[Wii & vWii] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1250 Beta

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[Wii & vWii] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1250 Beta

Message non lupar roukxwel » 03 Sep 2011, 17:26

Attention ceci est une news qui concerne la Wii et le mode vWii de la WiiU.
Les archives que vous trouverez dans ce topic ne contiennent pas de chaines, ni de forwarder pour le loader afin d’éviter certains désagréments

roukxwel Wrote:Je remercie d'avance les membres qui pourraient upper ce topic dans le cas où il y aurait une beta du loader de disponible que vous trouverez ici ou la .
Je me ferais un plaisir de compiler cette dernière.

Si vous avez hacké votre console Wii ou le mode vWii de la WiiU, vous avez très certainement installé USB Loader GX peu de temps après. Cet utilitaire permet une gestion de nos sauvegardes de jeux (backups pour les intimes) en nous offrant une ergonomie et un visuel proche de la perfection. Tout est pensé pour nous faciliter la vie autant pour installer un jeu sur notre disque dur USB que pour parcourir notre ludothèque.

Mise à jour
Cyan vient récemment de porter les revision r1248, 1249 et r1250, les correctifs apporteront un meilleur soutient de l’émulation de nand (chaine) avec Neek2o (voir Changelog).

Caractéristiques du loader de base (r1180)
  • Support des backups de jeu Wii installés sur un support USB.
  • Support des backups de jeu GameCube installés sur une carte SD ( DML).
  • Support des partitions: WBFS, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2/3/4.
  • Support des disques durs à partitions multiples.
  • Support réel des 2 ports USB (nécessite les cIOS d'Hermes).
  • Support des cIOS d2x.
  • Support du blocage du rechargement d'IOS.
  • Support des arguments dans le meta.xml
  • Support des codes triche (Ocarina).
  • Support et détection des écrans larges.
  • Support de multiples langages.
  • Support des manettes : Wiimote, Nunchuck, Manette GameCube, Manette classique/pro.
  • Support des homebrews.
  • Modes d'affichage: liste, grille, carrousel, chaîne.
  • Affichages des bannières animées (mode chaîne.
  • Affichages des covers: 2D, 3D et disque en original ou custom.
  • Support de l’émulation de Nand (complète ou partielle).
  • Support des chaines sur Nand réelle.
  • Support des chaînes sur Nand émulée.
  • Support des sauvegardes de jeux sur Nand émulée.
  • Installateur et désinstallateur de wad pour la Nand émulée.
  • Contrôle parental.


Caractéristiques supplémentaires des versions bêta :
  • Filtrage des catégories améliorées.
  • Support de l'homebrew channel en v1.1.1 ou plus
  • Installation des jeux multidisques GameCube.
  • Support de L'émulation de la carte mémoire (No More Memory)
  • Support du DIOS MIOS
  • Support du DIOS MIOS lite
  • Support QuadForce 4.0
  • Support QuadForce 4.1
  • Support de Devolution
  • Support de Nintendon't
  • Support du priiloader v8 beta 4
  • Support des cIOS rev17-21 pour l'émulation de Nand (Chaine : Vc, Wiiware)
  • Support du serveur privé (Wiimmfi), patch les jeux aux lancement.


r1250par Cyan le 05/07/2015
  • svn wrong file addition format...
  • update meta.xml version too.

r1249par Cyan le 05/07/2015
  • svn commit forgot a file...

r1248par Cyan le 05/07/2015
  • Added basic Neek2o support for EmuNAND channels autoboot. Note: No game settings are used when using neek mode, except "Return To" and "EmuNAND path". "Return To" ON forces reload of the emuNAND "NK2O" channel on Wii and the emuNAND "Return to WiiU" channel on vWii.
  • Added a feature option to boot into Neek without game autoboot.
  • Added a prompt to select NAND Dump path if needed.
  • Fixed EmuNAND Chan setting read from EmuNAND Save setting when set to "Use global".
  • Removed the check for cIOS d2x when selecting emuNAND options.
  • updated language files for neek.

