[PS3] - webMAN MOD 1.30.18

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[PS3] - webMAN MOD 1.30.18

Message non lupar Snookyyyy » 21 Aoû 2014, 20:41


Les développeurs M@tsumoto et Aldostools ont mis a jour leur outil webMAN MOD, cette version estampillé 1.30.18 corrige certains bug et ajoute le support du payload MAMBA pour les CFW DEX 4.53/4.55.

Développeurs Wrote:webMAN MOD is a M@tsumot0's modified version of webMAN 1.30 plugin developed by deank.

This fork provides additional features like user-friendly smart installer/updater for Cobra and NonCobra, IDPS/PSID spoof, support for 19 languages using external files, disable cfw syscalls, remote peek/poke/find in LV1/LV2, remote backup to HDD and from HDD to USB, among other improvements.

The source code is available at:

Compatible with Cobra CFW 4.46/4.53/4.55 and with non-cobra CFW up to 4.60 using VSH PRX Loader by user.

Voici les changements dans le log :

Changelog for webMAN MOD 1.30.18 Multi 19 (2014-8-3):

Fixed regression in "Eject Disc" icon on "My Games".

Changelog for webMAN MOD 1.30.17 Multi 19 (2014-8-3):

Added payloads for 4.53DEX and 4.55DEX.

Changelog for webMAN MOD 1.30.16 Multi 19 (2014-8-1):

Fixed regression loading "Unknown" language.
Fixed bug displaying < > on hex viewer
Changed the increment of Max Temp combo from 5 to 1.
(Hold R2+SELECT+Up/Down for increments of 5 degrees).
Removed patch that disable Lv2 memory protection on 4.60 in the
function mount_with_mm. It seems to cause a black screen mounting games
on 4.60 Habib.
Updated PL and EN language files.

webMAN MOD 1.30.18 Multi 19

webMAN 1.30U "vanilla" MOD

Source : Aldostools via PSX-Scene
Snookyyyy Ancien
Messages: 1758
Inscription: 10 Oct 2007, 00:00
Prénom: Nicolas
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme

Re: [PS3] - webMAN MOD 1.30.18

Message non lupar sebwillow » 17 Nov 2014, 16:27

Mod 1.30.35 sorti et version 1.31 aussi.un lien et une news sur gamergen ;-) ?
sebwillow Gamer Pro
Gamer Pro
Messages: 121
Inscription: 04 Juil 2013, 19:16
Prénom: sebastien
Pays: France
Sexe: Homme


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