[Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

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[Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Message non lupar lolich0169 » 04 Nov 2011, 21:46


Nombre de trophées à acquérir : 28

Image8 Image13Image6 Image1


Hunt 30 With Bolt
Hunted 30 animals with the bolt-action rifle in Story Mode

Hunt 20 With Shotgun
Hunted 20 animals with the shotgun in Story Mode

Hunt 20 With Handgun
Hunted 20 animals with the handgun in Story Mode

Novice Challenger
Won five challenges in Shooting Galleries

Getting The Hnag Of It
Hunted two animals in latching situations in Story Mode

Focus Novice
Hunted 10 animals using Focus Shot in Story Mode

Keep Them Off
Successfully repelled 10 animals using melee attacks in Story Mode

A Good Explorer
Finished the Story Mode on Easy difficulty setting


The Pro Adventurer
Finished Story Mode on the Medium difficulty setting

Hunted 20 targets while hanging in Story Mode

Focus Master
Hunted 20 animals using Focus Shot in Story Mode

Pro Hunter
Finish three hunts in Story Mode

Latch Proficient
Hunted three animals in latching situations in Story Mode

Hunted 30 animals in a row without dying in Story Mode

Down Bear, Down!
Hunted three bears in Story Mode

Cat Dominator
Hunted four cougars in Story Mode

Practiced Challenger
Won 10 challenges in Shooting Galleries

Hunt 10 With Semi Auto Rifle
Hunted 10 animals with the semi auto rifle in Story Mode

Getting Down
Landed the plane without hitting any obstacles

Latch Them Down
Hunted five animals in latching situations in Shooting Galleries

The Story's Taking Shape
Gathered 15 collectable elements in Story Mode


The True Adventurer
Finished Story Mode on the Hard difficulty setting

Pro Challenger
Won 15 challenges in Shooting Galleries

Gold All The Way
Obtained gold medals in all of the Quick Draw Shooting Galleries

Latch Master
Hunted four animals in latching situations in Story Mode

Shooting Galleries Expert
Obtained gold medals in all of the Survival Shooting Galleries

Hunting For Gold
Obtained gold medals in all of the Trek Shooting Galleries


Master of Survival
Unlock all Trophies
Dernière édition par Nexus6 le 04 Nov 2011, 22:49, édité 5 fois.
lolich0169 Gamer Maitre
Gamer Maitre
Messages: 300
Inscription: 23 Mai 2012, 21:30
Prénom: Ilyas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: Sondage : [Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katma

Message non lupar lolich0169 » 04 Nov 2011, 21:48

lolich0169 Gamer Maitre
Gamer Maitre
Messages: 300
Inscription: 23 Mai 2012, 21:30
Prénom: Ilyas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Message non lupar Xfurerbirdx » 05 Nov 2011, 00:03

Encore un cabela's =)

Celui là sera encore pour moi, je crois d'ailleurs que j'en ai un de retard. J'aime beaucoup cette série.

Merci pour la liste

Guides : Résistance 2 / Motorstorm 2 / Wipeout HD / DJ HERO 1 & 2 / Monopoly / RFG
Xfurerbirdx Gamer Argent
Gamer Argent
Messages: 3750
Inscription: 29 Avr 2008, 16:19
Localisation: Seine saint denis - 93
Prénom: Alan
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Message non lupar lolich0169 » 05 Nov 2011, 01:22

Si tu en échange après les avoir fini, réserve les moi ;)
Et si t'en à d'autres dispo tout de suite je suis preneur ;D
Je finis de lister les Cabela's manquants demain et j'enchaine avec Crysis.
lolich0169 Gamer Maitre
Gamer Maitre
Messages: 300
Inscription: 23 Mai 2012, 21:30
Prénom: Ilyas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Message non lupar Xfurerbirdx » 05 Nov 2011, 13:27

J'en ai plus sous la main, j'en ai platiné 3 je cherche les autres du coup. Mais il n'y a pas de soucis, une fois platinés ils font un petit tour chez spidey puis une fois de retour je te préviendrai directement ;)

Guides : Résistance 2 / Motorstorm 2 / Wipeout HD / DJ HERO 1 & 2 / Monopoly / RFG
Xfurerbirdx Gamer Argent
Gamer Argent
Messages: 3750
Inscription: 29 Avr 2008, 16:19
Localisation: Seine saint denis - 93
Prénom: Alan
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [Trophées] Cabela's Survival: Shadows of Katmai

Message non lupar lolich0169 » 05 Nov 2011, 15:40

Ok merci :)
lolich0169 Gamer Maitre
Gamer Maitre
Messages: 300
Inscription: 23 Mai 2012, 21:30
Prénom: Ilyas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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