Correctifs précédents

r1247 par Cyan le 28/06/2015
  • Fixed downloading wiitdb on new install
  • Fixed creating game save path for EmuNAND channels if EmuNAND chan path is different than EmuNAND save path.
  • Prevent deleted channels to be displayed if tmd still exists
  • Moved gameconfig.txt loading outside of Ocarina function
  • Changed return values in game booter
  • Check Kenobiwii.bin only on Rev < 336

r1246 par Cyan le 10/05/2015
  • Added support for wbfs/GameID6/ path
  • Updated custom banner URL (Thanks Abz)
  • Set default Wii disc dump mode to "Remove update partition"
  • Set default Nintendont MaxPad to 4
  • Remove "shutdown to standby" choice on WiiU vWii.

r1245 par Cyan le 26/04/2015
  • USBLoaderGX installer: Updated URL to sourceforge (Dimok) Increased installer version to 1.9

r1244 par Cyan le 04/04/2015
  • Fixed compilation warning (Thanks Greywolf)
  • Added current version and revision number to boot screen
  • Renamed "Gametdb Path" to "Titles Path" and set default path for title's files to /titles/ subfolder.
  • Added a prompt to move existing files when editing Titles path. (Greywolf)
  • Added an option to display Multi-disc prompt when launching gamecube games with DM/DML/Nintendont.
  • Fixed exiting the credit page (press B to exit)
  • Set Loader's IOS setting to 58 if only 58 is available.
  • Removed unneeded IOS58 patches to libruntimeiospatch
  • Added Nintendont 3.304+ new version detection.
  • Removed warning if HID is enabled without controller.ini on r3.304+. HID setting still used to copy .ini if needed.
  • Fixed Booting game from USB if not on the first partition.
  • Fixed loading settings/cheats/controller.ini when booting from Disc.
  • Added a missing warning message if kenobiwii.bin is not found but debug option is enabled on Wii consoles.
  • Updated French language file

r1243 par Cyan le 08/03/2015
  • Updated Libfat to 1.0.13
  • Fixed compiling with DevkitPPC r27 (1 warning left)
  • Added throw exception to some buffers
  • Fixed DEVO config name

r1242 par Cyan le 08/03/2015
  • branches: Updating LibFAT to 1.0.13

r1241 par Cyan le 14/02/2015
  • Changed partition detection for DIOS MIOS to allow logical partition located before primary partition. (Thanks RCJayce)
  • Changed partition detection for Nintendont to allow logical and primary partitions before the first FAT32 partition.(ex. NTFS primary+FAT32 primary)
  • Moved IsWiiU() function to sys.c
  • Fixed French language file

r1240 par Cyan le 21/01/2015
  • Push r1239 in internal update menu and window's installer.Note: dol version only, not the full channel.

r1239 par Cyan le 19/01/2015
  • Forgot a line...

r1238 par Cyan le 19/01/2015
  • Removed PS3 Controller support.
  • Added a check on WiiU aspect ratio setting in features menu.
  • Updated French and Spanish language file

r1237 par Cyan le 10/01/2015
  • Revert internal update to r1233 because of reported issues with 1235. Currently investigating. Please don't use 1235 anymore.

r1236 par Cyan le 04/01/2015
  • Push r1235 in internal update menu and window's installer.
  • Added used libraries to /branches/libs/ You need to "make" and "make install" both libsicksaxis and libupc to compile USBLoaderGX r1235+

r1235 par Cyan le 04/01/2015
  • Added WiiU pro controller support. Some menus or buttons might not work. (Thanks Airline38)L3+R3 to shutdown the pad.
  • Added PS3 controller support over USB, requires loader's IOS set to IOS58. Button mapped as Classic Controller.
  • Added a WiiU Auto aspect fixer based on current WiiU setting.
  • Added a WiiU Widescreen switcher in Features menu.
  • Fixed detection for nintendont v2.263+ issue 2294
  • Added a WiiU Widescreen setting. issue 2296 Default value based on current WiiU aspect ratio settings.
  • Added a setting to choose Nincfg.bin behavior at launch issue 2297 Always delete; Always create; No change.
  • Removed unused game specific settings section (MGS2)
  • Renamed MCEmu ON setting to Multi
  • Added Disc launching feature
  • Added user prompt to select where MCEmu should be located when using Disc launching. The device is auto-detected if Gamecube source setting is set to SD or Main(USB) only.
  • Changed prompt type to warning if Nintendont version detection fails.
    Thanks to Airline38 for the WiiU pro base patch.

