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Re: Hatred : le jeu
Salut !

2 petites corrections:

• Le nom du studio c'est Destructive Creations
• Ils ont envoyés hier un mail pour avertir que le jeu ne sortira finalement pas avant pour les joueurs qui l'avaient précommandé:
You may have heard about that or not, but recently we announced that everyone who preordered Hatred, will get earlier game access, on May, 29th, three days before official game release.

Time for some bad news.

It appeared that it is technically impossible for us to make Hatred available earlier for people who made pre-orders.

We screwed this thing up, because we didn't check if it is possible before sending the official announcement :(

Game will be available on Monday, June 1st for everyone. We promise to reward you this disappointment in the future - we still have your e-mails in our database.

We are really sorry for giving you false hopes, we wanted to make you feel good, but as usual: shit happens.

But don't worry, it's not the problem with the game itself. Everything is finished and waiting for the official release. Today we're dispatching keys for press, so you may see first reviews and reactions on weekend.

Until Monday, then. We hope you will be pleased with what we have produced.

All the best and thank you for your support! Destructive Creations Team.
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Re: TGA 2014 - Star Fox Wii U : une sortie prévue avant ou a
Vanou Wrote:Toujours un plaisir de te reprendre mon dodogeek :x

“What? Starfox? You’re asking me that now? No worries about Starfox. Starfox will arrive before The Legend Of Zelda next year. The way you use the GamePad [in Starfox] is starting to feel really good”.

Il dit bien que Star Fox sortira avant Zelda et qu'ils sortiront tous deux l'année prochaine (2015).

Vraiment hâte !!! *__*

Je sais que mon anglais est bof mais quand même :twisted:
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Re: TGA 2014 - Star Fox Wii U : une sortie prévue avant ou a
Toujours un plaisir de te reprendre mon dodogeek :x

“What? Starfox? You’re asking me that now? No worries about Starfox. Starfox will arrive before The Legend Of Zelda next year. The way you use the GamePad [in Starfox] is starting to feel really good”.

Il dit bien que Star Fox sortira avant Zelda et qu'ils sortiront tous deux l'année prochaine (2015).

Vraiment hâte !!! *__*
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Re: Un futur jeu PsVita - The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth
Justement, il avait organisé un sondage, par rapport à ce remake, et vient de fournir les résultats avec ses commentaires.

Binding of Isaac retro remake: THE RESULTS ARE IN!

So the results of the poll are in, but honestly they were pretty clear from the start.
currently 13,976 people took the poll.
1. How do you feel about rebirth being remade in a pixel based style?

I liked it! = 37.5%
Its ok = 14.6%
Im fine either way = 17.4%
Not sure about it = 21.1%
i hate it! = 9.5%

Obviously most of you really liked the idea of a retro remake, and quite a few didnt care.
less than 10% hated it and the 20% who werent sure i think will be on board once we nail down the final look.

2. What styles did you like most out of the 4 images.

this one was close but most of you liked 1 and 4 the most, so gba or snes style pixels but wanted the games colors and tone to look more like the original game.

3. how many hours of play time do you have clocked into the game currently?

1. 1-5 hours = 8.5%
2. 5-20 hours = 17.8%
3. 21-50 hours = 29.4%
4. 100+ hours = 30.6%
5. 200+ hours = 13.7%

this was a fun one to see, a very odd ramp up in terms of play time with a 1/3rd of people who took the poll having clocked in over 100 hours into the game.
knowing this the goal with the remake will be to really push extended play time for new and experienced players, i know how to do this and for those who want it
i can gladly offer 100 more hours.

4. what platforms would you most want to see rebirth released on?

1. PC = 83.5%
2. Ipad = 17.2%
3.Vita = 20.8%
4. Ps3 = 28.0%
5. Xbla = 30.4
6. WiiU = 24.6%
7. 3ds 34.4%

well obviously the games releasing on pc/steam thats a for sure thing, and sony is 100% on board with isaac for both vita and Ps3. like a lot of you i also NEED to play isaac on a 3ds, its my ideal platform for it and we are doing what we can to try and make this work with nintendo. i think the new look will help a lot (as well as current sales numbers) and we will for sure try again once we have a build to show them.

