[SUCCES] Infinite Undiscovery

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[SUCCES] Infinite Undiscovery

Message non lupar TiBio » 19 Juin 2012, 17:52


Titre du Jeu : Infinite Undiscovery
Genre : RPG

Résumé :
50 Succès pour 1000 G
34 Succès Solo pour 635 G
16 Succès Secrets pour 365 G


5 G
Attack the enemy without being detected.

10 G
Keep on surprising the enemy.

Infinitely Unobservant
10 G
Keep on getting surprised by the enemy.

20 G
Work on your ground combos.

Aerial Acrobat
20 G
Work on your aerial combos.

Down to Earth
20 G
Work on your down strikes.

30 G
Learn every battle skill.

30 G
Learn every spell.

30 G
Learn every tune.

50 G
Obtain every item.

Mister Chef
5 G
Improve your cooking skills!

Claridian Chef
10 G
Keep improving your cooking skills!

Aspiring Chemist
5 G
Improve your alchemy skills!

Claridian Mind
10 G
Keep improving your alchemy skills!

5 G
Improve your forging skills!

Claridian Hammer
10 G
Keep improving your forging skills!

Bestselling Author
5 G
Improve your writing skills!

Claridian Scribe
10 G
Keep improving your writing skills!

High Enchanter
5 G
Improve your enchanting skills!

Claridian Hand
10 G
Keep improving your enchanting skills!

Social Butterfly
10 G
Take advantage of your party's skills.

Filthy Rich
20 G
Gather as much Fol as you can.

Hero of the Millennium
20 G
Defeat as many enemies as you can.

Time for Glasses?
30 G
Keep on clocking hours.

Barrel of Lulz
15 G
Detonate all the barrels in prison.

On the Run
30 G
Deliver Aya to the village without getting hurt.

Rock, Stock, and Barrel
30 G
Use machines of war to destroy your foes.

Capell to the Rescue
30 G
Rescue the imprisoned.

30 G
Deliver the villagers without letting any of them perish.

For the Children
30 G
Rescue the child before he gets hurt.

Reckless Driver
30 G
Use the carts in the mine.

The Tide of Battle
20 G
Watch out for the tsunami.

Imperial Guard
20 G
Hurry to the empress.

Marathon Man
20 G
Hurry to the village under attack.


Azure Avenger
10 G
Destroyed the Azure Chain.

Orange Officer
10 G
Destroyed the Orange Chain.

Crimson Crusader
10 G
Destroyed the Crimson Chain.

Cerulean Savior
10 G
Destroyed the Cerulean Chain.

Amber Ace
10 G
Destroyed the Amber Chain.

Ashen Assailant
10 G
Destroyed the Ashen Chain.

Vengeance at Last
30 G
Defeated the Dreadknight.

45 G
Defeated Veros.

Hephaestus's Hammer
30 G
Forged an azureal blade.

Creme de la Creme
30 G
Cooked a Heaven and Earth dish.

Mad Scientist
30 G
Alchemized a holy grail.

Summa Cum Laude
30 G
write "Will of the Universe"

Bad Influence
30 G
Allowed nine characters to vermify.

Big Daddy's Back
49 G
Sigmund joined your party in the Seraphic Gate.

Cherubic Gatekeeper
30 G
Defeated Ethereal Queen in Hard mode.

Seraphic Gatekeeper
1 G
Defeated Ethereal Queen in infinity mode.
TiBio Ancien
Messages: 8603
Inscription: 15 Juin 2011, 10:40
Localisation: -> [...] <-
Pays: Belgique
Sexe: Homme


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