r1234 par Cyan le 07/12/2014
  • Push r1233 in internal update menu and window's installer. Note: dol version only, not the full channel.

r1233 par Cyan le 10/11/2014
  • Set default loader mode on fresh install to Wii+Gamecube.
  • Set video width to 694px (instead of 640px) when Wii set to 4:3 694 should look better. If you have crop issue, please report.
  • Updated French, German and Portuguese_br.
  • Updated Nintendont detection function (thanks Airline38)
  • Added Native controller setting.
  • Added Video Deflicker setting.
  • Removed forced MC Emu size when using a single card for multi games.
  • Added a warning when selecting a 2043 blocs MC Emu.
  • Removed forced Maxpad setting on WiiU
  • Removed forced controller.ini check on WiiU
  • Added controllers folder check (controller.ini has priority)
  • Fixed Video mode auto.

r1232 par Cyan le 31/08/2014
  • Push r1231 in internal update menu and window's installer.
    Note: dol version only, not the full channel.
r1231 par Cyan le 18/08/2014
  • Updated default Gamecube Banner URL.
  • Added an URL auto-updater for users with the old GameCube banner URL.
  • Added forced video mode to PAL60Hz 480i when playing NTSC games on a PAL console.
  • Added Crop Overscan and Disc Delay settings from Devolution r234
    - For PlayLog setting, use USBLoaderGX Playlog setting.
    - "MemCard emulation on NAND" feature will not be added.
Nintendont :
  • Added support for Nintendont v1.135+
  • Added MemCard Emu "Multi" support, named "Enabled" like with Devolution (OFF > Individual > Enabled) (v1.135+)
  • Added MemCard Blocks size option (v1.135+)
  • Added specific game settings (Metal gear Solid)
  • Changed to use Argsboot method only if AutoBoot is set.
par Cyan le 02/08/2014
Nintendont :
  • Added auto network initialization if needed when updating Nintendont from features menu.
  • Added a backup of existing boot.dol when updating Nintendont, restored if update failed.
  • Added Nintendont missing settings (MaxPads, LED, Log and OSReport).
  • Added a per game "Nintendont Loader Path" setting (Requested)
  • Changed Nintendont MCEmu setting to ON by default on new USBLoaderGX installation.

