[PS3] - webMAN MOD v1.30.13

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[PS3] - webMAN MOD v1.30.13

Message non lupar Snookyyyy » 20 Juil 2014, 19:33


webMAN MOD revient sur le devant de la scène underground avec une version 1.30.13, qui permet la traduction de "NOT FOUND" dans 18 autres langages, ainsi que la correction de certains bug des Pokes.
Plus de détails dans le log ci dessous, sachant que plusieurs versions de ce même outil sont sorties entre la version 1.30.8 fix4 et cette version.

Log de la mise à jour :


Bug fix in the address for Pokes; Highlight poke value; Translated "Not found!" to the other 18 languages.

- 1.30.12:
More bug fixes in the peek/poke function; Found value is now highlighted; Better integration with PS3 Web Debugger

. - 1.30.11:
Fixed various bugs in the peek/poke function, Added web command to search value: /find.lv1?from-address=search-value, /find.lv2?from-address=search-value, The {hex-value} for poke/find commands now can be 8bit/16bit/32bit/64bit.

- 1.30.10:
Fixed issue with blank titles when parsing PARAM.SFO with multiple TITLE; Added ability to peek/poke lv1/lv2 using web commands: /peek.lv1?address, /poke.lv1?address=value, /peek.lv2?address, /poke.lv2?address=value,

- 1.30.9:
Enabled a fast auto eject/insert when a game is mounted on nonCobra CFW; Added option to scan a user defined path indicated in the COVERS_PATH entry of the language file; Added option "Disable startup notification of WebMAN on the XMB" to the web panel; Updated language files with this new entry.

- 1.30.8 fix9:
Fixed a missing quotes that prevented the 'Copy Folder' work on the web interface; Fixed "webMAN loaded" notification not being translated; Updated Italian language for the new Copy functions; Fixed the issue not scanning the "video" folder on non-Cobra editions; Fixed an error listing net host files; Re-added scan for covers in WMTMP folder like before; fixed Croatian name; Addressed a rare case where webMAN generates a blank name in mygames.xml for ISO games inside /dev_hdd0/PS3ISO; Added Bulgarian language (thanks to Dzver); Removed the option "Remove cfw syscall at startup" option for noncobra; Fixed "Copy Finished" displayed untranslated.
Code: Select All Code
- 1.30.8:
Addressed duplicate "My Games" in the installer. (Thanks zar); Re-made the get icons. Merged all related code in 3 functions; Added new Copy folder to the File browser; Added option to copy individual files using /copy.ps3/; Replaced some copy code in mount_with_mm with the new copy functions; Added Croatian language. Updated Hungarian; Added new labels to all languages.

- 1.30.7:
Added display of webMAN startup notification on non-Cobra CFW; Fixed PL language. Thanks to Raskolnikow; Improved the algorithm for covers scanning: only existing folders are scanned. Set back the minimum allowed fan speed to 25.

- 1.30.6:
 Disabled the option in the installer that upload the category_game.xml to dev_flash. Expanded the size of 3 notification messages to fix an issue in Greek language.

- 1.30.5:
Added option to include the ID of the game as part of the title; fixed issue scanning the covers; fixed issue on some labels displaying the (tm) symbol on XMB.

- 1.30.4:
The installer now can upload into flash a modified category_game.xml, if the webMAN’s My Games entry is missing; Fixed a bug switching languages; Fixed a bug in the label “Show PSP Launcher”; Added language: Modern Greek; Correct encode UTF-8-BOM for Korean language file; Change some signs utf-8 to unicodes.

- 1.30.3U:
Labels on setup.ps3 now are clickable, Language now can be changed without have to restart, Fixed issue displaying notification messages, - Enabled the Lowest speed to fan control, Increased the allowed minimum from 25 to 30, webMAN Setup on My Games now displays webMAN menu from XMB Manager Plus (if it’s installed), Scans for covers in more folders.

- 1.30.2U:
Added support for Korean language [Translation by]. Addressed a data type issue spoofing IDPS/PSID. Setup form is created using these functions: addcheckbox, addoptionitem, addradiobutton.

- 1.30.1U:
 now notifies when webMAN is loaded. Also the installer now includes the english language and a template for XX. A ccapi version is included (but not installed). Please don't ask for technical support about it.

webMAN MOD par Aldostools

webMAN MOD par M@tsmoto et Aldostools

Source :
Snookyyyy Ancien
Messages: 1758
Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
Prénom: Nicolas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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