed some flushing code in order to help out triforce random crashes, missing controls and problems
  • changed the default triforce ingame coin count to 9 so just in case it doesnt automatically refresh the coins you dont run out directly and may get lucky on the next coin update to get new coins
  • commented out some possibly problematic debug code which might crash games on bootup
  • added ARStartDMA exceptions for both Multi-Game Demo Disc 18 and Street Racing
ChangeLog r270 ou v2.270 par fix94.1, le 03/01/2015
  • added proper memory flush security as well as proper ARStartDMA data copying if the data to be copied is not properly aligned already, fixes various games such as happy feet, legends of wrestling and gun
ChangeLog r269 ou v2.269 par fix94.1, le 02/01/2015
  • fixed up gc disc reading of multi-iso discs created with very old tools
  • more security updates to try to fix return to loader freezing
ChangeLog r268 ou v2.268 par Howard, le 02/01/2015
  • cleaned up some patching, triforce games now have a bit less patching in order to run
  • added a bit of security when reading data
ChangeLog r267 ou v2.267 par fix94.1, le 31/12/2014
  • Added Trio Linker Plus II controller.ini (Thanks gillhaj02)
ChangeLog r266 ou v2.266 par Howard, le 31/12/2014
  • fixed up the triforce game virtua striker 4 so it should boot and also added basic controls code for it
  • small changes and bugfixes
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendon-t

Message non lupar roukxwel » 25 Jan 2015, 20:48

Mise a jour :

ChangeLog r282 ou v2.282 par fix94.1, le 25/01/2015
  • removed sonic adventure dx again from the pad exception list, that game must've been fixed with some previous change
  • added a proper f-zero ax widescreen patch, thanks CosmoCortney
  • removed a few mario kart gp2 menu timers, thanks conanac
ChangeLog r281 ou v2.281 par fix94.1, le 24/01/2015
  • added PADControlMotor security check to prevent the patch from applying to a wrong place, fixes Resident Evil 0 and NFL Street 2
  • added pad state switching exception list for Call of Duty, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and Sonic Adventure DX to try to fix their control problems
ChangeLog r280 ou v2.280 par fix94.1, le 23/01/2015
  • added Piglet's Big Game to the ARStartDMA exception list to fix sound issues ingame
  • added an additional DOL file security check before patching, fixes WrestleMania X8
ChangeLog r279 ou v2.279 par fix94.1, le 19/01/2015
  • added missing file which makes it impossible to compile
  • corrected triforce virtua striker offset check
ChangeLog r278 ou v2.278 par fix94.1, le 19/01/2015
  • slightly updated ARStartDMA code, fixed a small mistake in it and made it easier to debug
  • fixed up progressive video mode flag and added a exception to skip it on BMX XXX so the game doesnt freeze when using a component/hdmi cable added a new img patching method which gets NBA 2k2, NBA 2k3, NCAA College Football 2K3 as well as NCAA College Basketball 2K3 fully working
  • added ARStartDMA exceptions for NBA 2k2, Army Men Sarges War, ESPN MLS Extra Time 2002, Monster 4x4: Masters Of Metal and SD Gundam Gashapon Wars to fix various issues with these games
  • skipping the GC BIOS if one of the 4 working triforce games gets detected
  • slightly increased our kernel memory
ChangeLog r277 ou v2.277 par fix94.1, le 13/01/2015
  • wrote up a small pal gc ipl patch to try prevent its startup crashing
  • make sure that the timer memory info is always set to the correct values
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendont r3.338

Message non lupar roukxwel » 24 Mai 2015, 14:43

Mise a jour :
ChangeLog r338 ou v3.338 par fix94.1, le 23/05/2015
  • added majoras mask alternative audio stream hook to fix missing ocarina confirmation sound and missing credits music
  • slightly changed patcher debug output
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [News Wii & vWii] Nintendont MAJ > r3.353

Message non lupar roukxwel » 06 Juil 2015, 23:55

Mise a jour :
ChangeLog R353 ou v3.353 par fix94.1, le 05/07/2015
  • ARStartDMA now will actively refuse to write out of its memory bounds, this fixes ultimate spiderman memory card emu problems
2 x Switch SX-OS (8.1.0 Ban & 8.1.0 Emunand) / WiiU 5.5.2, CBHC / 3 x 3DS 11.6 B9S / Wii 4.3 boot2 / PSP 6.61 Infinty.
PC > GA-Z87X-OC, I7 4770K (Noctua NH-U12P), G.Skill 16Go, MSI RX480 OC 8Go, Win10 (SSD), 8TO (Data).
Avatar de l’utilisateur roukxwel Ancien
Messages: 6303
Inscription: 20 Mai 2011, 08:14
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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