par Cyan le 14/07/2014
  • Updated DIOS MIOS (Lite) detection up to v2.11
  • Homebrew's AddBootArgument() function now accepts struct as arguments (Thanks Fix94)
Nintendont :
  • Always delete previous nincfg.bin file when launching a game.
  • Added Argument Booting method for nintendont v1.98+ (faster booting, no nincfg.bin file written to device)
  • Added "Update Nintendont" option in features menu. Issue 2260
par Cyan le 12/07/2014
  • Fixed launching DIOS MIOS(Lite) with Ocarina.
  • Added a "Private server" setting to patch games at launch. Issue 2261
  • Updated Chinese and French language files.
par Cyan le 05/05/2014
  • Push r1226 in internal update menu and window's installer. Note: dol version only, not the full channel.
par Cyan le 05/05/2014
  • Forgot two changes in r1225. Not enough tests is bad...
par Cyan le 05/05/2014
  • Fixed Ocarina download from Geckocodes issue2253 (Thanks Gave92)
  • Added a check for downloaded Ocarina content (Thanks Airline38)
  • Removed Error #002 setting (Always set to Anti)
par Cyan le 04/05/2014
  • Merged Gamecube Video settings to a single option. If you used the option "Use game settings" you will have to fix your settings manually. Sorry, for the inconvenience.
par Cyan le 04/05/2014
  • Fixed an issue where setting files were created on SD if boot.dol was on USB (Thanks Badablek)
  • Added Auto-edition of meta.xml arguments based on internal user settings.
  • Added support for meta.xml arguments when rebooting the loader.
Nintendont :
  • Added support for v1.20+
  • Fixed launching Gamecube in FST format with nintendont (Thank VashTS)
par Cyan le 29/04/2014
  • Push r1221 in internal update menu and windows installer. Note: dol version only, not the full channel.
par Cyan le 29/04/2014
  • Prevent downloading file if HTTP response code > 400
Nintendont :
  • Removed 32k/cluster limitation.
  • Fixed video mode setting "Auto".
  • Fixed loading cheats from the second device.
par Cyan le 25/04/2014
  • Push r1219 in internal update menu and windows installer. Note: dol version only, not the full channel.
par Cyan le 25/04/2014
  • Changed priority to cIOS instead of "IOS58 + AHB access" at launch if no argument is set in meta.xml.
  • Added an option to choose if HDD should be mounted on Loader's launch
  • Fixed installing games with no_split on NTFS partition if SD Card is inserted (Thanks Dimok)
  • Fixed a crash issue when plugging HDD after launch and mounting WBFS partition for the first time in HDD menu.
  • Fixed gamecube game's list when mounting HDD after launch.
  • Fixed automatic switching to channel mode if no USB device is detected.
  • Updated Gamecube custom banner's default URL for new install.
  • Added support for 302 Redirect HTTP error code(for users still using the old banner URL).
  • Updated runtimeiospatch to 1.5.2
  • Replaced integer values with vector in credit page.
Nintendont :
  • Removed SRAM patch (unused)
  • Added Nintendont svn support. (Tested up to r84)
  • Added Nintendont USB support.
  • Added a check for kenobi file presence when using Ocarina with DM/DML/NIN.
  • Added a check for controller.ini presence when using HID with Nintendont.
  • Added support for Nintendont "loader.dol" filename
  • Added support for r39 bootusb.dol and loaderusb.dol
par Cyan le 01/10/2013
  • Fixed missing games in "GameCube Delete menu" if the "GameCube Source" setting has USB priority.
  • Fixed Playlog writing when using Hermes cIOS v4 (untested)(Requires AHB access).
  • Fixed EmuNAND when using cIOS revision 65535 ( issue 2225 )
  • Added Nintendont support:
      1. Select Nintendont's boot.dol folder in userpath settings.
      2. Set the "GameCube Mode" setting to Nintendont.
      3. Nintendont share some of DIOS MIOS (Lite) settings.
  • Added sections in the Loader settings(Wii/gamecube/Devolution/DIOS MIOS/Nintendont).
  • Updated the GameCube game settings to display only the selected GameCube mode related settings.
  • Updated some menus to support more controller's input:
      ♦ Prevent GC/CC X and Y buttons to change row number in Wall layout (use d-pad up/down only)
      ♦ Added GC/CC support to carousel's arrow button
      ♦ Added GC/CC support to Wall/Carousel continuous scroll (+/- on CC, L/R on GC)
      ♦ Added GC support L/R and Start buttons in the settings/homebrew browser.
      ♦ Added D-pad support in listing windows if not pointing the screen. The cursor now moves with the selection(not very good with high Overscan value) (issue 2093)
  • Changed the StartupProcess to speed up launch time by using AHB access to read config files. IOS argument in meta.xml has priority over AHB detection.
  • Added IOS58 + AHB support for launching the loader without cIOS (Wii games and EmuNAND still require cIOS).
  • Added a Loader's IOS setting (now Loader and Games use two separate settings: loader can use 58 and games 249).
  • Added LibruntimeIOSPatch to patch IOS58 and Hermes v4 to get ISFS access and enable Banner mode, Channel's title and System font with these IOSes (Requires AHB access)
  • Added a delete prompt if downloaded cheat file is empty.
  • Force all launched homebrew to reload to IOS58 if available.
  • Changed Gecko.c to send logs to wifigecko too.
  • Changed wifigecko IP to send logs to all IP 192.168.0.x
  • Updated French translation.
par Cyan le 18/08/2013
  • Changed how video mode is chosen by the loader
      ♦ PAL now really uses PAL
      ♦ Force Interlace now really use interlace
      ♦ Use Force480p if you want to force progressive
      ♦ Use Disc/console default for auto-detection
This is experimental, please report your settings and tested game if you get blackscreen/freezes but same settings work with r1216 and you think you selected the correct video mode.
par Cyan le 18/08/2013
  • Improved GameCube controller functions (patch by Dynamit) R+Z=Screenshot, X=Gameinfo window, Y=Covers download
  • Added Classic Controller and GameCube Controller support in GameInfo window: Right stick=3D Cover movement, X=Flip 3DCover 180°, L/R=Zoom
  • Added Wifi6 and wifi10 pictures for GameInfo window.(Thanks OriginalHamster)
  • Added device priority selection for GameCube listing in global Loader settings (SD->USB, or USB->SD)
  • Added a "Use global" language setting for Gamecube games.
  • Added support for USB devices with modified MBR's signature to prevent WiiU's format message.
  • Prevent Rockband cursor display on GameCube and WiiWare games with "band" in the title (Crach bandicoot, Beach Bandits, etc.)
  • Added Dol's Video mode patcher in Loader/Game settings, for games which couldn't be forced. (MadWorld, MotoGP08, Mario Party 8, etc.)