5. what dream feature would you want added to the remake?

9,000 of you submitted responses.. a lot were amazing suggestions like “Guns” and ”Boobs” but there were quite a few repeats of solid suggestions and here are a few of the best.

1. The ability to save and return to a play session.

this is something we wanted to do in the flash version but couldn’t due to limitations, this will def. be a feature in the remake.

2. The ability to take a screen cap of your final isaac after a run.

this is also something we tried to add to the flash version but couldnt and something we all want to do in the remake.

3. Co-op

like we mentioned in the announcement post, we are working on local co-op for the remake, how we will do this is still in the works but i really want to support single screen drop in 2 player co-op in some way to the game for sure.

4. more content

Yes, like i mentioned in the post, the remake will feature A LOT of new content that players will see and interact with from the start of the game to the end (the new final final end). we are going to pack this thing full of all the stuff we couldnt do as well as a ton of secrets that should stay buried for a while… the game will also feature 2 new characters, and with each character comes a new set of items each one unlocks by beating the now 5 final bosses.

So yes, that worked out well and im happy to announce that i am on the same page as most of you, i like the idea of a retro look but want it to stay true to the original.

here are the latest mockups with that feedback in mind. remember these are mockups so ignore the hud and all that, this is just done to get a good idea of what the in game art should look like.




Now i know change is hard, but i want that 10% of you to remember that this is much more my baby than it is yours and i wouldnt let anything i felt would ruin the game happen. i really like the direction the graphics are heading, and i think with time Rebirth will look and feel like a totally new game but still stay true to what made isaac special.

Having both art styles ISNT AN OPTION! there is going to be a lot of new content and i dont have the time to make tons of new art and animation while working on Mew-Genics and the new Super Meat Boy, trust me, youll forget allll about your issues with the graphics once you play the game late next year (we hope)

more updates as they unfold!

Les 2 images proposés pour le style graphique ayant remporté la majorité des votes sont celles-ci :



En tout cas il indique que pour lui la 3DS est une plateforme qui a sa préférence et qu'il essaiera tout pour faire tourner le titre sur une machine Nintendo mais au final pas d'annonce de censure au niveau de l'histoire juste il espère que les graphismes feront passer le titre plus facilement
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Re: Dongle USB PS3USERCHEAT cracké - Activation des codes de
On peut tricher a partir d'une clée ?
Avec le dernier firmwares ?

Lit bien la news et les liens donnés dans cette même news.

En ce qui concerne le sujet il existe déjà ce genre de chose pour les gens en ofw au prix de 19.90€ dans toutes les grandes surfaces (l'intêret de tricher est de dire que je suis meilleur qu'un autre joueur).

C'est basé sur le MOD de sauvegarde et il y a moins de jeux compatibles (il me semble). Donc pas vraiment comparable, même si tu as raison, le but est le même.

R.I.P le PSN.

A moitié, les utilisateurs de dongle True Blue ne peuvent pas utiliser le PKG donné dans la news. En gros 90% des jeux 3.60+ sont hors d'atteinte de la triche en ligne. Après pour les anciens jeux je suis d'accord.

quelqu'un sais comment ca fonctionne ? ???
j'ai installé le pkg mais quant je selectionne le programme je reviens simplement sur le XMB....j'utilise le TB v2.7 (si ca a de l'importance)
Dans le mode d'emploi, ils disent d'appuyer sur O pour lancer l'appli, moi ca fait rien O je dois appuyer sur X pour la lancer.

Alors déjà oui, pour savoir comme cela fonctionne, lisez le manuel, peut-être qu'un membre de PS3Gen fera un tutoriel plus tard (si quelqu'un est partant). Toutes les consignes sont les mêmes, excepté que vous n'avez pas besoin du dongle PS3USERCHEAT.

