
[2.00 - 2.01] eloader 0.9.7 update mode

Source: magixien

On en a pas parlé de suite, mais vous avez été nombreux à nous signaler cette info:  Fanjita et ditlew ont releasé une version particulière de leur eloader. Celle-ci permet d'accéder à un mode particulier appelé UPDATE MODE. Du coup, certains y voient déjà un futur downgrader 2.01 et la fébrilisation guette certains de nos membres. Et pourtant, aucune raison de s'emballer...

nous permet de continuer l'aventure PSP-GENERATION -

Le 9 mai 2006 Fanjita et Ditlew publiaient: un article appelé " The Mythical Downgrader" (le downgrader Mythique):

We've been hearing a lot of rumours and questions about downgraders recently. It seems that someone has been spreading a rumour that we have made a downgrader for v2.01+, but won't release it because we don't like downgraders. We'd like to just set the record straight, because it's getting annoying.

We would never hold back on an interesting hack for the PSP, without good reason. That's because, generally, we'd never work on something that we didn't think was safe to release - which is why we've never bothered to mess about with ISO loading.

We do have an unreleased downgrader for v2.0. The only reason it is unreleased is because there's no point - there are already perfectly functional downgraders for v2.0, that have been tested by tens of thousands of people, so what's the use of releasing something that's only been tested by one? In theory, that v2.0 downgrader would also work for v2.01 - in fact, it was originally written for 2.01, in the hope that we could use the GTA exploit to downgrade. But as we all know, the GTA exploit is no use for that, and so no v2.01+ downgrader is possible yet.

The only thing I can think of that might have fuelled these rumours is that we were experimenting with the v2.0 downgrader along with the UPDATE-mode discovery, but we found that that also does not have write access to flash0, so can't be used for a downgrader.

Also, some people seem to think that we're in some way opposed to downgraders, in the same way that we're opposed to ISO loaders. That's just not true - we believe that everyone has the right to upgrade and downgrade as they please (but at their own risk). If we found a way to downgrade, you can be sure that we'd share it.

Anyway, enough of the conspiracy rumours - please stop!

Dans ce long article, on apprend que, malgré quelques rumeurs persistantes, nos amis n'ont pas de downgrader caché mais que s'ils en avaient un, il le releaseraient sans complexe car ils estiment que le downgrade et le upgrade ne sont pas du piratage mais un droit finalement.

Quelques jours plus tard, Moonlight postait sur le forum de QJ une méthode permettant à GTA de rebooter en mode UPDATE ce qui , d'après lui, pourrait éventuellement permettre d'écrire dans le flash0. Partant sur ce principe, Fanjita et Ditlew ont donc publié un patch pour l'eloader 0.9.7 qui permet de rebooter la PSP en mode UPDATE. Ceci n'intéressant clairement que les programmeurs curieux d'explorer ce mode particulier de la PSP, inutile donc de vous plonger dedans si vous ne maîtriser pas ,un tant soit peu, le monde de la programmation.

Voici le message accompagnant la release:

It's been a little while since we updated eLoader, and a few people have been asking what's happening. So here's a little update on what we've been up to.

We spent a little time looking at various exploit possibilities, and some of that work is still on-going. We can't say much about what those involve, because the chances are that nothing will come of them, so there's no point in getting people excited. One thing that did come out of all that though, is Moonlight's discovery that GTA can be rebooted in UPDATE mode. If you're a developer with a v2.0 or v2.01 PSP, and want to explore update mode, then you can download an eLoader patch here that will allow eLoader to support UPDATE mode.

Note that this only works on v2.0 or v2.01, and is only useful to developers looking to explore the UPDATE mode environment. We don't yet have the syscall mappings for v2.5 or v2.6 - if you happen to have a v2.5 or v2.6, and understand how to obtain a memory dump using GTA, then please take a look in the README.TXT file inside that patch download. If you can obtain a memory dump from one of those firmwares in UPDATE mode, then with your help we would be able to generate the updated syscall mappings - thanks.

Remember - update mode isn't useful to the vast majority of PSP users, and probably won't lead to anything useful; but for developers, it's vaguely interesting to play with.

On other fronts, we haven't been doing much with eLoader recently, for several reasons:
We're busy cleaning up the code, trying to flush out some bugs and make a stable platform for further development. While we do that, it's difficult to also develop anything new. Fanjita's laptop, with his compiler and development environment, is away for repairs, so he can't do any work on the PSP for a week or so. While it's away, he's been working on a new project which should benefit all homebrew users, and will hopefully be unveiled in the next few weeks. Ditlew has been busy in his personal life, and also on a couple of side projects. Have fun with UPDATE mode, we'll see you soon!

En clair, l'utilité de cette release, même avec quelques jours de plus, reste très incertaine mais faisons confiance à tous ceux qui cherchent :-).

Patch UPDATE pour eloader 0.9.7

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[sources : noobz - QJ]

2 00 2 01

Commenter 19 commentaires

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Tom Vivares
J'espere que ce loader va pouvoir s'etendre jusqu'a la 2.60!
Sinon , simple supposition : Vous ne pensez pas que fanjita a un downgrade entre les mains mais il ne veut pas le sortir et qu'il fasse tous ca pour que qqun d'autre trouve un DG ?
Car dans ca tete il a du se dire : si je sort ce DG les log & hombrews pirate vont se multiplier a cause(grace) a moi
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Philoo7 Wrote:J'espere que ce loader va pouvoir s'etendre jusqu'a la 2.60!
Sinon , simple supposition : Vous ne pensez pas que fanjita a un downgrade entre les mains mais il ne veut pas le sortir et qu'il fasse tous ca pour que qqun d'autre trouve un DG ?
Car dans ca tete il a du se dire : si je sort ce DG les log & hombrews pirate vont se multiplier a cause(grace) a moi

Faut arrêter de regarder X files :lol:
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Tom Vivares
Ca n'ajoute rien, c'est juste un mode de la psp comme le kernel mode ou l'user mode... Aucun intérêt si vous n'avez pas de notion en programmation... Ce mode est proche du game mode mais charge quelques modules de plus qui semblent, à première vue, sans intérêt... Laissons faire les programmeurs, qui trouveront peut être une façon d'exploiter tout cela...
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wayzani_2003 Wrote:OUi voila j'ai une psp2.0 je me demande quesce que ca ajoute de plus ???

rien pour toi vu que tu as une 2.0 ,d'ailleurs tu peut la passer en 1.5 (il existe deja un downgroad 2.0 :arrow: 1.5) et pour ceux qui sont en 2.01 peut etre un nouvelle espoir de passer en 1.5 :wink:
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