      ♦ Region patch = Patches the dol's known video modes to the region selected in "Video mode" setting, but keep interlace/progressive references.
      ♦ ON = Patch all dol's known video modes to the one selected in "Video mode" setting.
      ♦ ALL = Patch all dol's found video mode patterns (even unknown video modes) to the one selected in "Video mode" setting.
  • DML: Updated DM(L) version detection up to v2.10
  • DML: Automatically enable PADHook if Screenshot setting is enabled
  • DML: Fixed a bug where multiple video modes could be set at the same time
  • DEVO: Added a prompt if trying to launch a game from a non FAT32 partition.
  • DEVO: Added Direct Mapping Buttons setting (Devo r200+)
  • DEVO: Added support for Language setting
  • Language files updated: Chinese, French
par Cyan le 26/05/2013
  • Added QuadForce version detection up to v4.1
  • Added QuadForce USB Support
  • Optimized DM/DML/QF detection code
par Cyan le 30/04/2013
  • Added QuadForce 2.0 version detection
par Cyan le 14/04/2013
  • Fixed NTFSLib's Mem2 Allocation (Thanks Dimok)
  • Fixed missing parent folder ".." when browsing a NTFS partition.
  • DML: Updated DM(L) detection up to version 2.9
  • DEVO: Added F-ZeroAX and TimerFix settings (requires Devolution r196 or newer)
par Cyan le 13/04/2013
  • Reverted more MEM2 Allocation to prevent black screen when launching a game. (Thanks Dimok)
par Cyan le 17/03/2013
  • Fixed USB Initialization when using usbport 1 (Thanks Dimok and Dynamit)
  • Fixed compiling on Linux
  • Added back support for WBFS partition without a partition table(Thanks PontoonAdmiral for the tests)
  • Fixed Wad installation on EmuNAND (both file decryption and file size)
  • Fixed channel's save path creation when using Emulated NAND
  • DML: Added Cluster size detection
  • DML: Updated DM(L) detection up to version 2.8
  • DML: prevent NODISC2 patch if not using DM(L) v2.2 update2
  • DEVO: Added Widescreen setting (requires Devolution r188 or newer)
  • DEVO: Added AHBPROT detection
  • Updated libntfs
par Cyan le 17/03/2013r1209
par Cyan le 20/01/2013
  • Fixed the bug introduced in r1208 preventing game launching with non d2x cIOS.
par Cyan le 06/01/2013
  • Fixed GameCube multiDisc installation.
  • Fixed progress window not hiding if Wiiload didn't send the file.
  • Simplify HBC loading logic.
  • Added a warning when trying to launch a Wii game with a non-d2x cIOS if EmuNAND is enabled.
  • Fixed individual game settings to allow modification of the EmuNAND settings based on the game's IOS instead of global IOS.
  • Added back cIOS rev17-21 support for EmuNAND Channel. issue 2152 (Thanks to Garfunkiel for the patch and to Themanuel for all the tests with game compatibility and partition detection) This hidden feature is unlocked only if all the user's setup is compatible with rev17-21: EmuNAND Channel path must be on the root of the first FAT32 partition on a 512 bytes/sector device.
  • DML: Changed the GameCube Multi-discs prompt logic to display on older DIOS MIOS (Lite) versions too.
  • DML: Added a partition type verification to warn the user if the HDD is not correctly setup.Jan 6, 2013
par Cyan le 09/12/2012
  • Fixed installation destination for multi-Disc based games. Second ISO is now properly going into the existing folder instead of using the Disc's internal Game Title.
  • Prevent deleting a folder when installation is canceled if the folder still contains another disc number.
  • Added a new setting to select GameCube game source: SD, USB, Auto (Auto = based on DIOS MIOS (Lite)).
    This new setting fix two known problems :
      ♦ Device selection for Devolution is no more dependent of the installed DM(L) type. (Select manually before launching a game)
      ♦ Installation of a game on a device if the game is already on another device is now possible.
par Cyan le 09/12/2012
  • Added possibility to install multi-Discs GameCube games
  • Added auto-detection and loading multi-Disc games with both Devolution and DIOS MIOS (Lite). The Disc 2 must be named disc2.iso and placed in the same folder than game.iso
  • DML: Prevent temporary ocarina .gct file copy if the game is launched from disc
Note:If you use "GameCube compress" option (Extracted game format):
- If one of the disc is already extracted, it will not allows you to dump another disc (as it's now using the same folder, it would overwrite files from the other disc)
- If Disc 1 doesn't exist, it will tell you that disc 2 needs to be in ISO format, but will asks if you really want to install the game in extracted format.
par Cyan le 09/12/2012
  • Added support for Homebrew Channel v1.1.1+
  • Added version detection for DIOS MIOS (Lite) v2.6
  • Removed unused "DML NoDisc" setting
par Cyan le 11/11/2012
  • Reverted the video settings used by Wii games/Channels back to r1199.
  • Fixed greek.lang file to UTF8
  • DML: Fixed a possible version detection error due to timezone.
  • DML: Fixed missing Widescreen in individual settings when using DML v2.1
  • DML: Fixed individual settings choices for Japanese Patch.
  • DML: Added DML v2.5 screenshot setting (use R+Z on 4th controller)
par Cyan le 14/10/2012
General :
  • Added Devolution version in Credit window.
  • Added Greek language file. You will need Hellenic font (Thanks nakata)
  • Changed default path for GameCube Main Folder to usb1:/games/
  • Changed default path for devolution folder to be located on the boot device instead of SD.
  • Changed default URL for Channel's banner animation.
  • Fixed launching Korean games (Thanks damysteryman)
  • Fixed meta.xml release date format (Thanks Joostin)
Devolution :
  • Added Devolution setting "NOLED" (and "WIDE" but not used yet).
  • Fixed DIOS MIOS (Lite) version detection when using a DM version more recent than the latest known.
  • Fixed DIOS MIOS (Lite) detection when booting without AHBPROT (Priiloader direct boot, old HBC, etc.) but with Waninkoko/d2x cIOS.
  • Removed "DML NoDisc+" setting when using DM v2.3+
  • Removed warning messages related to individual game settings if they are currently unavailable.
  • Ocarina GCT folder can now be placed anywhere. If required, the .gct will be copied to a temporary file on the root of the game's partition. (no need to move the folder manually anymore)
par Cyan le 24/08/2012
  • Added DM(L) version detection and removed user setting.
  • Added a setting for DML Japanese Patch
  • Hide DML individual game settings if DM(L) is not installed or is not the correct version.
  • Fixed device selection when using USB with devolution
  • Fixed Devolution's launching and game region detection (Fix lag and wrong colors. Thanks to testers)
  • Prevent Playcount increasing if the game couldn't launch

