[Trophées] Surge Deluxe

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[Trophées] Surge Deluxe

Message non lupar Shiroung » 07 Fév 2014, 21:27


Trophées Bronze (7) Trophées Argent (4) Trophées Or (1) Trophée Platine (0)

Nombre de trophées possible à acquérir : 12



Create a chain of 15 blocks! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Clean Slate

Clear all blocks! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Grinder Man

Explode 100,000 blocks! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Paint the Town

Use the chain linker block to link two chains of 3 (or more) blocks! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Under Pressure

Open 1,000 vents! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.


Explode 10 blocks at the same time, using a bomb! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

C-C-Combo Maker!

Use Combiner blocks to create a x9 multiplier! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.


Tammett called...

Create a chain of 20 blocks! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.


Get 5,000,000 points! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Math McGrath

Use multiplier and combiner blocks to get a chain of x10 or more! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.

Clear Winner

Score over 1,000,000 points in a single level clearence! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.


FuturLab Certified

Get 12,000,000 points! Will not unlock in puzzle mode.
Suivez votre bonheur : Mes ventes et échanges de jeux VITA
En cours : Killzone Mercenary (42%), Jak 2 (42%), Ragnarok Odyssey (67%).
Shiroung Ancien
Messages: 2201
Inscription: 16 Nov 2012, 19:28
Localisation: Toulouse
Pays: France

Re: [Trophées] Surge Deluxe

Message non lupar Shiroung » 07 Fév 2014, 21:28

Suivez votre bonheur : Mes ventes et échanges de jeux VITA
En cours : Killzone Mercenary (42%), Jak 2 (42%), Ragnarok Odyssey (67%).
Shiroung Ancien
Messages: 2201
Inscription: 16 Nov 2012, 19:28
Localisation: Toulouse
Pays: France


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