Me Punker69 ^_^

Me Punker69 ^_^

Message non lupar Punker69 » 12 Mai 2011, 02:08

Hello Guyz , Im Punker69 Im a Member from

Sorry if i can't Speak Your Language I Dont know How.

1 - Sex: = Male
2 - Age: = 15
3 - City: = Quezon
4 - Favorite PSP Game: = Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
5 - The most anticipated PSP Game: = hm...???
6 - Your favorite style of game (RPG, FPS, ...): = Simulation , Adventures
7 - Your PSP model and its current firmware: = 6.20 (Pro-b5) , Psp 3000
8 - Your other consoles: = Ps2 , PC
9 - Favorite game: = GTA Series
10 - Game time average per day: = 1 Hour , i really dont play i just make HB , and Applications.
11 - Favorite movie: = Shaun of the Dead
12 - Series Favorite: = ??
13 - favorite singer or group: = Lady Gaga
14 - Other activities: = Playing Football
15 - A special talent: = IDK
16 - Where does your nickname: = Long Story =))
17 - How did you hear about us: From the other psp forums

Well You already Know me :D ,
Punker69 Gamer Débutant
Messages: 8
Inscription: 12 Mai 2011, 01:29
Prénom: Punker69
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: Me Punker69 ^_^

Message non lupar ninomiya_kun » 12 Mai 2011, 05:19

Welcome ;)

PSP GO !6.20 TN-C
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Re: Me Punker69 ^_^

Message non lupar MeN_iN_WhiTe » 12 Mai 2011, 09:14

Welcome my friend :wink:
MeN_iN_WhiTe Gamer Bronze
Gamer Bronze
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Re: Me Punker69 ^_^

Message non lupar MundoBoss » 18 Juin 2011, 13:06

Bienvenue ^^.
Avatar de l’utilisateur MundoBoss Gamer Pro
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Inscription: 13 Juin 2011, 18:59

Re: Me Punker69 ^_^

Message non lupar Adel-Sama » 19 Juin 2011, 21:13

Welcome to PSPGen !
Adel-Sama Gamer Hardcore
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Inscription: 30 Avr 2011, 11:49


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