r1201 par Cyan le 05/08/2012
  • Added a new option to Game Window setting to display banner animation only on Channels layout, other layouts use Rotating disc.
  • Added new Priiloader 0.8 beta4 compatibility to parental control setting
  • Added support for Devolution's smaller Memory Card size (min size = 512KB, 59 blocks)
  • Fixed the auto-completion search bug (Thanks to hvy109 for the patch)
  • Reworked GUI window for covers download and auto select all choices. Select HQ/LQ/custom/original priority in the GUI settings.
  • Added banner download from custom URL when GameCube mode is enable. Set the URL manually in the GXGlobal.cfg, http://URL/ will search for http://URL/ID6.bnr and http://URL/ID3.bnr, Delete URL to disable banner download. Thanks to Abz for the default URL.
par Cyan le 22/07/2012
  • Added back "DML Video Mode" setting (Fix Mario golf)
  • Fixed in-game video mode (50/60hz) selection screen not displayed and fixed incorrect colors with DIOS mIOS. Please report any problem with Wii/Channel games.
  • Allowed Video Mode setting for Devolution instead of always forcing Disc default.
  • Added Japanese game fix for memory card access with DIOS MIOS.
par Cyan le 22/07/2012
  • Split NoDisc settings in two distinct options to prevent confusion.
  • Hide DM config v2 settings when using config v1
par Cyan le 20/07/2012
  • Added new DIOS MIOS v2.2 update2 NoDisc setting.
  • Fixed Devolution config version number and removed forced Wifi logging setting
par Cyan le 19/07/2012
  • Added log over WiFi support for Devolution r100+ (always enabled).
  • Added DIOS MIOS 2.2+ support by adding a version selector in global Loader Settings.
par Cyan le 16/07/2012
  • I Forgot the added file in previous rev.
par Cyan le 16/07/2012
  • Fixed launching GameCube games from disc with official MIOS
  • Added Forced Language settings for GameCube games when using DM(L)
  • Fixed GameCube games video mode error with DML by removing forced progressive mode when using component cable.
  • Replaced the "Force interlace" by "DML Progressive Patch" (use it ONLY if you don't see any picture when forcing 480p)
  • Added a setting to choose whether to use MIOS or Devolution for GameCube games.
  • Added support for Devolution:
    - place Loader.bin from devolution sources in "DEVO Loader Folder", default folder is sd:/apps/gc_devo/ but you can change it.
    - You need to use the same folder layout than DIOS MIOS: /games/title [ID6]/game.iso
    - You need to place the second game disc ISO in the same folder than the first ISO (untested)
    - The Memory Card Emulation for Devolution can be:
      OFF (real Memory Card)
      ON (saved in /apps/gc_devo)
      Individual (Saved in the game folder)
    - Other settings have no effect in Devolution Mode. (no Ocarina/language/videoforce/etc.)
par dimok789 le 14/07/2012
  • added support for Yaz0 decompression on banners and system menu resources (This is needed by some Custom Wii System Menu Themes like the DarkWii Theme. Hopefully now all System Menu Themes are supported as layout.) (thx darkwii and atymick for the info about the used Yaz0 compression in those themes.)
par Cyan le 27/06/2012
  • Wiki update: Fixed typo for.
par Cyan le 27/06/2012
  • Update menus to detect DIOS MIOS and DIOS MIOS Lite. (Thanks to Fix94 and Dimok).
par Cyan le 23/06/2012
  • Added quick support to DIOS MIOS
par Cyan le 17/06/2012
  • Optimizing previous changes (Thanks Dimok)
  • Fixed crashing problem when launching a game before banner caching is completed. (Dimok)
  • Fixed theme downloader stuck at 100% after unzipping.
  • Fixed prompt typo and prompt behavior when exiting the copy/delete GC menu.
  • Renamed string "Rename Game on WBFS" to "Rename Game Title".
par Cyan le 09/06/2012
    * Improved Category filtering.
You can now easily hide games on category basis. Click on a category to cycle through possible checkbox states.

