[Trophées] King Oddball

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[Trophées] King Oddball

Message non lupar Shiroung » 18 Jan 2014, 00:15


Trophées Bronze (15) Trophées Argent (0) Trophées Or (1) Trophée Platine (0)

Nombre de trophées possible à acquérir : 16


All Birds With One Stone

Complete a level using only one rock.

Head Shot!

Hit the King with a rock.


Hit the King with a rock three times during a level.

Destroyer of a Thousand

Destroy a thousand enemies.

Thousand Throws

Throw a thousand projectiles.

Four for One

Destroy four enemies with one throw.

Six Pack

Destroy six enemies with one throw.

More Than Perfect!

Complete a level with one rock and gain more than one extra rock.

Golden Five

Gain five extra rocks during a level.

World Ender

End the World.


Kill the King.

You Rock!

Complete all One Rock Levels.


Complete all Grenade Levels.

Stash of 'Stache

Complete the Stash!

Secret Moustache World

Find and complete the Secret Moustache World!


Full of Diamonds

Collect all diamonds in Hall of Diamonds.
Suivez votre bonheur : Mes ventes et échanges de jeux VITA
En cours : Killzone Mercenary (42%), Jak 2 (42%), Ragnarok Odyssey (67%).
Shiroung Ancien
Messages: 2201
Inscription: 16 Nov 2012, 19:28
Localisation: Toulouse
Pays: France

Re: [Trophées] King Oddball

Message non lupar Shiroung » 18 Jan 2014, 00:16

Suivez votre bonheur : Mes ventes et échanges de jeux VITA
En cours : Killzone Mercenary (42%), Jak 2 (42%), Ragnarok Odyssey (67%).
Shiroung Ancien
Messages: 2201
Inscription: 16 Nov 2012, 19:28
Localisation: Toulouse
Pays: France


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