
[1.50] DAX ZISO Loader 0.4

Source: magixien

Passage de la mise à jour 0.3 à la 0.4 de cet utilitaire à la mode. De mieux en mieux et de plus en plus simple.

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Traduction à venir dans le journée :-)

Quoi de neuf docteur dans cette version ?

- 0.4. March, 24.

* Added 4 new emulation modes: System Menu - MPHGL, MPHGL - VSH Exec, DirectLoad - LoadExec and
MPHGL - LoadExec.
* Added the option "Allocate tables in RAM". When in off, compatibility will be greater than in
previous versions.
* Copy Load now uses the function "sceKernelLoadExec", as UMDEMULATOR does.
* The program now uses a different configuration file than UMDEMULATOR, avoiding in this way
that UMDEMULATOR resets it to 72 bytes.
* Removed the limitation that caused that if before the compression the iso had more than about
1365 MB, DAXZISO didn't allocate the memory for the tables.

Explications et compatibilité des différentes méthodes:

- Off: the iso won't be emmulated and the program will exit to the system menu. This method
only has sense if you want to emulate the flash0 & flash1.

- System menu. It returns to the system menu, letting you to load the game through the system
menu or another loader like mphgameloader or FastLoader("Start inserted UMD").
This is one of the most compatible methods.

- Direct load. It will directly load your iso. At the moment, it seems that this method is
less compatible than the "System menu" and "Direct Load - LoadExec" ones. Be always sure
that you try the different methods to see which one is the best for your games.

- Copy load. It will copy the game boot.bin file to ms0:/UMDEMULATOR/DBOOT.BIN and it will
load it. This method has changed in this version, now it uses the sceKernelLoadExec function
as UMDEMULATOR does. Now it's more compatible although the "Direct Load - LoadExec" method is
probably more compatible.

- MPHGL. To use this method you'll need the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/mphloader.prx"of the
MPHGameLoader application. It seems to be the less compatible methods of all.
It's more compatible use the system menu one and execute mphgameloader, or the new methods
"System Menu - MPHGL" and "MPHGL - VSH Exec"

- Original UMDEMULATOR: to use this method you'll need to copy the EBOOT.PBP from UMDEMULATOR
(the folder without the %) to ms0:/UMDEMULATOR and rename it to "UMDEMU.ELF"

This method will load the original umdemulator letting it to load isos in dax format.
The compatibility of different load methods inside UMDEMULATOR should be more or less the
same that those from DAXZISO, although it may have some differences.

- System Menu - MPHGL. This method returns to the system menu: in that moment you can run
your emulated umd from the system menu. Instead of executing the disc, the firmware will
execute the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP" which will load your 2.XX game.
To use this method you need to copy the EBOOT.PBP from
"ms0:/PSP/GAME/[name of folder where you have MPHGL]/EBOOT.PBP" to
"ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP" (it's possible that if you have one of those mods of
UMDEMULATOR/FastLoader/DevHook you have already done this step).

The compatibility of this method is greater than "MPHGL" and exactly the same than exiting
to the system menu and then running mphgl.

- MPHGL - VSH Exec. With this method your psp will reboot and after that it will auomatically
run MPHGameLoader (remember, it must be in the path "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP").

The compatibility of this method is greater than "MPHGL" and exactly the same than exiting
to the system menu and then running mphgl.

- DirectLoad - LoadExec. This method looks like "Direct Load", but instead of using the
sceKernelLoad/StartModule functions, it uses sceKernelLoadExec; because of that, the system
will have more free memory, and this makes it more compatible than "Direct Load" and almost
as compatible as "System Menu". The only problem is that it always will run the BOOT.BIN
file (even if that option is in off), because sceKernelLoadExec fails with EBOOT.BIN.

- MPHGL - LoadExec. This method doesn't work in my psp :) I've included it because there is the
posibility that it works in other psp's. If it worked, it would be more compatible than
"MPHGL" and almost as compatible as "System Menu" + running mphgl, "System Menu - MPHGL" and
"MPHGL - VSH Exec". If it's confirmed that it don't work, I'll remove it in the next version.
This method also needs the file "ms0:/MPHGameLoader/EBOOT.PBP"

- Option "Allocate tables in RAM". If your game worked well in version 0.3, leave this parameter
to "on", because decompression will be faster than in "off". If you game didn't work in version
0.3, set it to off: that will decrease memory use and increase compatibility.

- The other parameters are handled by the UMDEMULATOR core and their meanings are the same than

- To quit ISO emulation, execute the loader and press triangle.

Mais comment on l'installe sur la PSP ce truc ?

L'installation se fait simplement. Il faut avoir winrar installé (winrar est beaucoup mieux que winzip).

Connectez votre PSP à votre ordinateur (tuto ici au cas où). Il vous suffit de télécharger l'archive puis de cliquer, avec le bouton droit, dessus en choisissant l'option extraire les fichiers. Quand la fenêtre de sélection s'ouvre, choisissez la lettre affectée à votre PSP et validez. Tous les fichiers se mettrons directement là où il faut.

- Rappel -
Utiliser un ISO sans avoir le jeu original est illégal et passible de fortes amendes et d'emprisonnement.

Vous trouverez toutes les infos sur ce programme en cliquant ici et en lisant l'article.

Laissez vos commentaires en cliquant ici

DAX ZISO Loader 0.4

Outil pour créer ou décompresser des fichiers DAX:
(A mettre sur son PC)

DAX Creator et decompressor 0.2


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Tom Vivares
> ti-rollo

burnout 423 > 245
virtua tennis 400 > 176
toca race driver 2 730 > 347

> kmel77

c'est écrit dans la news , c'est toi qui doit compresser ton iso en .dax :wink:
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ça fait le 4 em jeux que j'assaie et ça fait le 4em qui bloque. Je vais essayer avec une compression moins "forte", pour voir si ça joue sur le bon deroulement du jeux.
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