The "ALL" category can now have 3 different states:
    [ ] Not checked => Doesn't display all categories (like before)
    [v] Checked ====> Displays all categories (like before)
    [X] Cross =======> Displays all categories except forbidden categories.
The other categories now have 4 different states:
    [ ] Not checked ===> Games containing this category are not filtered (like before)
    [v] Enabled =======> All games containing this category will be displayed (like before)
    [X] Forbidden =====> All games containing this category will NOT be displayed.
    [+] Required ======> All games NOT containing this category will NOT be
par Cyan le 19/05/2012
  • Reverted fixed values from v3.0
  • Added a Clock size factor (size factor is theme-able and will override user's value if not "1.0" in .them file)
  • Fixed tooltip opacity on Home Button and game icons on Channel grid mode.
  • Fixed Banner Grid position X and Y not working in .them file (Thanks Dimok)
  • Fixed half-cut cover in grid mode if only 4 games are displayed by showing it on both sides and allowing scrolling.
par Cyan le 19/05/2012
  • Updating languages for v3.0
par dimok789 le 12/05/2012
  • corrected language download link

par Cyan le 12/05/2012
  • Wiki: copypaste bug
par Cyan le 12/05/2012
  • Wiki: wrong filename fix.
par Cyan le 12/05/2012
  • Update wiki pages for USB Loader GX v3.0 release.
par dimok789 le 12/05/2012
  • updates files for windows installer
par dimok789 le 12/05/2012
  • Tag of version 3.0

USBloader_GX 3.0
USBLoaderGX Installer v1.8 (Windows)