Et ce n'est PAS compatible avec le dongle True Blue et le custom firmware True Blue.

Mini-tutoriel pour utiliser la fonction capture d'écran en jeu (je traduira plus tard) :

To take screenshot, just load the game with multiMAN or other manager, and then, before starting the game, start CU (ps3usercheat) and press "triangle" to exit. After this just play the game like usual and pres the PS button during gameplay. Navigate to PHOTOS and you'll see "take screenshot"! It works for me, this way. Haven't tried enabling any cheats, though, cuz I don't need 'em...

Le résultat avec God Of War :


Source : PS3Hax

Des informations suplémentaires de la part du modérateur du forum PS3USERCHEAT anglais :


Mini-tutoriel en anglais pour faire fonctionner le PKG :

1) I loaded gaia manager up and checked my game ID number top right ;
2) This case was GOW III BCES000510 ;
3) So loaded this as you usually do and checked my blu ray had auto changed to GOW III >>yes fine

4) So now loaded up cheat program ;
5) Selected game and same game id and turned on wanted cheats. then press START ;
6) This took me back to XMB ;
7) Selected my blue ray game and bling bling was auto loaded ;

Source : PSX-Scene

Un autre tutoriel provenant du même site :

PS3usercheat Tutorial

Many people have requested a tutorial for the PS3usercheat application released by oct0xor. I will attempt to explain how to use this tool in the most simple way possible without skipping over any details. I hope this helps you, and by all means feel free to spread the word.

*Note - Before you ask, this WILL NOT work with True Blue CFW or Cobra CFW. You will need to switch to a compatible CFW of your choice. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using REBUG 3.55.2. However, the process should remain the same for any popular 3.55 CFW.

You will need to download the PS3usercheat PKG file from here, here, or here. Hopefully this part is self explanatory, but if not, then continue on...
Unzip the file and put the .pkg file on the root of a USB drive (The package should be named UP0001-CHET11111_00-0000111122223333.pkg)

Insert your USB drive into the PS3 and find the "Install Package" option under the Game column in the XMB. Install the package. After the package has been installed, the PS3usercheat icon should be visible under Game. This is a good time to insert your PS3 game disc and load up a game from Multiman or whatever you use for a backup manager. Be sure to make note of the game ID before loading it up...you WILL need it.

Run PS3usercheat (or CU or Code Unique...whatever the hell you wanna call it) and locate your game in the list. It is VERY important that your game ID's match up or this will not work properly. When you find your game, press Circle to view the available cheats. Again, you MUST press Circle to select the cheats that you want. After selecting your cheats, press Start.

You should be back at the XMB now.

*Note - I noticed that if you try loading your game through the */app_home/PS3_GAME/ option, the cheats might not work and when you quit the game, the cheats will be reset (Ex: God of War III on REBUG 3.55.2). That being the case, I would run the game from the disc icon instead.

Run the game from the disc icon and wait for it to load. Test the cheats out and if they work, great! If not, double check your game ID. Also, BE SURE you run the game from the disc icon instead of */app_home/PS3_GAME/

This process worked fine for me. Others may have different results due to firmwares etc. Any questions just post and someone will surely help you out. A big thanks to oct0xor for this great release, and thanks to PSX-Scene for everything!

Source : PSX-Scene
Lien tutoriel officiel : http://psx-scene.com/forums/content/tutorial-ps3usercheat-pkg-guide-non-dongle-users-2333/

Quelques retours de membres de PS3Hax avec différentes astuces et solutions :


Liste des résolutions d'images pour les captures d'écran :


Le PKG est confirmé fonctionnel avec le custom firmware Kmeaw et Rebug (version 3.55).

Le PKG est confirmé non-fonctionnel avec le True Blue et Cobra USB ainsi que leur custom firmware associé.
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