Bêtas précédents
Source :
Dernière édition par roukxwel le 17 Oct 2015, 07:03, édité 26 fois.
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v2.2 rev1110 Beta

Message non lupar Cohuro » 03 Sep 2011, 17:34

Merci pour la news :smiley:
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v2.3 rev1123 Final

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 23 Oct 2011, 22:15

Mise a jour version Final
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v2.3 rev1123 Final

Message non lupar JeanMi59226 » 23 Oct 2011, 22:17

Merci pour la news Matt :wink:
Iphone 3g 4.1.3 x2 Jail. et ultrasnow , iphone 4 7.1.2 , Ipad2 8.3., appletv 2, Iphone 5S 8.3, iPhone 5 x3 8.3 Ipod touch 5G 8.3, Iphone 6 128GB , Ps3 slim ( déban IDPS PROJ3CT) et super slim OFW , Wii x2 4.3 Sciifii, PS4 500GO, IPhone 7 128GB
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v2.3 rev1148 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 10 Jan 2012, 14:01

Log message Rev1148 Bêta:

*added ability to boot main.dol directly for channels (real and emu). The
launcher method can be setup in the loader setting.
*added channel hooking (real and emu).
*proper catch of none existing cheats on server if file is not found
*added back channel nand emulation mode and per game nand emu settings for
channels (emulation mode can't be set to OFF for emu channels)
*improved handle of cached titles. (on first boot of this revision the cache
title file will be renewed)
*settings title, keyboard text and key color can be changed by themes now
*added optional background image for list/carousel/grid layouts. The files do
not actually exist in the loader. They are loaded if they exists otherwise the
default background image is used.See here for filenames:
*add flush of homebrew memory before launching app_booter
*change: if titles from wiitdb is not enabled the title will be read from game
disc header on /title [ID6]/[ID6].wbfs (iso/ciso) pattern. Title caching can
still be used and is recommended in that case.
*added keep of AHBPROT flag on IOS Reload. Homebrews booted now have AHBPROT.
(thanks davebaol)
*fixed loading ocarina files from SD when doing nand emulation from SD
*fix port libs includes reference in Makefile
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v2.3 rev1166 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 08 Mai 2012, 01:12

Gros Gros changeLog pour cette Rev1166 Bêta :wink:
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
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Messages: 8141
Inscription: 23 Juin 2008, 15:58
Localisation: France
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1208 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 06 Jan 2013, 21:56

Mise a jour USBlaoder_GX Bêta
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
Clic ICI --> SciiFii MOD
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Inscription: 23 Juin 2008, 15:58
Localisation: France
Prénom: Matt
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Sexe: Homme

Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1211 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 18 Mar 2013, 17:53

Mise a jour USBloader Beta version rev1211
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
Clic ICI --> SciiFii MOD
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1213 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 15 Avr 2013, 17:18

Mise a jour :

ChangLog Rev1213 Bêta:
* Fixed NTFSLib's Mem2 Allocation (Thanks Dimok)
* Fixed missing parent folder ".." when browsing a NTFS partition.
* DML: Updated DM(L) detection up to version 2.9
* DEVO: Added F-ZeroAX and TimerFix settings
(requires Devolution r196 or newer)
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
Clic ICI --> SciiFii MOD
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Messages: 8141
Inscription: 23 Juin 2008, 15:58
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Prénom: Matt
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1214 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 01 Mai 2013, 22:30

Mise a jour :

ChangLog Rev1214 Bêta:
* Added QuadForce 2.0 version detection
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
Clic ICI --> SciiFii MOD
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1214 Beta

Message non lupar dav1102 » 02 Mai 2013, 09:35

Merci pour la news :wink:
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Re: [MAJ] USBloader_GX v3.0 rev1215 Beta

Message non lupar MAtt22 » 27 Mai 2013, 15:26

Mise a jour :

ChangLog Rev1215 Bêta:
* Added QuadForce version detection up to v4.1
* Added QuadForce USB Support
* Optimized DM/DML/QF detection code
iPhone 6S 16Go OR iOS: 13.2.3
Vous cherchez le Dernier SciiFii MOD Matt:
Clic ICI --> SciiFii MOD
Avatar de l’utilisateur MAtt22 Ancien
Messages: 8141
Inscription: 23 Juin 2008, 15:58
Localisation: France
Prénom: Matt
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme



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